"Young master, you should know that people's words are formidable. The sword of words is more powerful than the cold sword."

"From a small point of view, Miss Li is not acting, but being designed." Nangong moon falls on the woman who pretends to wipe her tears with a smile when she talks about being designed.

Only wipe the tears to cover up his heart.

"Ah, you little fellow, why do you say that she was schemed by others? I see that you and Li Hanyu are having an affair, and you are trying to pour dirty water on me with ulterior motives." Pool Ying cold face, eyes of disgust, despise more Sheng.

He turned his head to look at Li Hanyu. His words were more mean and said, "Li Hanyu, you look like this, and this kind of goods can swallow you. In today's world, I'm afraid there is no normal man willing to marry you. "

Pool Ying cold words fall, lead a side goose yellow brocade woman: "cloud son, let's go."

"Brother Han, I also believe that yu'er is not such a person. Yu'er must have been calculated. Brother Han, let's listen to yu'er explain things clearly... "Yun'er seems to be persuading Chi yinghan as she walks.

Li Hanyu's heart is bleeding

Nangong yueluo sighs. This man is blind. He likes this kind of green tea bitch.

"Wu Wu Wu..." Li Hanyu squatted on the ground and wailed.

The onlookers pointed for a while, and when they saw that there was no drama to watch, they scattered.

Yueluo also wants to go. Li Hanyu grabs yueluo's hand and whispers: "Miss Nangong, thank you. Now I'm very sad and want to have a big meal. Please accompany me

Li Hanyu's a Nangong big miss, let Nangong month fall surprised.

Li Hanyu took her hand and walked into the luxurious "Qiongyao Pavilion" in front of her.

But Li Hanyu ordered a large table of delicious food.

"Eat, you eat, the food here is delicious!" Say, the hand of fat Du Du directly grasps a pig hoof to wantonly gnaw.

Li Hanyu is biting and gnawing. Although there is a trace of sadness in his eyes at the moment, it is more replaced by delicious food?

Nangong moon sighs in her heart. No wonder Li Hanyu's tonnage is so heavy.

These days in the prime minister's office is not good to eat, the moon is also grabbed a pig's hoof to chew up.

"Miss Li, how can you tell it's me at a glance?" Nangong yueluo asked suspiciously.

"Well, I've seen you once. After I've seen people, no matter how you disguise yourself, I can tell them from each other. I don't know why, but I have this ability, so I often handle cases quietly for my father. " Li Hanyu smiles and continues to chew the pig's hoof.

"Case handling?" Nangong yueluo looks at Li Hanyu suspiciously.

"Yes, the case. The girl just now is Miss Su Yeyun. On the one hand, because my father caught Su Ruyi, my heart was filled with hatred; Second, because my father was ordered to investigate the Su family, the Su family seemed to be aware of it, so Su Yeyun deliberately framed me with brother Han. " Li Hanyu is eating and is not shy about the moon falling in Nangong.

"Are you really sad or fake?" Nangong yueluo stares at Li Hanyu and asks.

"It's true to like brother Han, and it's true to be sad, but I've been hurt countless times, and I know that brother Han won't like an ugly woman like me. Just now also just is to plan, let Su Ye cloud think I like her idea There are some lost ways in Li Hanyu's voice.

Damn, in ancient times, these people were very clever. Just now, she even looked away and thought that Li Hanyu really wanted to jump into the river and kill herself.

Nangong yueluo gathered her thoughts and asked, "you are not afraid to get married after your reputation is ruined?"

"Marry what? Brother Han doesn't like me, and I don't like others. Besides, how many men in the world don't judge people by their appearance. If I marry someone who can't really treat me, I might as well not. Besides, who stipulates that women must marry? Can't a woman live a different life? "

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