Dark Light Chaser Chapter 24


Chapter 24 Undocumented Crimes

After calling Shi Feng, Ai Liang and Xu Zhihai sat in the The public benches in the vicinity are waiting quietly.

The sun shines on the two of them through the leaves.

Ai Liang bent forward and supported his face with his right hand, while Xu Zhihai leaned back on the bench and put his hands on his stomach and looked up at the sky.

This is like a murderer who is going to the police station to surrender himself.

Ai Liang is still a little confused, why did Xu Zhihai choose to surrender so easily?

In order to guide Wang Zi to kill Gao Jiajia, he prepared to create a coincidence for two whole years.

If it's just to retaliate against Gao Fuye and Wang Qiang, just find an opportunity to kill Gao Jiajia and Wang Zibu directly and it's over.

There is no need to accompany Ai Liang to turn himself in now if he is evading justice for a perfect crime.

Ai Liang turned his head to look at Xu Zhihai.

Forget it, I'm not a superhero who does so many other things, and it's not my turn to worry about these things.

Ai Liang eventually gave up the idea of reading Xu Zhihai's memory.

Buzz, buzz.

Ai Liang picked up the phone and pressed answer.

"Where are you now?"

Shi Feng's tone was a little rushed.

"The bench at the school gate."

Ai Liang saw a black civilian riot van appear around the corner with a tail-flick.

This is Shi Feng's car.

Shi Feng got off the co-pilot with his mobile phone and hung up after seeing Ai Liang himself.

Shi Feng took out a stun gun and pointed it at Xu Zhihai and asked Ai Liang, "Is he a suspect?"

"Well, he instigated Wang Zi to kill Gao Jiajia, Wang Qiang His death is also related to him."

Xu Zhihai hadn't answered yet, so Ai Liang helped him explain in advance.

But even if he was pointed at by the gun, Xu Zhihai had no fear and greeted Shi Feng with a smile: "Well, as he said."

I didn't wait for Shi Feng Xu Zhihai stretched out his arms when he called out to hold his head with both hands.

Xu Zhihai said with a smile: "I came from the head."

Shi Feng's tone of warning: "Think about some things clearly, if you say yes later Just kidding, I'll still arrest you!"

Xu Zhihai remain unmoved, keeping his arms outstretched.

"Gao Bin, handcuff people."

Seeing this, Shi Feng didn't say much nonsense and directly ordered Gao Bin to handcuff people.

Shi Feng himself pointed a gun at Xu Zhihai from beginning to end without any slack.

“Ai Liang, go take the passenger seat.”

Shi Feng opened the rear door and pushed Xu Zhihai inside and said to Ai Liang.

He is not big enough to let a student sit in the back row with the criminal suspect, even if the person is already handcuffed.

For the sake of safety, Shi Feng, who got into the car, not only fastened Xu Zhihai's seat belt, but also took out the second handcuffs and connected them to the door handle.

There was silence in the car, no one spoke.

As he approached the police team, Xu Zhihai suddenly asked, "Ai Liang, what's your reason for working so hard? Logically speaking, these matters have nothing to do with you?"

Ai Liang didn't look back, but he could be sure that Xu Zhihai was staring at him at this moment.

"A certain father's love touched me, it's that simple."

Ai Liang tilted his head and no one could see the expression on his face.

Although it was not stated explicitly, everyone in the car knew that Ai Liang was referring to Gao Fuye.

But no one knows, if Gao Fuye knew that Gao Jiajia died because of himself, he would rather be chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades than Gao Jiajia get a little hurt.

It's a pity that it's too late to say anything, this good father lost her daughter forever.

"He really loves his daughter."

Xu Zhihai couldn't help laughing: "hehe, it seems that I picked the wrong person."


"Speak slowly in the interrogation room if you have anything!"

Shi Feng stopped Xu Zhihai.

Xu Zhihai shrugged, closing his mouth obediently and honestly.

Xu Zhihai was handcuffed to the table while Shi Feng and Gao Bin sat opposite.


“Xu Zhihai.”



"Home address."

"I don't have a house."

Different from Wang Zi's method of interrogation, Shi Feng came up to ask a bunch of irrelevant questions, and occasionally Ask the same question repeatedly.

These questions were actually asked a few days ago when Xu Zhihai was brought in.

As for why I'm asking again now, it's because Shi Feng is building Xu Zhihai's EAC model.

The so-called EAC model is actually some linkage between the senses and the way of thinking when people are questioned.

The eyes are looking up, the visual memory of the brain is being activated; looking towards the upper right means that the image is being created, and looking towards the upper left is memorizing the image.

Looking straight, the brain's auditory memory is being activated; looking left, you are recalling sounds, and looking right, you are creating new ideas, such as imagining what others will say next.

