Dark Light Chaser Chapter 240


Chapter 240 The messenger is online

Ai Liang lifted a 200-pound bed with his mind power.

There is a square incision with a side length of 35 cm at the center of the bottom of the bed.

Removing the wooden board embedded above, Ai Liang took out a wooden box and put the bed back in place.

Normal bed planks certainly don't have such hidden compartments.

It was remodeled by Ai Liang when he moved in.

The house is so big, if you want to keep the east XZ more secret, it is the best choice to make a secret compartment.

It's just that other people's hidden compartments are on the side of the bed or under the mattress.

Ai Liang's hidden compartment is under the bed.

He's not like everyone else.

Others are making secret cells, not only to be secretive, but also to consider the convenience of storage.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be embarrassing that when the police raided and arrested you, you couldn't take out your things and run away for a long time?

Ai Liang doesn't matter.

He is motivated and can easily lift the solid wood bed anytime, anywhere.

No need to worry about the inconvenience of accessing East and West.

In the safe behind the previous desk, there are commemorative items with special meaning to Ai Liang.

So what's in this wooden box?

The answer is easy to guess.

It is a dangerous item that is very deadly for the average person.

There is a pistol, two magazines full of bullets, two grenades, a palm-size plastic bomb, a vial of ricin...and all kinds of dangerous items.

There is also a work phone.

These are the legacy of the past, the messenger.

Before the messenger committed suicide, he put all the things he could think of that might be helpful to the hermit and put them in a box.

If Ai Liang chooses to replace him, live as a messenger.

Then the fighting style in the past must be restrained, and I can no longer carry a short blade.

At this time, firearms can play a very good auxiliary role.

As for grenades, bombs and poisons.

That was the last time the messenger made his move, and he put the rest in.

I don't know if the messenger wants Ai Liang to replace him and live a normal life.

Let the hermit change his vest and continue to kill.

Possibly both.

He wants to let the hermit choose for himself, whether to live the life of an ordinary person, or choose to continue to sink into the darkness.

Instead of deliberately leading the hermit, she retire in obedience to her own will.

A messenger is someone who respects the will of others at all times.

This is admirable.

Ai Liang took out the messenger's phone and plugged the wireless charging cable into the socket.

Then organize other items.

After waiting for almost a fifth of the charge, Ai Liang unplugged the charger.

He took the messenger's cell phone out of the house and took the elevator to the roof.

The main reason to come to the rooftop is to leave the residential building by flying and use the messenger's mobile phone in another place.

This is to prevent Yang Xingguo and Shi Hongfang from these two people from finding their location by locating the messenger's mobile phone.

Especially Yang Xingguo, he would take advantage of his relationship every once in a while.

Find your carrier to locate the messenger's phone.

The reason why Yang Xingguo is so persistent in finding the hermit.

Is it simply because hermits are dangerous?

Not really.

In those days Neihua City was more crazy than hermits.

A dangerous person, not so extreme.

Yang Xingguo hates the hermit because the hermit pulls his friends into darkness.

Yang, Xia, Shi, and the messenger were among the four.

The relationship between Yang Xingguo and the messenger is the strongest, and their ideals and aspirations are the most similar.

And from high school until graduation from Police Academy, they were partners.

The courier resigned to do Bounty Hunter, but also for the common ideal of the two.

Yang Xingguo always believed that the messenger did such crazy things under the bewitchment of the hermit.

That's why his attitude towards hermits is so extreme that it's astonishing.

Sometimes human intuition is really a very metaphysical thing.

Ai Liang in Neihua City, never uses the vest of a messenger.

Because even he completely copied the messenger's personality memory.

It didn't hide Yang Xingguo's self-confidence.

After flying for about ten kilometers in the air, Ai Liang found a deserted park and landed.

He took out his mobile phone and started looking for the contact information of the intelligence dealer in Neihua City.

After all, the messenger is a person who has won the Medal of Honor of the Asian Federation.

His personal connections, although not as deep as Shi Hongfang and Yang Xingguo, are better than broad.

Some prisoners like to travel from city to city to commit crimes.

Because the police are limited by regional restrictions, it is not convenient for cross-regional joint law enforcement.

