Dark Light Chaser Chapter 472


Chapter 472 Heat Dead Exit

Zhou Tian clapped on dust that does not exist, satisfied nodded.

"Well, it should be almost the same for reinforcement to this extent, but this is not the end, and the tsunami will be intercepted later, so you will have to work hard for a while."

<"Does Han Wenshan know all this?" Xia Qiyuan asked.

"Of course I know, and this proposal is what he proposed to Yue Academician himself."

Zhou Tian looked at Xia Qiyuan with a faint smile: "There is a lesson from Fei Bing. , we can't take people too hard, otherwise he will defect to the Apostles."

"Then you mean, it doesn't matter if I'm excluded from you?" Xia Qiyuan continued. probed.

Zhou Tian looked innocent: "You should ask Yue Academician about this, I don't know why he deliberately hides it from you."

He deliberately hides it from me... because I Wasn't it a member of the Countermeasures Bureau's own training, but an outsider who occupied He Jun's body?

Xia Qiyuan had guesses in his heart.

He continued to ask: "How to recover the weirdness in Han Wenshan's body? Shouldn't it be temporarily stored in my body?"

Zhou Tian looked at Xia Qiyuan in surprise : "Yue Academician didn't even tell you this?"

He told me shit!

Xia Qiyuan couldn't help rolling the eyes.

But through a layer of armor, Zhou Tian couldn't see the expression on his face.

Zhou Tian glanced at the still bright barrier, and said while moving towards the distant flight: "Although the heat death armor is now used by the heat death, the strangeness in his body is not a whole one.

The power he uses now is actually the escaped energy collected by Yue Academician, so you should understand?"

Essential energy?

There is indeed a saying in He Jun's residual memory.

Xia Qiyuan immediately figured out everything.

Han Wenshan uses heat death armor.

This kind of armor, which has devoted all the efforts of the Countermeasures Bureau, has an automatic recovery function. Unless the Thousand Faces personally intercept it, no one can take it away.

The problem of armor recovery has been solved, and the next one is the weirdness in Hanwen Mountain.

The weirdness of the fusion of heat death armor and armor users is a complete set, and the combination of the two is the real heat death.

One is the machine and the other is the driver core, both are indispensable.

But there is another way to drive the armor, and that is to separate the weird parts other than the core to act as temporary "fuel".

This is equivalent to removing the reactor of a nuclear-powered battleship and replacing it with energy batteries.

As soon as the battery runs out, the armor loses battle strength immediately.

"so that's how it is, no wonder he didn't do his best at first..."

"Now that you have figured it out, hurry up and get ready, and I'll have to find that guy named Jin later. Peaceful boy, Heat Dead's only last wish is to take good care of him.

And as long as the strange resistance is raised, his abilities will also be of great use..."

"Don't look for it, I'll return this oil bottle to you now."

Ai Liang suddenly appeared from the water and threw Jin Ping'an to Xia Qiyuan.

Zhou Tian was taken aback by Ai Liang's sturdy appearance.

She thought the recipe had escaped by flashing.

"You're not dead?"

Zhou Tian was surprised: "The opponent is a thousand-faced man, although he only uses a masked body, it is not something that ordinary people can do. Have you dealt with it?"

Ai Liang glanced at Zhou Tian and ignored her.

But the other party still looked at Ai Liang with interested eyes: "It doesn't look like it was affected in any way, your spiritual ability seems to be worse than ours...cough cough, Much stronger than our director."

Halfway through the sentence, Zhou Tian hurriedly coughed to cover up the extremely rude word.

Ai Liang: "..."

Ai Liang understands that, in the Countermeasures Bureau, the level of a person's position does not represent the level of status.

The so-called Director of the Countermeasures Bureau is most likely the unlucky person they elected to handle the chores of the department.

The real power figure is the Yue Academician who invented the weird armor.

However, what kind of weirdo are the people in the Countermeasures Bureau?

Heat death is fighting to death over there, are you talking stand-up comedy here?

Xia Qiyuan seemed to understand what Ai Liang was trying to convey: "Zhou Tian, now is not the time to chat, hurry up..."


Before Xia Qiyuan finished speaking, a loud noise came from afar.

Zhou Tian's expression changes faster than flipping a book.

The last second was hehe haha, and the next second, the spatial ability of facial expression grave was used to build a bank-like slope to reduce the impact of waves.

"Heat death failed."

Zhou Tian said with a blank face: "disciple, magician, and tyrant are still alive."

Xia Qiyuan frowned , looked towards the explosion center: "The energy emitted by the armor...disappeared?"

Logically speaking, if the heat death used the previous form, it would at least cause a tiankeng with a radius of more than 300 nautical miles.

Zhou Tian was sent here just to minimize the impact of the tsunami on the surrounding islands.

But this energy disappeared mysteriously, leaving only the loud noise just now.

Even if the tyrant can absorb energy to strengthen himself, the attack of heat death is definitely not something he can withstand.

"Did you fail..."

Xia Qiyuan narrowed his eyes: "But the Apostles Association doesn't seem to be very easy."

Heat Death It disappeared inexplicably, not without causing any damage to the three apostles.

Ai Liang followed Xia Qiyuan's gaze and looked towards the center of the explosion.

The three members of the Apostolic Society were injured extremely severely.

The magician is missing an arm and a small half of his body.

The tyrant was left with only a black skeleton, and part of the muscle tissue attached to the skeleton was slowly wriggling to build a new body.

The only one that was still intact was Cheng Lejia, who was charred all over and had a few more holes in his chest.

"pu, cough cough... this old bastard... huh... is it crazy!"

Cheng Lejia was unable to stop the tyrant and magician in the attack just now The rays penetrated the lungs, causing him to mimic the human form, speaking intermittently.

"If it weren't for Gaia... the life-protecting shield I gave you two, the wave just now... none of the three of us would have survived?"

" Even if there is a shield, it is useless."

The magician used his ability with difficulty to grow a new arm: "In the last time, if I hadn't used the ability of the gods to share the energy of one third, None of the three of us survived.

This time, we fell into each other's traps. Yue Yangyan guessed that we would turn around and suppress them, so he deliberately asked the previous Heat Dead to come and exchange money with us. "

The magician looked towards the distance vigilantly, always on guard against Xia Qiyuan's surprise attack, he held the unconscious tyrant in one hand: "Now is not the time to talk, it's better that you and I join forces and quickly open the space Leave."

"Fuck, I almost forgot that there is another spirit."

Cheng Lejia said foul-mouthed after recovery.

(end of this chapter)

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