Mota Jupiter, as a small colony star on the edge of the Centaur galaxy, has been marginalized for many years, so news here is still relatively closed.

After Zhou Yujie drove the mecha close to the path of Motamu, he applied for a request to enter the planet, and Mota Jupiter soon accepted Zhou Yujie's application.

When Zhou Yujie drove the mech into Motam's atmosphere, he discovered that there are basically semi-mechanized existences on this planet. In the universe, there are not as many intelligent creatures as there are on Earth. A colony star with 100,000 people is already a relatively prosperous planet.

And for a marginal colonial star like Motam, there are no more than 10,000 original residents. Therefore, most things on this planet are done by intelligent machines.

After Zhou Yujie landed and put away his mecha, the port was really deserted compared to the port of the Emperor Star in the emerald galaxy, and almost no one could be seen. Because, who has nothing to come to such a fringe planet? Except for interstellar explorers who occasionally pass by here and stop for supplies.

"Mr. Jie, welcome to say Mota Jupiter, the temporary access you applied for can stay on this planet for three days." When a light screen saw Zhou Yujie, he told him that he could stay here for three days. . When he applied to enter here, his identity information naturally entered the system of this planet, so the light screen could accurately recognize Zhou Yujie.

"Thank you." Zhou Yujie nodded politely, and then he said again: "Can you give me a map of here?"

"Please wait." After Guangping finished speaking, he mobilized his own data and sent a map to Zhou Yujie's bracelet communicator. Then it asked: "Is there any service needed?"

"Is there a hotel here? I need to rest." Zhou Yujie actually slept for three months, but he didn't rest much during this period. He still thought it would be better to take a break.

"At the door, there is a free floating car that can take Mr. Jie to the hotel." After Guangping finished speaking, he did not speak.

"Thank you." Zhou Yujie thanked again and walked out of the port.

After leaving the port, there was a row of simplest floating cars parked outside. Zhou Yujie entered a car and entered the address to be reached, and the floating car naturally automatically navigated.

On the way to the hotel, Zhou Yujie had a general understanding of Mota Jupiter through optical brain. Mota Jupiter is like the country's border town. The population of the entire planet is less than 10,000, and these personnel are basically technicians. Therefore, it seems a bit difficult to find an intelligent creature on this planet. Because here are basically replaced by machines.

"Welcome to Mr. Jie." The robot opened the door for Zhou Yujie, "The room you reserved is ready, please come with me."

Here are basically robots, so Zhou Yujie had already booked a room on the way here.

The building of this hotel is not high, it looks like the fourth to fifth floor. Under the leadership of the robot, Zhou Yujie entered a room on the third floor.

"Mr. Jie, if you need anything, you can make an appointment with the screen in advance." After the robot finished speaking, he left.

Zhou Yujie looked at the room. The furniture in the room was very simple. The bed, wardrobe, desk, and coffee table were nothing special anymore.

Zhou Yujie scanned it with his wristband, and the electrical equipment in the room appeared in front of him. A thin computer appeared on the desk, a drinking fountain appeared on the coffee table, the TV was naturally embedded on the wall, and a wall lamp appeared beside the bed.

Zhou Yujie took out a change of clothes from her space and went into the bathroom. The hotel’s bathroom is also high-tech. If you want to use it, Zhou Yujie must scan it with his wristband, and then use it.

After taking a hot bath, Zhou Yujie fell asleep on the soft big bed. After this sleep, he woke up from his sleep until his stomach was a little hungry. Seeing the time, he was about five hours or so.

After putting on the clothes, Zhou Yujie drank a glass of water and then started ordering food through the computer. After half an hour, the food was delivered to his room. Fortunately, the taste of the food here is acceptable to Zhou Yujie, otherwise, he is afraid that he will really be hungry.

After eating and drinking, Zhou Yujie decided to go for a walk, so he got out of the hotel, got on the car, and went to the supermarket. Although most of the transactions between the various accounts can now be completed through the online community, the supermarket has not been replaced by it. After all, some things are fresher and more delicious.

Zhou Yujie wanted to go to the supermarket this time, mainly because he almost died in the "ice ocean" because of lack of food. He ate a bit and gained a lot of wisdom. Now Zhou Yujie naturally needs to prepare more food for himself.

"Welcome to Mr. Jie, I don't know what I can do for you." The robot stood at the door and greeted Zhou Yujie.

"I want to buy some convenient foods that can be stored for a long time." Zhou Yujie's wristband space can hold food, but he cannot keep food for life. Therefore, if he wants to prepare some urgent food, he must ensure that it can be stored for a long time.

"Mr. Jie is going to do interstellar travel?" The robot asked back.

"Almost." Zhou Yujie didn't understand why the robot said that, but he knew that interstellar travel also needs to bring a lot of food, so if you want to prepare food by yourself, bringing those food should not be bad.

