Dark Light Chaser Chapter 241


Chapter 241 The first day of class

The police's eyeliner has been arranged.

Ai Liang started to prepare the items that he needs to go out tomorrow night.

Ai Liang didn't expect much information from Aplysia.

The only purpose of looking for him is just because with the character of a messenger, he will definitely give priority to this kind of informant.

And with the sea hare ability, there is no problem in assisting the police in peacetime.

But when it comes to his own case, he is not an informant at this level, so he can interfere.

From the deposit, it can be seen that the advance payment of 5,000 yuan is a very low consultation fee.

Because he knew it himself, he probably couldn't find any useful information.

The business of intelligence dealers belongs to the master leading the door, and the sentence depends on the occupation of the individual.

The stronger the ability, the higher the asking price and the heavier the sentence.

If it's just the most common intelligence agent, the one who occasionally works part-time as a private detective.

Monthly income usually starts at five figures, caps at six figures, and never reaches seven figures.

These people are usually just tentatively on the edge of the law, occasionally resorting to less-than-legal means.

It's like installing a pinhole camera; using a data decoder to crack the access control card of the community and hotel; privately invading other people's mobile phones and implanting backdoors... and so on.

Even if you get caught, you're the only one who didn't do some petty theft.

In the end, at most there is an invasion of privacy, someone is released on bail, and even the detention center does not need to be squatted.

The above are ordinary intelligence businessmen, and their behavior is relatively restrained.

But those intelligence quotients whose monthly income is maintained at more than seven figures all year round.

They're not literally jumping on the edge of jail.

At most, he swung a sledgehammer, smashed the prison gate and the police gate, and then stood on the roof of the city hall, condescendingly, urinating in the judge's mouth.

These people are well aware that the intelligence landscape alone is too small.

No matter how strong your personal ability is, you can't play the monopoly of platform games.

So they began to develop power and develop secondary industries other than intelligence.

This secondary industry includes but is not limited to running a money laundering team; providing transportation channels and lower markets for drug cartels; stealing information from agencies and groups; organizing subordinates for security employment.

The original intelligence community was gradually divided into two factions.

There is a faction like Moss, who only engages in intelligence, manages power by means of personal connections, and pursues the classicism of neutrality and not standing in line.

They rely on their own abilities to sell all kinds of information, always hiding in the dark, without any mortal danger.

The other faction is Song Jie, the intelligence forces must grasp both hands, and gradually moved towards the modernism developed by the underground godfather.

In his power, there are even various sub-departments, each of which is responsible for different affairs.

The company's set is true, let him understand it.

Ancestor Master, the founder of Song Jie, once said.

The whole city is my territory, want to know what information is not with no difficulty?

To tell the truth, this is no longer an intelligence business, it is completely moved towards the position of the head of the underground organization department.

But everyone expressed their views on the board.

Because the Ancestor Master who opened the faction at that time was already a powerful underworld boss.

Who dares to say nothing, it is estimated that the second day will be made into a concrete pillar to sink into the river.

However, the two Great Sect lines have something in common.

As mentioned earlier, those with incomes above seven figures, each of which is a talent with at least 20 years of experience.

For example, Moose, is he a good guy?

He is a good person, but his goodness is limited, only a little bit better.

Among the words "good man", he barely touched the word "person".

The police really want to arrest him, and it will be indefinitely.

Not sentenced to death, it all depends on his conscience.

Otherwise, why do you think this guy keeps hiding in the dark and refuses to show his face?

Ai Liang will find Song Jie directly through his own channels tomorrow night.

Let him list all the people the deceased had contact with that night, and then check them one by one.

This is not only the fastest and most efficient, but also the safest solution.

The contact with the police is completely avoided.

You know, Gao Bin, the two members of the Countermeasures Bureau, are still in Qianhua City.

If you don't want to be found out, it's better to keep a low profile.

As for whether Song Jie would agree to Ai Liang's request.

There are only two cases.

Either Ai Liang pays and Song Jie agrees to the deal, obediently and honestly to gather intelligence.

Either Song Jie gets beaten up, and then goes to work obediently and honestly.

Ai Liang is reasonable, what's the matter with my throat slitter?

It's a lot of luck compared to those unlucky people in Neihua City.