In the absence of sufficient evidence, the application process for joint investigation is very troublesome.

At this time, a courier needs to go to the local area to collect intelligence.

So basically, the black areas and underground forces in many cities, various Three Doctrines and Nine Philosophies, and messengers are in contact.

This is a great convenience for Ai Liang.

Let him save a lot of time with intelligence dealers and informants.

Ai Liang rummaged through the address book to find a suitable candidate, and finally settled on a guy named Haitu.

This man has worked with the courier twice and is also a police informant.

You can get some inside information from the police, and your professional ethics are also relatively strong.

In addition to the principle of money first,

As long as the money is in place, everything can be said.

Is one of Ai Liang's go-to characters to collaborate with.

Ai Liang did not hesitate and dialed Haitu's number directly.

Beep, beep, beep.

The first call went unanswered.

Ai Liang was not in a hurry, he waited two minutes and dialed again.

As is the case with many intelligence agents, unless it is an acquaintance, they usually don't answer the first unfamiliar phone call.

Because of haste, it's easy to expose yourself.

There is a saying as the saying goes, the more you know, the faster you die.

Those who are engaged in intelligence are easy to be remembered, and no one can confirm whether the visitor is a villain.

They will use the means of call forwarding to make simple camouflage.

If the other party will make a second call, be ready to answer.

Ai Liang's second phone call didn't take long to get through.


A wary voice came from the phone.

Ai Liang changed his voice and said in the voice of the messenger: "Messenger, we should have cooperated before, do you remember?"

"The messenger...that messenger?"

Ai Liang thought for two seconds and replied, "Yes, that's the messenger."

"Wait for me."

The sea rabbit tone barely fell , there was a screeching sound from the phone, and then there was no more sound.

After a while, the other party picked up the phone again.

"What do you have to do with me?"

Since you ask that, it means that the sea rabbit has confirmed the identity of Ai Liang.

At least confirm that the phone number is the messenger.

Don't ask me why I've worked with me twice, but I can't even remember the number.

Information businessmen will not leave any contact information of each other unless it is a long-term cooperation.

Even if people meet by chance on the street, they will pretend they haven't met.

Customers take the initiative to greet you, but also pretend to be stupid.

Make it look like you've got the wrong person.

After the cooperation, Chamber of Commerce will organize and summarize the information surveyed during the cooperation and send all the information to the customers.

The information on our own side is completely destroyed, and the customer himself confirms it.

This among which is included contact information, specific cooperation content, privacy surveyed, etc.

Don't save, don't save, don't save.

he said the important thing three times.

Don't think about it, worry that others will regret and retaliate later, and leave a backup as a handle.

If someone else can prove afterwards, this information was obtained from you.

It can only be said that you are doing things unprofessional yourself, and you have not cleaned up the traces, no one can blame others.

Ordinary people don't kill intelligence dealers like they do in movies.

Each intelligence businessman has strong anti-reconnaissance ability.

Have the ability to find intelligence dealers to silence them.

Only the top streamers like Moose can get access to the information about the killing disaster.

And they often have the ability to deal with and huge power, and customers do not dare to attack them easily.

An overwhelming majority of intelligence agents, more like private detectives.

90% of my usual work is either catching a mistress or investigating an affair.

Some people can't receive orders during the off-season. In order to make ends meet, some people pretend to be parents of students to go to school for meetings.

It was really sad for those who saw it, and tears for those who heard it.

Only a small number of intelligence dealers who are in the gray area will be like in the movie.

These people are the overwhelming majority, a little smart, but have little ability.

But it's all about making quick money.

So I started to help people match up, help people who buy fans to go offline, and negotiate business with people in other sites.

If you have to say it, the ingredients of military advisors of these people are heavier than that of intelligence quotients.

Although their income is higher than that of the third-party investigation, but at the same time, their lives are not guaranteed.

It's not worth it.

It's gone again.

Ai Liang didn't go around in circles with the sea rabbit, but asked directly: "Do you have any clues about the case the police are investigating today?"

Ai Liang did not specify what the case was. .

In case the other party doesn't even know about it, the police are investigating the case of slitting the throat.

If you say it yourself, wouldn't you let this guy prostitute a piece of information for nothing?

