Dark Light Chaser Chapter 25


Chapter 25 Extrajudicial Sanctions

Immediately after Shi Feng left the interrogation room, he arranged for people from the technical department to go to Xu Zhihai's broken house to collect clues.

Everyone from the field team went to investigate Wang Qiang's place of death, and they had to let the people from the technical department go to the top first.

After arranging the task, Shi Feng took a turn and came to another room called the trial (break) information (rest) room.

Ai Liang sat on the sofa as quietly as the previous few times.

He's a regular here too.

Ai Liang was on the phone with Yue Qihua when Shi Feng came in.

"Well, I can't go there for the time being in the afternoon."

"Huh? You released the pigeons three times last week, and if you come back this week, you won't be caught by the police team again. Isn't it?"

"I'm just here to provide some clues."

"So a big detachment relies on you to solve the case alone? It's really like a TV series"

The sound insulation performance of the interrogation room is very good, and the noise from the outside cannot be transmitted at all when the door is closed.

So this rant just happened to be heard by Shi Feng who came in.

“cough cough.”

Shi Feng pretended to cough twice, Ai Liang glanced at him and said, “Someone is coming, I’ll hang up first.”

Beep, Ai Liang presses the hang up key to end the call.


Shi Feng didn't feel embarrassed at all, and sat calmly next to Ai Liang.

"Just a classmate, you are not going to collect evidence, you still have time to chat with me?"

Ai Liang put away his phone and asked.

"If such a big detachment let me do everything by myself, then the security of Neihua City would be over."

Shi Feng patted Ai Liang's shoulder and said, "You How did you see that Xu Zhihai was the mastermind?"

Have you given up taking me to the police academy?

Ai Liang thought while skimming Shi Feng's palm.

“I picked up Xu Zhihai’s notes by chance and found the poems above, and I naturally thought of it.”

Ai Liang said truthfully.

This time he really did not rely on superpowers but came to conclusions through reasoning.

Shi Feng did not praise Ai Liang's IQ but asked this question: "What if I say that Xu Zhihai will be released in a few days?"

"There is no evidence to Isn't it normal for him to be convicted and released."

Ai Liang brushed the chat software with his head down.

In a group of five, Yue Qihua was clamoring to bring Yang Xingyue to the criminal police team to find people.

"Since you know, why do you have to go to Xu Zhihai alone?"

Seeing Ai Liang's indifference, Shi Feng squeezed the big hand on his shoulder even tighter. He rarely put on a serious expression in front of Ai Liang: "Aren't you worried that he will retaliate against you and the people around you when he comes out?"

Hearing this, Ai Liang finally looked up at Shi Feng. .

He is caring about me? Or did I say this on purpose after investigating my family situation?

I don't know what Shi Feng's purpose is, so Ai Liang can only change the subject.

“Xu Zhihai is not the kind of person who will end the game himself, he is more inclined to hide behind the scenes and manipulate others to achieve his goals, and his pride will not.”

Before Ai Liang could finish speaking, Shi Feng rudely interrupted: "You talk about pride to a criminal? I know you are smart and capable, but over-confidence will only ruin you! Criminals' bottom line moment It's all changing, but you only have one life, you can't make fun of your own life!"

Shi Feng gradually took on the tone of reprimand, obviously dissatisfied with Ai Liang's confrontation with Xu Zhihai directly.

Dangerous? What kind of danger can a guy who can be pinched to death be dangerous.

Ai Liang was helpless.

But other people don't know that he is not very human, and it is normal to be worried, so he has to perfunctory.

"I know."

"Not only do you know, but you also promise that you must immediately call the police next time you encounter such a thing, do you understand?"

Shi Feng shook Ai Liang's shoulder and said.

And next time?

Aren't you thinking of shitting me and treating me as a free detective?

Ai Liang slandered from the bottom of his heart and deliberately said: "No, I will definitely go around in the future when I encounter a case, so as not to cause trouble to the police."

You didn't want me to pay attention. Is it safe? Then I'm far away from the head office.

'If you let me think about safety, don't let me call the school. '

This is Ai Liang's subtext.

Shi Feng's serious expression suddenly froze.

He suddenly remembered that he was going to pull Ai Liang into the criminal police team.

The person who can become the Captain of the Criminal Police Force is very flexible, and his skin is not ordinary.

"Ah, um, that's good."

Shi Feng pretended not to have heard the hint in Ai Liang's words and then said: "However, if you apply for the police academy, you are completely No problem, how about I directly admit you to the field after graduating from the police academy?"

Ai Liang ignored him and ignored him.

However, at this moment, a wave of negative emotions flooded the brain again.

Ai Liang endured forcibly with his head in his hands.

"What's the matter, are you alright?"

