Dark Light Chaser Chapter 470


Chapter 470 Yue Yangyan's plot against

If the liberation of heat death, it brings profound of fear.

Then Xia Qiyuan is anxious.

The operation itself was a secret siege against the discipline.

But now it has developed into a head-to-head confrontation between the Apostles and the Countermeasures.

Xia Qiyuan is very aware of Heat Dead's physical condition.

The encirclement and suppression of the discipline is a surprise tactic of hitting the opponent.

But Disciple is not a fool. He knows that everyone wants to get rid of him, but he is still strutting in the Qianhua Market. Obviously there is a problem.

When Xia Qiyuan was planning Early-Stage, he reported this doubt to Yue Yangyan.

He didn't believe that Yue Yangyan would not have considered this.

Since it has been considered, but it is still carried out according to the original plan, it means that Yueyang Yan must have a backhand.

Xia Qiyuan used the armored communication channel to contact the Headquarters of the Countermeasures Bureau, taking advantage of the absence of Thousand Faces and the magician and the others being held back by heat death.

After Yue Yangyan was connected, the first sentence was: "How is the battle?"

Xia Qiyuan said solemnly on the channel: "We were tricked by the Apostles, I had already I told you..."

Yue Yangyan's tone remained unchanged, as if everything was expected: "I know, so how is the battle?"

"You know? Then why? Don't inform us mission executors!"

Xia Qiyuan's face sank: "Now he is forced to activate the heat death armor, it must be a dead end to continue, where are you prepared for? At this time Don't hide it, take it out quickly!"

"Has the armor been fully activated? It's earlier than expected. Could it be that the clone of the Thousand Faces died prematurely?"

Yue Yangyan leaned back on the chair and thought while turning his pen, "How many people are there from the Apostles?"

If Xia Qiyuan couldn't hear it at this time, he was actually excluded. If it is beyond the real plan, it is true that I am sorry for his name as a famous detective in Neihua City.

Xia Qiyuan glanced at the heat death in the center of the fire sea, took a deep breath and said, "So only you and him know the real plan?"

"Answer my question first. "

Yue Yangyan no longer had the smiling appearance he had before, and his whole body exuded a biting chill.

"In addition to the Disciple, there are also magicians and tyrants. The mask of the Thousand Faces should be solved by the Hermit, but the Hermit's spiritual puppet and Jin Ping'an are also missing."

Xia Qiyuan used short words to retell the battle situation at the scene.

"There are only three apostles...a little bit." Yue Yangyan sighed.

Xia Qiyuan felt bad when he heard this sentence, he vaguely guessed something: "What do you mean?"

"With your ingenuity, you don't need me to elaborate. Explain, let Zhou Tian take out the things I gave her before the action, and you will understand."

Yue Yangyan didn't mean to explain, so he ended the call unilaterally, and communicated with him. The system is locked to prevent Xia Qiyuan from calling again.

Xia Qiyuan exited the communication channel, turned his head and looked towards Zhou Tian: "What did you get from Yue...Academician before departure?"

Zhou Tian was taken aback by Xia Qiyuan: "Ah! Me? Yue Academician gave me the same equipment, but I don't think it's useful..."

"I don't want you to think it's useful! Tell me what it is first?"


Xia Qiyuan's tone was slightly raised, and his armor was still activated, which seemed a little intimidating.

Zhou Tian took it out of the Space Crack with a bitter face, hesitantly.

It's something like an enlarged fuse that looks like an energy battery used to power larger devices in some games.

"It's just a cost converter, and its function is to pass on the side effects of using weirdness to others.

When Yue Academician handed it over to me, he put this The thing is bound to me, so I can only transfer the strange price I used to you.

However, I have already been very slow in the battle, and then I will transfer the price to you..."

As she talked, Zhou Tian couldn't go on, the apostle-level battle completely reshaped her cognition of battle.

After seeing their methods of overturning mountains and seas, Zhou Tian's tone of speech weakened.

At the end, she seemed to remember something, and hurriedly added: "Right! Yue Academician said, as long as I take out the things, you will know what to do.

Do you want to use it to expand my abilities and lead everyone to retreat? If you don't consider the cost, I should be able to break through disciple's space interference..."

Xia Qiyuan was silent.

The device that can transfer side effects is still bound to Zhou Tian?

If ordinary people see this, they will definitely have the same idea as Zhou Tian:

This is the backhand that Yue Yangyan prepared for their escape.

But Xia Qiyuan is Xia Qiyuan after all. If there are no more than five people in the world who can understand Yue Yangyan, then he will definitely be one of them.

Since Yue Yangyan expected the current situation, but still gave Zhou Tian a price transfer device, it was definitely not for him to escape.

Coupled with Yue Yangyan's previous tone, it was obvious what his real purpose was.

Xia Qiyuan grabbed the other end of the device and bound himself as the party bearing the price.

"I remember the weirdness in your body, it's only a little short of the apostle level, right?" Xia Qiyuan asked.

Zhou Tian said with a bitter smile: "That's right, but now I understand that I simply can't use his power, I just have a certain degree of fit with him."

Zhou Tian said with a bitter smile. p>

Xia Qiyuan looked at the dark red silhouette in the center of the fire sea from a distance, and made up his mind: "Enough, there is Han Wenshan to contain the magician and the discipline, plus your interference, even if they have space The ability can't be used."

"Huh? Han Wenshan...you mean heat death?"

Usually, inside the Countermeasures Bureau, they are called these armors by code names. , the real name rarely appears.

After Zhou Tian reacted immediately, she pretended to be surprised and asked, "Isn't it retreat?"

"Yue Yangyan gave you this device, not for retreat. "

In front of Zhou Tian, Xia Qiyuan no longer used Yue Academician to address Yue Yangyan.

He took Zhou Tian to slowly leave the battle center: "Your role has not changed from beginning to end, that is to prevent the disc from using the space ability and prevent the opponent from leaving."

Zhou Tian's eyelids jumped: "But we are now..."

"The battle has only officially started now."

Xia Qiyuan took a deep breath: "Prepare to reinforce the space, and then try to Reduce the impact of the next battle on the environment."

Zhou Tian frowned, making a dazed look: "What about the heat death? Let him face the three apostles alone? Tyrant His ability is very restraining him."

"Who told you that the restrainer must be stronger than the restrained person, and..."

Xia Qiyuan directly sandwiched Zhou Tian between At the waist, moved towards the distance and flew: "Yue Yangyan didn't plan to let Heat Dead live."

(end of this chapter)

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