Looking to the lower right, the brain's kinesthetic memory, sensory emotion is activated, but it cannot tell whether it is a memory or a lie.

Looking down to the left indicates logical thinking, i.e. arranging language.

As more and more questions were asked, Shi Feng began to feel troubled, because Xu Zhihai didn't have any expression changes or small movements, and looked straight into his eyes from beginning to end.

This model doesn't work for everyone, and Xu Zhihai is obviously included.

Obviously he has undergone corresponding polygraph training and will not reveal any weak spots.

This made Shi Feng begin to believe that he was really involved in the two murders.

“Did you write the novel in Wang Zi’s hand?”

Since it was impossible to tell whether Xu Zhihai was lying from his micro-expressions, Shi Feng planned to follow the usual practice to answer the question. Everyone asked first, and then slowly looked for clues and evidence.

The micro-expression interrogation only speeds up this process, not the key method.

"That's right, I used the recycle bin's printer to print it out and put it in the community."

Xu Zhihai admitted directly: "I deleted all the records on the computer, However, the memory card of the printer is still there, and there is a backup in it."

So cooperative?

Shi Feng was a little puzzled: "Are you so sure that Wang Zi will kill Gao Jiajia according to your ideas?"

"After observing him for half a year, I can't understand his character. And in reality, I also created a series of coincidences in the novel, I believe he will follow the script, and whether he will kill someone in the end depends on his own thoughts."

When he said this Xu Zhihai has no pride and pride in manipulating other people's lives at all, and his voice has no ups and downs, as if this result is as it should be by rights.

This calmness convinced Shi Feng that the novel must have been written by this person.

Secretly manipulating a person's life and guiding him to kill for himself, this Xu Zhihai is very terrifying, and only such a meticulous person can write such detailed modus operandi and post-mortem details.

Shi Feng crossed his fingers and stared at Xu Zhihai: "Is Wang Qiang's death related to you, and what role did you play in it?"

"I didn't plan to do it now. Kill the guy, but my friend didn't want to wait for me to slowly arrange him, so he killed him for me."

"Your friend? You have an accomplice? Who is he? What's his name? Where are you now?"

Hearing Xu Zhihai and his accomplices, Shi Feng immediately made a series of deadly calls.

Xu Zhihai gently smiled and said: "He told me the truth of my elder sister's death three years ago, and took out the surveillance video that should have been deleted at that time, but that video was not long ago. Just give it to me."

Shi Feng did not interrupt Xu Zhihai's statement and quietly waited for the following.

"As for who he is and what his name is, I don't know, I'm not lying, I really don't know. Every time he contacts me on a single line, he always wears a hoodie and a mask when we meet. Dress up. If I knew, I would have gone to his place to steal the video of the car accident."

"Since someone has the video of the car accident, why don't you report it to the traffic police, why do you still do these things? "

Gao Bin couldn't help but interjected and asked.

"He made a bet with me with a memory card."

Xu Zhihai had a sarcastic look on his face.

"The bet is very simple, he doesn't mind me telling the story, and see if anyone other than him is willing to help me get justice. If there is, he will add the memory card to me with the evidence chain. "

This looks like a unilateral bet in Xu Zhihai's favor.

But Shi Feng and Gao Bin stopped talking when they heard this.

This time it was Xu Zhihai's turn to stare at the two: "As you can see, because there is no clue, Wang Qiang was fired for negligence a few months after the car accident, and he compensated in the spirit of humanitarianism. I paid me tens of thousands of dollars in cash, and the matter was over and no one brought it up again, and the case began to be dealt with coldly."

Gao Bin's hand was just paused, and quickly continued to dance on the record book. on.

Shi Feng didn't intend to play any guilt psychological battle with Xu Zhihai, and directly pointed out the doubts about the bet: "Since you win, he will give you the memory card, so what if you lose?"


Xu Zhihai raised his brows: "If I lose, I will help him."


Shi Feng continued to ask.

Xu Zhihai spread out both hands: "I don't know."

Shi Feng rubbed his eyebrows, the repercussions that he hadn't slept for two days still came out.

While suffering from drowsiness and thinking about Xu Zhihai's confession, his head started to ache.

"Then the series of things you did later have something to do with him?"

"It doesn't matter, he doesn't plan to interfere in my revenge, and I don't plan to let him interfere."

Xu Zhihai said slightly frowned: "But he couldn't wait any longer, so he shot and killed Wang Qiang, and then put the wooden box I engraved in advance into Wang Qiang's hand."

Shi Feng pinched his thighs with his hands under the table. After suppressing his sleepiness with pain, he continued to ask, "What do the words on the wooden box mean?"