How many people want to be beaten, but haven't had the chance yet.

Sometimes it appears that there are two options, but in reality there is only one.

You don't have a choice.

After about half an hour of work, everything is ready.

Ai Liang put all the things that will be used tomorrow in the mezzanine of the closet.

Then simply take a shower, return to the house, lie on the bed and close your eyes, ready to rest.

Ai Liang has long since needed sleep to give his brain a full rest.

I don't feel any fatigue even if I don't sleep for a few months.

Physiologically, all human behaviors and emotions are affected by various hormones secreted by the body.

As for Ai Liang's body, whether it can be called a human being is a matter of course.

But he still tried his best to keep it as a human habit.

Strive to mimic the way a normal human body works.

This should be some kind of persistence.


On the second day, Ai Liang got up and had breakfast at the noodle shop outside.

He doesn't cook by himself every morning.

On a whim every now and then, make breakfast twice.

Under the overwhelming majority, Ai Liang went to a regular restaurant to eat in the morning when there were fewer people.

For example, in Neihua City, he grew up in the steamed bun shop.

Today is the official start of the class.

Ai Liang woke up in the morning and turned on his phone to see the class schedule posted by the monitor in the class group.

It's just that he skipped the first morning self-study after school started.

Also tilted, and Ye Qing.

She should have finished her breakfast by now and is going downstairs.

In the last two minutes before the bus arrives at the station, I see that I will stop at the station soon.

Ye Qing flung her flowing waist-length hair and hurried over from a distance.

After Ye Qing boarded the bus, she was relieved.

"hu hu, it's so dangerous, I was busy doing the dishes, and I was almost late."

"You can keep the dishes, and you won't be able to wash them when you get back from school at night. Late."

Ai Liang said casually.

Ye Qing shook her head like a rattle: "no no no, I have to cook when I get home at night. I wash the dishes first and then cook. The supermarket will be late."

Ai Liang shrugged and said nothing.

He walked to the back row of the bus and found an empty seat to sit down.

Ye Qing followed behind him and sat on the other side of the aisle: "But it's really strange, you actually go out to eat in the morning."

"I just wanted to try some I have to cook, so I get up to make breakfast.”

Ai Liang explained: “Cooking is just a hobby, I’m not so crazy that I have to cook every meal myself.”

Ye Qing said while supporting her hair ring with her hands and tying her ponytail: "Well, that's true, but the feeling you give at first is that when you eat a bun, you have to buy high-gluten flour yourself. It feels like making your own buns."

Ai Liang glanced at the kitchen idiot.

"High-gluten flour is usually used to make steamed buns, while all-purpose flour is used to make buns."

"Huh? Have you really made buns yourself?"

This time, it was Ye Qing's turn to be stunned.

She was just giving an example, but did Ai Liang really do it?

Why is your focus always so weird?

Ai Liang stretched his arms and looked towards the window: "In Neihua City, I often go to a steamed bun shop for breakfast, the boss there told me, and high-gluten flour is made into steamed buns, which should be Is it common sense?"

Ye Qing embarrassedly laughed: "hahaha...steamed buns are similar to steamed buns, but the buns have a little more stuffing."

Ai Liang is much lazy say what.

She didn't understand it anyway.

Qianhua Experimental Middle School, only the key classes have morning and evening self-study, and the rest of the classes only need to attend regular classes.

Similar to other schools nearby.

So this will go straight to the rush hour of the school bus ride.

As the number of students in the car gradually increased, Ye Qing neatly moved her seat to sit next to Ai Liang.

This move made many people look disappointed.

It directly dispelled many people's careful thoughts.

There are boys who want to sit next to Ye Qing, and girls who want Ai Liang's contact information.

And vice versa.

After all, most of the students who take this bus at this time are from nearby schools.

As for the No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School near Qianhua Experimental Middle School, the teaching policy seems to be vague, and they rely on the experimental middle school.

Without the academic pressure, the students who are free will naturally become more active.

In addition to the atmosphere of Qianhua City, it is very open.

It is normal to want to have a relationship between a man and a woman.

Not long after, the bus arrived at the station.

Ai Liang and Ye Qing got off the bus near the experimental middle school, but none of the students got off with them.