Ai Liang's unusual reaction immediately attracted Shi Feng's greetings.

"It's fine, it's just that my head hurts a little while staring at the computer for a long time."

This shock came and went quickly, and it was forcibly suppressed after ten seconds. .

The reason for this is probably that there are too many emotions in the bottom of my heart when talking with Shi Feng, just like pouring a pot of water into the old water press before using it, the emotional expression induces negative emotions. eruption.

Suppressing negative emotions in the body - that's why Ai Liang keeps his cool attitude.

Now it seems that Ai Liang's ability to bear has reached the limit. A bottle of Coke keeps shaking and shaking, what happens when the cap is opened?

"If it's okay, I'll go back to rest first."

Shi Feng thought about it and said, "Well, the past few days have been in contact with so many things, it's best to Take a break from school."

"I will."

Ai Liang put on his computer bag and walked out of the room.

Back home, Ai Liang pulled out a dusty old black phone.

In the modern society where smartphones are everywhere, this ancient one button several decades ago is almost on the verge of extinction, and even most of the communication base stations cannot receive the signal of the mobile phone.

Only some black workshops are still producing this kind of mobile phone and special mobile phone card, and they have also built an independent communication base station for this purpose. Of course, doing so many tricks is not for retro and sentimental. There are always some shameful things that cannot be said on the normal phone, which is tantamount to handing over the handle to others.

The base station was not established by a certain person, but led by many forces. Everyday all, someone will destroy the communication records of the day, so there is no need to worry about the risk of leakage, but it is a little bit of temporary labor to maintain.

Ai Liang found a data cable, and after ten minutes of charging he dialed a number.

"Hello? Who is it?"

A hoarse synthetic voice came from the other end of the phone, and you didn't have to think about it to know that it was definitely not the original voice.

"It's me, the hermit."

Ai Liang's voice is completely different from usual, both like an old man and like a child, and the tone is also very neutral.

The other end of the phone hesitated for a while before asking, "Hermit? I'll pay for the drinks yesterday."

"Don't try, I'll go to a bar tonight, Remember to keep my money ready."

Ai Liang hung up the phone without the slightest hesitation and went to the bathroom mirror.

The boy's body and face in the mirror twisted for a while, and in less than a minute, an unfamiliar face appeared in the mirror. The person in the mirror was a little taller than Ai Liang, and his face was like a knife chiseled. With a hint of wildness.

This is another identity of Ai Liang, an extrajudicial sanctioner.

Naturally, Ai Liang did not get the nickname of this middle school, but he was given a code name by the police. Ai Liang, who had experienced a loss of control once, began to go beyond the law to punish the perpetrators of torture and murder. a title.

The nickname of the black zone was changed to this because the police file was not tried.

Simply put, Ai Liang had a lot of lives on his hands.

Ai Liang acquired super powers when he was five years old. Naturally, he would not live an ordinary life by doing nothing. After some preparations, he turned into a hero in the dark night to fight crime. As for why he started assisting the police in fighting crimes Crime has become a hunter who can't tolerate sand in his eyes. It's a long story, and the process will not be repeated one after another.

Now only need to know one conclusion: Ai Liang doesn't want to get involved in the black zone anymore.

Ai Liang, who was transformed, pulled out a locked suitcase from the bottom of the bed and opened it. Inside was a set of hooded trench coats wrapped in airtight bags, and a pair of iron birch Tree-based wood short blade and several carbon steel flying knives.

Changed clothes, it was completely dark, Ai Liang turned off the lights in the house, leaving only one in the bedroom.

Ai Liang came to the balcony, the ripples of spirit strength spread all around with the balcony as the center, after confirming that no one was watching the apartment building, Ai Liang jumped off the balcony and fell to the ground .

This is to create the illusion that he has never left since he returned home, even if no one ever suspects him, the disguise Ai Liang should have been made will never fall, because if his other identity is revealed Neihua City has no place for him.

After walking for a while avoiding the crowd, Ai Liang raised his hand and stopped a taxi.

"Hello, may I ask. Where are you going?"

The taxi driver looked at the suspicious man in a black trench coat with a hood and a half-face mask in front of him hesitantly, but hesitant. After Ai Liang took out a stack of banknotes, he decisively opened the car door.

"Neihua Road Third Avenue Industrial Zone."

A dull voice came from behind the mask.

The taxi driver's heart tensed when he heard this. He heard other colleagues mention this address. It seems to be the territory of a group of criminals. Not a good person" was written in big characters on his face, so it's not a good thing to go there.

Ai Liang handed over two more banknotes when he was hesitating whether to accept this order or not.

The driver thought about the tuition fees for his son's extra-curricular tutoring class and his wife's complaints when he was calculating living expenses. He clenched the teeth.