"You want to entrust me to investigate this?"

In order to make sure that I heard correctly, the sea rabbit confirmed it again: "Are you sure?"

"Did the police find you too?"

Ai Liang asked back.

From the tone of Sea Rabbit, it is not difficult to see that this should not be the first time that someone asked him to investigate the throat cutting case.

It is estimated that Tian Hao has already found him this afternoon.

"That's right."

The sea hare happily admitted, it's not a big secret anyway.

It is nothing new for the police to find informants to investigate the identity of the deceased.

There have even been instances where they were too lazy to hand over the case directly to Bounty Hunter for investigation.

The project is outsourced.

"What you want to investigate is the murder case in the warehouse, right?"

Ai Liang gave a clear answer with action: "There is only cash and virtual currency here, you yourself Choose a checkout method."

"Then Litecoin, the deposit is five, but let's talk about it first. If we really want to find out key information, I will notify the police first, is it okay?"

A piece of information is sold to the police first, and then to the customer. This kind of situation is very common in the intelligence community.

Sea Rabbit did not ask Ai Liang why he wanted to investigate this case.

It was just a suggestion that the information handed over to him should be delayed a bit.

The client asks you to inquire about this kind of matter that involves human life. If you can ask more questions, try not to ask.

It's not good for you to know more.

But in order not to become an accomplice of the prisoner without being aware of it.

Generally, this kind of information is given to the police first, and then sent to the client after a period of time.

This is a lesson learned by an intelligence businessman with blood and tears.

The Old Brother is hired by a serial killer to investigate his own murders.

Then the killer can always be one step ahead of the police and eliminate evidence against him through the feedback from the intelligence quotient.

He has been on the loose for more than half a year.

In the end, it was because the police suspected that there was an internal ghost, and another informant helped to investigate, and the killer was finally arrested and brought to justice.

The Old Brother, who was used by the killer as a tool to check for leaks and fill in the gaps, also followed.

The charges include the crime of assisting the destruction of evidence, the crime of hiding and concealing, the crime of illegally selling information... Including what he had committed in the gray area before, was also turned out and convicted.

Old and hapless.

The story is magical, but very real.

Because reality doesn't tell you logic at all, it's more crap than fiction.

Ai Liang's communication software on Ai Liang's mobile phone quickly showed an account requesting to add a friend.

Ai Liang opened the screen and agreed to the friend request.

Then through the message he sent, a dummy account was added.

This is a temporary account specially used for transfers, which will be destroyed after fifteen minutes.

If you don't understand what it means, you can treat it as a transfer account for telecommunication fraud.

Ai Liang logged into one of his overseas accounts and transferred five Litecoins to Haitu's account.

As for why the courier's money is not used...

The courier received a lot of commissions back then, and he was considered a rich man.

But because of that bombing, all his property was confiscated.

The account on the surface is cleaner than the face.

Even the savings secretly left to the younger sister were picked up by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Only the house was in his younger sister's name and survived.

The messenger was worried that he would implicate Yang Xingguo and the others, so he was unwilling to accept their assistance.

Otherwise he wouldn't have been able to support himself by delivering couriers.

After confirming that the deal was concluded, Ai Liang hung up the phone, turned off the phone, flew home again, and made follow-up preparations.

It's one thing to have Aplysia help keep an eye on the case.

Investigating it yourself is another matter.

To ask an intelligence agent to help in the investigation does not mean that Ai Liang himself will not be involved in this case.

Besides, Sea Rabbit can only be said to have a small reputation, not a big boss.

Ai Liang came to him just to find out what the police were doing.

Once he informs himself of the progress of the case, it means that the police act as well.

What Ai Liang wanted was not to get ahead of the police, but to avoid the police.

The deceased had his throat cut, apparently someone was deliberately provoking him.

If I really want to quickly find out who killed the dead, I still need to find Song Jie, the intelligence chief of Qianhua Market, or his direct subordinates.

Sea Rabbit can find it, Song Jie can find it.

Sea Rabbit and the police couldn't find it, but Song Jie could still find it.

Good people are always bound by rules and scruples.

The wicked are unscrupulous and use everything.

(end of this chapter)

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