When Zhou Yujie was waiting for the evil emperor's arrival in the "Bing Ocean", on the other side, Hercules also felt the peace of Zhou Yujie for the first time, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, "Jie, I can finally sense you! "However, he cannot be sure that Zhou Yujie is there...

"Tomac, there is still no way to contact Jie's correspondence?" Hercules asked Tomac, how much he hoped that Zhou Yujie could respond to him.

"Grand Prince, His Royal Highness Jie has blocked all your past messages. I have activated the safe mode. I hope to lock the position of His Highness Jie in the shortest possible time." Tomac has tried many methods but failed. As expected, if Kress hadn't told him this method, I'm afraid they would be even more at a loss.

"Is the position of the evil emperor locked?" Hercules is not stupid. Zhou Yujie is unwilling to see himself, but it does not mean that he may not contact the evil emperor. As long as the evil emperor is locked on, maybe they can find Zhou Yujie through the evil emperor.

"Mr. Evil Emperor's mecha hasn't moved since it entered the dust galaxy." Tomac would answer the same questions from his eldest prince every day.

"Continue to monitor, Jie will contact him sooner or later." Although Hercules was not reconciled, in terms of Zhou Yujie's personality, his chances of finding the Evil Emperor on the initiative were much greater than finding himself. What about jealousy? If it hadn't been for someone to provoke them, he and Jie wouldn't be what they are today. After all, instead of blaming others, shouldn't the person who should blame himself be himself?

"Grand Prince, there is new news from the Universe Alliance." The information officer reported the news just received to Hercules.

"What's the matter?" Hercules also knew that if it weren't for something big, it would be impossible for the Universe Alliance to issue such a big announcement.

"Back to the prince, someone has discovered the mineral star field." The communications officer replied.

This is definitely a big thing. You know, in the entire Universe Alliance, apart from their four major celebrity star systems, three middle celebrity star systems with better luck, and the older families in the four universes, there is no more mineral star field. No one has ever found it. What kind of **** luck did the guy who discovered the mineral star field this time take!

"Is it from that galaxy?" Tomac asked back. No matter who it is, it will be valued by people in their galaxy.

"According to the news from the Universe Alliance, the other party only reported the discovery of the mineral star field, but did not report the galaxy, so it seems that the other party should be a free person." The communications officer's words can be the key point.

The free person who has not joined the galaxy now has such a mineral star field, let alone the value of its minerals, he alone should have become the target of the major galaxies.

"Do you know who the other party is?" Hercules asked.

"After the other party reported it, it applied for security and confidentiality, and we were unable to investigate." The communications officer replied with some regret.

"Tomac, you are responsible here first." Hercules left the command room after speaking. For such a big thing, I am afraid that the other three galaxies will also be dispatched. They must act quickly if they want to get that piece of minerals. Originally, he should have done such a thing, but in order to find Zhou Yujie, such a thing would naturally have to be handled by Ares.

Just now Hercules had finished talking with Mark Rui, and as soon as he went out, he saw Tomac standing at the door, "What's the matter?"

"The prince, the funds in His Royal Highness Jie's account just started to flow." After Tomac knew about the situation for the first time, he naturally wanted to tell Hercules the news.

"Is it found that Jie is there now?" Hercules naturally no matter what Zhou Yujie does with the money, he only needs Zhou Yujie to be there.

"Grand Prince, His Royal Highness Jie used the money in his ID account to buy a hundred mining robots, but the delivery address is a place we don't know." After a pause, Tomac said: " Grand Prince, don’t you think that His Royal Highness Jie’s sudden purchase of mining robots is a bit..."

"You mean, Jie is the discoverer of the mineral star field this time?" Hercules took Tomac's unfinished words.

However, Tomac's analysis is not unreasonable. It has been more than three months since Zhou Yujie disappeared. Suddenly, the Universe Alliance issued such a news that Zhou Yujie was buying mining robots at this moment, which made people wonder.

"Perhaps, nine out of ten..." Tomac didn't dare to say too hard, lest the prince of time would be overjoyed...

"Tomac, whether the other party is Jay or not, find the other party before talking." Hercules thought for a moment. Since this is not impossible, then he is willing to try!

"Yes, the prince." Tomac immediately went to find someone.

"Xiaojie..." The evil emperor woke up from his deep sleep and watched the communicator of his mecha constantly flickering. His first reaction was that Zhou Yujie had sent a message to himself.

Zhou Yujie looked at the evil emperor’s expression a little bad, and asked concerned: "Emperor, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." The evil emperor shook his head, how could he tell Zhou Yujie the news that he almost died. It turned out that in order to find Zhou Yujie, the evil emperor naturally used his own **** to find it. However, he also knew that his own **** could not survive for long in the universe.

In order to overcome this difficulty, the evil emperor continuously improved his abilities, and even absorbed a large amount of energy in the universe in one breath. If you can abandon your breath, or use other energy or elements to represent oxygen, does it mean you can walk in the universe?