This saves a lot of work.

The same school, every day all take the same bus to school.

And the other party is still a handsome guy (beautiful) or under the premise of an influential figure on campus.

Over time, people will have strange feelings.

Some people also fall into delusions and think they know each other very well.

There may even be a sense of superiority if you mention that person in a chat with a friend.

In the end, it turned into a entanglement of the parties, and it was not impossible.

Really annoying.

Ai Liang met such a girl when she was in junior high school.

She is a resident of the neighborhood near Baozidian.

After encountering Ai Liang while waiting for a bus, she would take the same bus with Ai Liang every time.

Get on the bus at the same time, get off at the same time, and walk into the school gate at the same time.

She always blushed when asked by classmates and deliberately avoided questions to cause misunderstandings.

After the scandal spread for a while, she summoned the courage to speak to Ai Liang at the bus stop.

Then it was completely sunk by a set of "Who are you?" "Have we met at school?" "Sorry, didn't pay attention".

In her eyes, the fact that every day all goes to and from school together is a secret for two people and a very romantic thing.

Perhaps Ai Liang also noticed her, and maybe the relationship between the two could be further improved.

But in Ai Liang's eyes, he is just going to and from school normally.

As long as there is no hostility, he doesn't bother to pay attention to who, and often takes the same bus as himself.

Just like ordinary people, they don't care about the pebbles on the side of the road.

If this can also be called fate.

Isn't the relationship between Ai Liang and the bus driver deeper?


Ai Liang and Ye Qing were stuck at the door of the classroom.

It's 7:25 now, and it's not too long after the morning self-study.

It stands to reason that many people have gone to eat at this time, or just came back after breakfast.

But in the classroom of Class A, most of the people are there.

After entering the classroom, a strong aroma of milk and coffee hits the door.

Combined with the empty storage cabinet under the water dispenser.

It's easy to see.

Many people choose to make a cup of milk or coffee and eat a piece of bread for breakfast, but they don't go to the cafeteria at all.

I really don't know what kind of ecstasy soup Yu Xin poured into them at the class meeting last night.

Ai Liang guessed that it should be the first class to continue knocking the stick to warn other students.

The second class is for sweet dates, focusing on various welfare plans for key classes.

In the morning when Ai Liang was reading the class schedule in the group.

I caught a glimpse of them discussing the multi-city entrance exam, and the topic of class group travel after the entrance exam.

The general meaning is that in early November, all the key class students will go to other cities to take the multi-school joint entrance examination.

After the joint entrance examination, the teacher will lead them to the local area for three days and two nights of sightseeing.

If the joint entrance examination results are excellent, the school will award one more time.

After all, students are all children, and they blindly use heavy pressure. Sooner or later, some people will be unable to bear the pressure and have psychological problems.

It's just that Ai Liang doesn't like it very much, and even rejects it.

If you want to ask why...

Because the examination room for the joint entrance examination is in Neihua City.

When I saw the test site in the morning, Ai Liang was in a bad mood.

That is to say, after the entrance examination is over.

He wanted to travel for three days and two nights in his hometown where he finally got rid of it, where he could no longer be familiar, and where several people knew where he died.

Qin Shihuang bought a ticket to visit Afang.

The days Ai Liang lived in Qianhua City were not very pleasant.

As a result, the school gave him the whole thing.

It's like Frog Seeds going to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse to eat Crispy Corn.

Although Qianhua City is stronger than Neihua City, Ai Liang has not encountered anything good.

The school organizes a trip, which is a joy, but the place of the trip is the Nevada.

The former is like the crowing of a hen, which is rare but barely acceptable.

The city itself is fine, but the current living experience is slightly worse.

The latter is like letting a rooster lay eggs, which is hard for a strong man.

The school had good intentions, but in Ai Liang's eyes, it was completely rotten in terms of tourist locations.

It felt like eating a piece of chocolate shit first and then a bite of chocolate shit...

Ai Liang came to his seat and sat down.

He didn't take out the novel from his desk as usual today.

Instead, put on a Bluetooth headset and rest on the table with your elbows.

With less than half an hour to go, the first lesson of my high school career begins.

With such a short time to read novels, I can't get into the state at all.

(end of this chapter)

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