"This Ai Liang has already solved it. , you can ask him."

Xu Zhihai was too lazy to explain to Shi Feng.

"Find out your position! I ask, you answer!"

Shi Feng slammed the table and made a loud noise.

This is both a warning to Xu Zhihai and a suppression of the growing drowsiness.

Xu Zhihai was not frightened at all and said calmly: "This is a clue for you. Since the car accident three years ago left a clue, of course I have to give you some hope. It's a pity, I don't have time to continue the game."

"What is the clue, and what does it mean when I'm running out of time?"

Began to wake up slowly Shi Feng asked.

"Wang Zi's novel is called Narcissus; I engraved Eris on the skipping rope that strangled Gao Jiajia; Pandora was engraved on the wooden box on Wang Qiang's hand; as for the time is running out, that person wants to Take me away, as for where I'm going, I don't know."

I don't know, as long as the unidentified guy is involved, the answer is I don't know, whether that person is well hidden or Xu Zhihai Are you lying?

What's the difference between saying and not saying this kind of clue?

Shi Feng has a headache.

He looked into Xu Zhihai's eyes and didn't see any tension.

All mental activity is masked by the appearance of calm.

Xu Zhihai raised his handcuffed arm and said, "I'm done talking, can the two police officers take me to rest? If there is no problem, it's better to release me tomorrow morning. I'm going to collect waste tomorrow, and today I'll just spend one night in the detention center."

This idle attitude makes people angry.

"You still want to leave after committing so many things?"

Gao Bin really couldn't understand how Xu Zhihai's brain circuits worked, and after he surrendered to the criminal police team, he still wanted to leave immediately. If you leave, you really don't have to take responsibility when you turn yourself in?

"What did I do? It seems that I didn't do anything against the law. I don't break the law when I think about it in my mind."

Xu Zhihai asked rhetorically.

Xu Zhihai said this, and Gao Bin realized that although Xu Zhihai was at the center of the two murders, none of the cases had any direct connection with him.

"The content of your novel is illegal, and Wang Zi is still underage, so you can't escape the crime of instigation."

"The novel has not been published, I just put the manuscript in a certain The community is just for someone to see, even if the above series of coincidences are arranged by me, but the most crucial one, the one that led to the murder has nothing to do with me, I am impossible to control Gao Jiajia to find someone to confess, and also control Wang Ziyin to love and hate Go and strangle people? This is unforeseeable objectively."

Xu Zhihai looked at Gao Bin fearlessly: "As for Wang Qiang's death, it has nothing to do with me. After ten o’clock at night, I was picking up garbage at the waste recycling station. I had a perfect alibi. He couldn’t hold my box in his hand and say that I killed people. Others killed people and said they killed them for me. I Guilty? At least you have to come up with evidence."

Gao Bin had no temper at all.

Whether it's Shi Feng's silence or Ai Liang asking Xu Zhihai to turn himself in, it's because there is no evidence. Both are well aware that the law cannot try Xu Zhihai, at least not yet.

Xu Zhihai seems to be confessing himself, but in fact, the language and wording have been picked up cleanly, such as the sentence of arranging Wang Zi to kill, "Whether he will kill in the end depends on his own thoughts. . '

With these few words added, the crime of abetting cannot be established.

That's why Xu Zhihai followed Ai Liang to the Interpol to carry out the so-called 'surrender'. He was here to see the joke.

Even if it is known that Xu Zhihai directed all this behind the scenes, there is no evidence to convict him at all.

"I will find the 'friend' you call it."

Shi Feng said directly: "I hope he can handle everything as cleanly as you do. ."

"Then let me say thank you in advance, because I want to find him too."

Xu Zhihai said with a smile: "By the way, the car accident three years ago The video is in my glasses case, remember to bring it here, Gao Fuye has been on the loose for so many years, he should be punished."

After he finished speaking, he was taken to temporary detention by other police officers.

"Shi team, don't you have anything to say?"

Gao Bin asked while packing his portfolio.

"There's nothing to say, Xu Zhihai is doing the same thing as Wang Qiang three years ago, even if everyone knew at that time that he deleted the surveillance video, but there is no way to take him without evidence and can only be regarded as negligent. Deal with it."

After speaking, Shi Feng took out a piece of chocolate and stuffed it into his mouth to refresh himself.

"Then we really let him go?"

Gao Bin is still a newcomer who has been airborne for two years, so he doesn't know much about this.

"Or else? If you let him go and send someone to follow him, maybe you can find something. Even if the work violated the rules and caused bad influence, he would be detained for a few days at most. ”

Shi Feng sighed moved towards the door of the interrogation room.

Leaving Gao Bin alone, I don’t know what to think.

(This chapter end)

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