For this reason, while the evil emperor released his own sex, on the other hand, he thought about what to do in order to adapt to the universe more quickly. But in this way, he accelerated the consumption of his body, and almost took his own life into it.

"Emperor, I went to a place where I couldn't contact you, but now I finally came out to contact you." Zhou Yujie knew that the evil emperor must have been worried about himself for these three months, so he would comfort him.

"Xiaojie, where are you now?" The evil emperor now only hopes to rush to Zhou Yujie's side immediately.

"Emperor, I will find the coordinates of Star Airline on your mecha, and then you will be fine." Zhou Yujie actually felt that the evil emperor must have been looking for himself very hard during this period, and then he said: "Emperor, I am very safe here now, just come over slowly."

"Xiaojie, don't worry about me, I will definitely rush over as soon as possible." Although the evil emperor's face is a bit bad, he is very clear about his body. As long as he is on the way to Zhou Yujie, he will absorb enough from the universe. Naturally, the power will be restored.

"The emperor, I will wait for you." Zhou Yujie also knew that he and the evil emperor didn't need to say anything, because he said, the evil emperor would not do that.

"His Royal Highness, General Li of the Third Army of the Universe Alliance Army is here." Guang Brain reminded Zhou Yujie after Zhou Yujie and the evil emperor had finished the dialogue.

"Connect his communication for me." Since Zhou Yujie reported "Bing Ocean" through the optical brain, the Universe Alliance quickly analyzed the data transmitted through the mecha optical brain. At the same time, they also sent A professional spacecraft came to conduct an on-site investigation. After a week of strict procedures, Zhou Yujie had the right to mine the mineral star field "Ice Ocean".

Because Zhou Yujie did not join any galaxy, the safety of this star field naturally fell on the Cosmos Alliance Army. When the galaxies were boiling due to mineral production, General Li of the Third Army of the Universe Alliance had already arrived in this star field.

"Hello, Mr. Jie." Li saw Zhou Yujie and said hello first.

"General Li, you are too polite." Zhou Yujie did not correct General Li's grievances.

This is also because after Zhou Yujie contacted the online community again, he found that the Emerald Galaxy had already publicized the fact that it was a mermaid. Because they didn't say the color of their mermaid, but the rewards issued were higher than one, it has long become one of the hottest topics at the moment.

If you are found to be a mermaid by others, I am afraid that the one who greets him is definitely not welcome, maybe it is a crazy round up! For the sake of safety, Zhou Yujie only used "Jie" as a name when he registered, except for his own ID.

"Mr. Jie is cooperating with this general. I have a few rules that I hope Mr. Jie can abide by. I will post these rules to your mecha in a while." General Li is worthy of being a soldier, and his work is simple and clear.

"It's hard work." Zhou Yujie nodded and said: "My mining robot may be able to operate in two days."

"I will finish the guard work before the robots do their work." General Li is already very familiar with this job. "If Your Royal Highness needs your army to **** and transport ore, the cost will be extra." General Li It also reminded Zhou Yujie of this.

Although the mined ore can be traded in the online community, delivery is the seller’s business. And their army is only responsible for protecting the mineral area, not for delivering goods. If you want to deliver goods safely, you have to pay for it!

"This is natural." Zhou Yujie had already understood through the optical brain before that, besides, although the minerals he was mining were ordinary ores, he naturally had to cooperate with the defenders for safety.

"I heard that Mr. Jie has no galaxies. If you are interested, you can join our cross galaxy." Although General Li is a general of the Third Army of the Universe Alliance, the Army of the Universe Alliance is similar to the United Nations peacekeeping force on Earth. Personnel dispatched by various countries. General Li belongs to the cross galaxy. Since he has the upper hand, he naturally wants to invite Zhou Yujie for his galaxy.

"General Li, I don't have this interest yet. Thank you." Zhou Yujie really doesn't have this idea for the time being. In fact, he is really at a loss now. It's like he was suddenly hit by a few million, but he became a homeless person...

"I just said casually." General Li didn't want to upset his employer, so he immediately changed the subject, "Mr. Jie, I'm going to the security guard first. If you need anything, you can contact me via ID." After speaking, he hung up the communication.

After Zhou Yujie swam around in the mecha, he said, "Next, what should I do?"

"His Royal Highness, we can start trading after the first batch of raw ore comes out." Guangnao replied: "If you feel bored, you can go to the nearest planet to see. In addition, I suggest you buy one. A small spaceship.” Guang Brain would suggest that, it is completely that it has not been returned to the mecha buttons for more than three months to repair.

"That's a good idea!" After Zhou Yujie nodded, he flew towards the nearest planet.

It’s just that, he never thought that Guang Brain’s suggestion would pass Ares. Sometimes, human fate is like this...

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