Shit, at worst let him get off early.

The determined driver planned the route and started the car. On the way, it was fast as lightning. The speed of fifty yards was like driving a hundred yards.

Ai Liang asked to get off the bus when he was about 500 meters away from the destination.

In the past few years, the surrounding environment has changed a lot. How big is it?

The public toilet he used to change into is now a hotel. This subtle sense of inconsistency is like in a math class, the teacher was talking about a two-dimensional linear equation for a second, and when he took a nap and looked up, the things on the blackboard became the Fourier transform formula.

Fortunately, the cafeteria used by the intelligence point for disguise has not changed, which finally allowed Ai Liang to find a hint of familiarity.

This place is very remote. On the way, Ai Liang saw several groups of hooligan-looking young people leaning on motorcycles, smoking clouds and talking at a high altitude. This is a scene that belongs to an industrial area. He was caught and questioned by the patrolling police within minutes. The current law and order in Neihua City is so harsh.

Perhaps it is this coercive system that makes the repressed human nature in some dark corners even crazier.

Ai Liang's wonderful dress has attracted the attention of many harboring malicious intentions, but no one chooses to provoke when they pass by. The bastards who stay in this area naturally have something to do with the black zone, and rashly It is also normal to provoke the death of people who are strange and ignorant.

They are so relieved that Ai Liang is happy to see it happen.

Ai Liang came to the alley next to the restaurant and entered the restaurant's warehouse through the back door.

There are two guys dressed as waiters in the warehouse who are sitting on chairs to rest, but the spear intent on their waists means they are not serious waiters.

Ai Liang went straight to them, and the two of them were not surprised by his strange dress. Most of the people who come here hide their identities.


One of the waiters yelled lazily, leaning back in a chair.

Ai Liang glanced at him, took out his black mobile phone and stuck it on the duty table, and the shelves on the side were automatically separated to both sides.

Seeing this, the lazy-speaking waiter quietly removed the hand on his waist, and then chatted with another person.

Ai Liang walked down the stairs to the basement, reached out and pushed open the brown iron door with the crossed guns printed on it, and the strong smell of alcohol came on his face.

Drinkers who stay here will arouse their nervous nerves almost every time they open the door, and this time is no exception. After the note, he turned his attention back to his own business.

However, Ai Liang's outfit still evokes unfriendly memories for some people, including a white brawny man with a wine glass.

Ai Liang had just found an empty seat to sit down, and he slammed his butt to the opposite side. The wine glass in his hand banged on the table, splashing a lot of yellow-brown liquid.

The surrounding drinkers cast their gazes with the attitude of watching a play.

The bar only sells information and drinks and has no entertainment. Watching other people fight is one of the few pastimes. It is best to die. At least it can add a little fun to this dull night.

In the eyes of everyone watching the play, the brawny man said, "New here? Did you know that wearing a hooded trench coat is prohibited here?"

The white brawny man broke his fingers He snapped: "Take off your clothes for Lao Tzu!"

As he said that, he reached out to Ai Liang's face and tried to pull the mask off, but next moment his right hand was imprisoned Holding it tightly, Ai Liang noticed the tattoo on his wrist.

"A fish that escaped the net from the Cat's Eye Gang?"

The indistinguishable voices of men, women and children came from behind the mask, and the tone was full of boredom and disgust.

The face of white brawny man changes instantly.

There's a reason why he hates hooded trench coats so much.

Ten years ago, Neihua City was not as peaceful as it is now. At that time, the law and order was extremely chaotic, and various gangs emerged one after another. Almost every once in a while, a new gang was established or an old gang was destroyed. , I don't know and thought I took the wrong flight to the free America where the shootout was every day.

This continued until the executioner in the hooded trench coat showed up.

The murderer who claims to be a messenger of justice sees people in the black zone and will involuntarily slash their throats with a short blade, slaughtering all the living people in sight like a ghost. .

The white brawny man is a bloodbath gang survivor.

Every time he sees a hooded trench coat, it will bring back horrible memories in his heart, so he will extremely reject people who wear hooded trench coats. Nightmare in my heart.

'Anyway, that 'hermit' hasn't appeared for nearly five years, and he may have died in a smelly garbage heap. '

He thought so until Ai Liang spoke.

However, with just one sentence, he reawakened the fear of being deep in one's heart, and recalled the humble beginnings at the bottom of the food chain.

Feeling the huge force at the wrist, looking at the other party's unwavering cold eyes, brawny man opened his mouth.

"Let me go."

The silver light flashed, brawny man clutched his neck with his left hand, and with the sound of si si leaking air, he quickly slammed into the ground. There was no sound on the desktop.

(end of this chapter)

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