Dark Light Chaser Chapter 471


Chapter 471 Monitor

The moment Xia Qiyuan took Zhou Tian off, the magician reacted.

Hundreds of high-pressure water blades shot up into the sky, heading straight for the two in the sky.

But before these attacks touched Xia Qiyuan, they were directly evaporated by a huge heat.

The magician wanted to come directly to intercept, but was blocked by Heat Death with a million-degree crimson barrier.

"Not Heaven!"

Facing the nightmarish silhouette, the magician moved towards the tyrant and shouted.

“Old bastard, don’t be distracted!”

The tyrant rushed towards the heat death whose body temperature was measured in 10,000 units.

The general weirdness, even if it is only close, will be burned to ashes by the huge heat of Heat Death.

Only the tyrant, the guy who can resist the nuclear explosion without death, can use the fleshy body to launch a physical attack on him.

But at a distance of tens of meters from the heat death, the tyrant forcibly stopped the charge.

Because in front of him is a barrier with a temperature of at least one million degrees.

It is true that the tyrant can resist the nuclear explosion, but that is when he quickly leaves the center of the nuclear explosion, and he has the amulet of the Thousand Faces to resist the shock of the highest temperature.

The temperature that the tyrant actually endured at the time was about 100,000 degrees.

Even though he has been using the power of the nuclear reactor to strengthen himself over the years, he has only doubled or tripled his limit.

The matter of absorbing energy for strengthening is like cultivation internal strength, which needs to be accumulated over a long period of time.

impossible Divine Art Great Accomplishment overnight.

"Fei Tian, don't meet force with force with him, he won't be able to maintain the barrier at this level for long!" the magician urged loudly.

The tyrant quickly retreated before those barriers surrounded him.

He is reckless, but not stupid.

It's a no brainer to try hard if you know you're going to die.

Although everyone is apostle, there is a big difference between apostles.

Among them, the cream of the crop is the man with a thousand faces, the echelon of heat death.

Ordinary apostles in front of them are not much different from fusion warriors in front of them.

I can, but I can't.

The gap in hard power cannot be made up by restraint alone.

Just like water can put out a fire, even pouring all the water from a water tower into a volcanic crater can't stop a volcano from moving for a second.

"I really can't stay in this state for long."

Heat Dead finally speaks.

His voice was distorted and thickened by the temperature.

Heat Dead "looked" at the three apostles with his non-human-shaped head: "But none of you... don't even think about leaving."

The apostles who are freed from the human body are Those without a heart, but at the same time they experienced the feeling of their heart being pinched.

"I always feel that the situation is not very second."

Cheng Lejia hid in the ice hockey and was very afraid of the performance of heat death: "How about we still... eh?!"

Cheng Lejia's words stopped abruptly, and he immediately activated his ability to open the space door.

What used to be easy to do is now extremely difficult.

Cheng Lejia is very familiar with this kind of change. This is an apostle of at least his own level, who is anchoring and locking the space in this area.

"Geharu!" Cheng Lejia shouted.

"Don't shout, I feel it too."

The magician sullenly looked at the mini-space door less than two centimeters in his palm: "Someone is interfering with our ability to use space. ."

As one of the apostles who was educated by Heat Death, Cheng Lejia was both shocked and angry: "Could it be that the people in the Countermeasures Bureau plan to use Heat Death to redeem the three of us?!"

The reason why all the members of the Apostle Society had no fear was because they learned through the channels of the Thousand Faces that Heat Dead had been seriously injured and could no longer use the current form.

It turns out they were wrong, and they were outrageously wrong.

The heat death in front of me is even worse than it was in the past!


“What did you say?! Interfering with the space to keep Heat Dead and those apostles together?!”

After leaving the battle, Zhou Tian stared at Xia Qiyuan with disbelief: "He is our companion! Shouldn't we find a way to save him at this time!"

"Don't give up your companion...you I thought that the fight against the weird was not an idol drama."

Xia Qiyuan looked at Zhou Tian coldly: "The fighters in the Countermeasures Bureau will either die in battle, or they will kill themselves before they are completely eroded by the weird, there is no other way. Choose.

I have already said that the above does not intend to let the heat death live, this mission is to use his residual heat to redeem the members of the Apostolic Society as much as possible.”

Zhou Tian bit her lip and glanced at the space enclosed by the crimson barrier: "What about Heat Dead's own wishes? You're like this..."

Xia Qiyuan didn't want to talk nonsense with this "newcomer": "Okay Zhou Sweet, you don't have to act with me, Yueyangyan sent you to monitor us."

"You're talking about..."

"How could Yueyangyan decide The equipment of the battle situation, hand over to a guy with Holy Mother heart."

Xia Qiyuan stopped talking nonsense and directly used the power of the spirit-turning armor: "You can continue to install, but I don't mind directly manipulating your consciousness. ."

When it was speculated that Yue Yangyan was going to sacrifice the dying Han Wenshan in exchange for the opportunity to reduce the number of the Apostles.

Xia Qiyuan began to suspect Zhou Tian next to him.

Her presence is crucial to preventing the Apostles from escaping through the space door.

And such a crucial position was actually handed over to such a naive newcomer.

It's like Gao Bin doesn't eat, drink or fish every day, working 18 hours a day is not satisfied, and he has to work 6 hours overtime voluntarily.

It's just two words, outrageous.

"he he he...Yue Academician is right, you are a smart person."

Zhou Tian put away her disguise and immediately activated her space ability to block the feature film Sea Territory.

Of course, the price is Xia Qiyuan paying.

"The purpose of this action is not only to kill as many apostles as possible, but also to test you whether you are qualified to continue to follow Yue Academician."

Zhou Tian finally confessed everything to Xia Qiyuan, but at the same time as she spoke, she was also frantically eroding the strange spirit and transferring it to Xia Qiyuan.

"If I choose to leave with the heat dead, you'll agree with it, and then immediately seal off this area when I'm bound to the side that bears the cost."

He Jun's body was already enduring the strange and armor erosion in his body, and now he has an extra burden.

Rao is Xia Qiyuan's extraordinary natural talent with extremely high resistance, and his face turned pale for a while.

"Very correct, but you are mistaken about one thing. I am indeed a newcomer who has just become a fusion warrior... Forget it, let Yue Academician explain this to you personally."


As if she was afraid that Heat Dead would come out alive, Zhou Tian kept reinforcing the space, trapping the tyrant and the others in it.

With the infinite blue bar and 100% skill cooldown buff, it's natural to have a good time. Anyway, you don't have to worry about weird erosion.

After passing this village, there is no such shop.

(end of this chapter)

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