"There are three options, the first is some soilless cultured plants and some frozen fresh meat; the second is suitable for deep dormant nutrition chambers, we will provide nutrient solution for more than one year; the third is the most convenient nutrition It's done. Mr. Jie doesn't know you want to buy one?" After the robot inquired, he answered Zhou Yujie.

Zhou Yujie thought about it. He didn't have a spaceship yet, so it was impossible to choose the first type. The second type was already available on his mecha, so there was only the third type left. To be honest, if he hadn't given Zhou Yukai the nutrients from his body before, he wouldn't have been so embarrassed. It seemed that it was more convenient to prepare nutrients by yourself than food, so he said, "Give the nutrients."

The robot asked again: "The nutrient is divided into three types: elementary, intermediate, and advanced. The prices are one crystal coin for elementary level, ten crystal coins for intermediate level, and one hundred crystal coins for advanced level. Which one do you want?"

"Is there a trial?" Zhou Yujie really hadn't drunk any nutrient other than the one made by Hercules, so he himself didn't know what the nutrient was given to him by Hercules.

"Yes." The robot took three small cups of nutrients to Zhou Yujie.

However, after Zhou Yujie tried it, he really felt that he wanted to vomit. This is something more awful than traditional Chinese medicine. Is it really a nutrient? Zhou Yujie couldn't accept it at all, so he asked again: "Apart from these three nutrients, is there anything else?"

"There are also nutritional supplements for mermaid. However, Mr. Jie is not a mermaid, and you have no partner, so you are not eligible to buy it." The robot replied.

No matter the most remote planet in the universe, there are the best things for mermaid on it, just for fear that one day, the mermaid will come here.

"So are there compressed cakes, or dehydrated vegetables?" Zhou Yujie can only take the second place. He really can't accept the taste of those nutrients...

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Jie, we don't have the commodities you mentioned." The robot changed its head. It had never heard the other party's words.

Zhou Yujie was speechless at once, and it seemed that his plan to buy food was ruined. As a result, Zhou Yujie could only buy some clothes and some work clothes for working in the universe, and then left the supermarket.

Three days passed quickly. When Zhou Yujie drove his mech back to the "Ice Ocean", a lot of spacecraft had already stayed outside of the "Ice Ocean."

"What the **** is going on?" Zhou Yujie hasn't figured it out yet, why are so many spaceships parked here?

"His Royal Highness, there are already a lot of people from galaxies coming to "Bingyang". Apart from wanting to see you, some are here to pan for gold." Guangnao told Zhou Yujie about their current situation.

"Didn't I hide my identity? Why did they come?" Zhou Yujie really didn't understand, why these people still came to him?

"His Royal Highness, the mineral star field is very attractive to them, so people from all major galaxies still want to come here to try their luck." Guangnao replied again.

"Then let them wait." Zhou Yujie was reluctant to follow these people who approached him with purpose. In addition, he asked: "You just said, what happened to the group of people who were digging for gold?"

"Because the mineral star field is found here, no one knows whether there are separate mineral stars around, so some people come here to search for gold with the mentality of a try." Guangnao paused and said, " Your Royal Highness, those who are scouting, you'd better tell General Li, be careful of those people. "After all, those who hold the leaks are not necessarily good people. They stay here often for another purpose.

"You can send me a message to General Li!" Zhou Yujie nodded. He now has only one person, one mecha and one hundred mining robots. Even with the help of the Third Army, it is still too onerous. Thin. However, he was unwilling to turn his head to beg Hercules...

"His Royal Highness, the first batch of raw ore has been mined, do we need to sell it now?" Guang Brain reminded Zhou Yujie after giving General Li information.

"Hang it on the Internet, the price can be lower, and at the same time, tell the buyer that they need to pick up the goods by themselves." Zhou Yujie has nothing to deliver to them now, so he is willing to lower the price.

"Understood." Guangbrain reported the current market price to Zhou Yujie. After he set the price, Guangbrain listed the first batch of raw ore in the online community.

In less than half an hour, the first batch of raw ore was sold out. It will take three days for the second batch of raw ore to be collected. When Nubuat Money was deducted from the coins to the Universe and the Third Army, the remaining coins were as much as 70 million.

Looking at the money, Zhou Yujie's first reaction was to buy a spaceship. However, there is no spacecraft on Mota Jupiter. If Zhou Yujie wants to buy a spacecraft, he may order it through the online community. After buying the spacecraft, Zhou Yujie only has less than 10 million in his pocket.

Because he got the first prize, General Li naturally asked Zhou Yujie to be a guest. So, just before Hercules reached the "Ice Ocean", Zhou Yujie went to General Li's mobile battlestar as a guest...

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