Dark Light Chaser Chapter 53


Chapter 53 exam

June 3rd at 6am.

Ai Liang woke up on time as usual, and made no changes due to the exam.

Ordinary open the faucet, ordinary wiping toothpaste, ordinary brushing.

Except for the fact that he didn't move his hands, he was no different from an ordinary teenager.

The torrential rain outside the house doesn't mean it's getting smaller, it's even worse than last night.

And there is a strong wind today. In this weather, it is difficult to protect the whole body with an umbrella, at least it is inevitable that the pants will be wet.

Ai Liang stood on the balcony and watched for a while, then went back to the bedroom to pull out a black raincoat and put it on.

Many pedestrians choose to wear raincoats.

At half past six, Ai Liang walked into a familiar breakfast shop.

"Good morning, Ai Liang, I haven't seen you for more than half a month. I thought you were tired of my buns."

The Boss complained. However, his attitude was still the same as before, and he greeted Ai Liang warmly.

"It's almost the exam, I've been busy lately." Ai Liang sat down near the counter.

Affected by the heavy rain, the number of customers in the store is much less than before, because there is no parking space in front of the store, most parents choose to cook at home or pack the buns back home, and not many people are there. Eat in the store.

Boss put the bean curd and steamed buns on the table: "Today seems to be the day of the senior high school entrance examination, do you want to go to a school?"

"A relatively far school. ” said Ai Liang.

"That means you can't come here for breakfast in the future?" Boss's expression changed slightly and his tone was a little emotional: "I've been eating for so many years, and I'm really not used to leaving suddenly."


Ai Liang said with a smile: "If you're not used to it, you can send me takeout."

"You brat is transsexual?" Boss looked at Ai Liang in surprise, "It used to be like the one in the winter. Why are you talking so much today, have you made a girlfriend?"

"No, I just wanted to try to change my image recently."

"It's changed. You used to be like a Little Old Man with a cold face all day long. If you keep that character, you won't be able to make friends in high school." Boss said while nodded.

He looked out of the store, and there were no customers coming in. Boss simply walked out of the counter and sat down opposite Ai Liang.

There are not many customers, so there is no need to prepare the raw materials for the noodles.

"Are you going to live on campus?" he asked.

"Renting a house outside." Ai Liang took a bun, not caring at all about the temperature of the bun and sent it directly to his mouth.

Boss leaned on the table with his elbows and looked towards the outside of the store: "It's better to live on campus if the school is far away. In case of any trouble, there are people around to help."

"It's all the same." Ai Liang said vaguely: "It's just a different place to live, we're all alone, and it's no different from our current life."

Boss was at a loss for words after hearing this. .

He had inquired about Ai Liang's family situation when he was chatting with guests before, maybe it was really just a change of place for this child.

Not knowing what to say, the Boss sat quietly across from him and watched Ai Liang eat.

When Ai Liang was about to check out, the Boss waved his hand: "The exam is coming soon, this is a treat for me, so I should celebrate your good grades in advance."

Ai Liang also Without being polite to the Boss, I said thank you, put on my raincoat and left.

"It's really changed a lot." Boss muttered to himself as he cleaned up the table.

As the former Ai Liang, even if Boss said he didn't need to pay, he would scan the QR code to pay. He would not accept the kindness of others at all, just like he didn't want to interact with anyone.

With such a change, Boss, who watched Ai Liang grow up, was sincerely happy for him, and hummed a little song in his mouth.

On the bus, Ai Liang looked out the window.

The previously deserted motorway lanes are now vast crowds, with candidates and parents rushing to the examination room everywhere, seriously affecting traffic.

Most of these test takers are taking the test in the school, because the test takers who are not in the test center of the school will organize a collective action, and they will gather at the school at 6 in the morning to take the test to the test center. After all, some test centers are a bit far away. Considering Due to factors such as weather and traffic, it is necessary to leave in advance.

Of course, there are also many parents who insist on sending their children to the examination room in person, which is the main reason for the traffic jam.

When the bus arrived, Ai Liang silently got off the back door and squeezed into the crowd.

The rain was so heavy that it was almost impossible to see faces, as if a big hand was pouring water into the city with a sprinkler in the sky.

Wearing a raincoat is a very wise decision. There are crowds of people near the school, and the height of the umbrella is different due to the difference in height. The rain falls on the shorter person along the edge of the umbrella.

It's okay to look up at other people's nostrils when speaking, even when it's raining, it's a loss to open an umbrella, so that the dwarfs can fully feel the maliciousness of the world.

Ai Liang squeezed to the school gate. There were many unfamiliar faces in front of the familiar school gate. These were candidates from other schools. They were either accompanied by their parents or in small groups under the leadership of the teacher. Gathered together and surrounded the school gate with water.

Ai Liang saw the silhouette of Yue Qihua and the others in the crowd, but instead of going up to say hello, he chose to lean against the fence alone.

Yang Xingguo was standing beside them chatting with Ma Yu's father, Ai Liang didn't want to meet that paranoid at all.

The umbrella should be returned tomorrow.

Ai Liang thought while looking at the folding umbrella in his hand.

Not long after, the security finally opened the gates of the school, and the crowd rushed in like sardines.

Ai Liang had already seen his exam room outside the school. He did not follow the crowd to the signboard but walked straight into the teaching building.

After going through security and fingerprint verification, Ai Liang took a seat with his name tag on it.

The extra tables, chairs and benches in the classroom are all put away in the corner. It seems that after school last night, the school teachers were busy.

The first stage test is Chinese. As long as the basic skills are solid, it can be said that Ai Liang has completed all the tests halfway through the test.

This is also because the number of words in the language is too much time to write. If it is replaced by subjects such as mathematics and foreign languages, the battle can be solved in about half an hour.

After finishing the test paper, Ai Liang memorized the answer sheet and began to stand idle with his chin on his back, much like the invigilator teacher on the podium who seemed to be serious but in fact wandered in the sky.

The expressionless invigilator teacher looked very imposing, with a temperament of the Inquisition, as if he would be kicked out of the examination room if he accidentally offended him.

In fact, they don't know what to do.

The middle school entrance exam is not like the monthly or midterm and final exams in my school. I can walk around in the exam to see how the students are doing on the exam papers, or mute the phone and swipe the video to read the novel. time.

This kind of large-scale exam, the invigilator teacher can't do anything except stare at the students one after the other in a daze.

The invigilator teacher on the podium glanced around the classroom with dead fish eyes, and then found the outlier Ai Liang.

(end of this chapter)

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