Dark Light Chaser Chapter 54


Chapter 54 exam is over

The invigilator teacher on the podium looked at this alien who started to daze just after an hour.

The invigilator teacher stared at Ai Liang for about five minutes, and finally chose to step off the stage. He came to Ai Liang and tapped the table lightly, warning him not to glanced around with his eyes.

Actually, the exam is not as strict as you imagined. By moving your neck and glancing at you, the invigilator will at most stare at you, as long as your actions are not so extreme that you are directly staring at other people's answers. Cards or keep staring at other people's papers, in most cases there is no problem.

Cheating is also very troublesome to deal with. It requires the invigilator teacher to write detailed records, sign the candidates, monitor and collect evidence, and report the troubles step by step. Therefore, most of the invigilator teachers will take small actions. turn a blind eye, don't go too far.

Ai Liang didn't say anything, just showed the answer sheet that he had written.

The invigilator teacher was choked and speechless.

He had no choice but to point to the monitor, signal Ai's eyes not to glance at him, and then returned to the podium to continue in a daze.

The bored Ai Liang turned on his mobile phone with his mind power, clicked on the music software, and wrapped the mind power into a soundproof space similar to a retort, starting from the phone against the wall and extending to the top. ceiling, then drop vertically to the ear.

In simple terms, it is to transmit the sound of the off-site mobile phone to the ear, and the power of the mind is the headphone cable.

Ai Liang was lying on the table very comfortably. He closed his eyes and listened to Bolero, which was recommended to him by Yang Xingyue. not bad.

After handing in the papers and going out, Ai Liang went outside the school and found a restaurant to solve the lunch problem.

Ai Liang took out his mobile phone to check the class group during the meal.

The teachers have repeatedly emphasized that the answer should not be correct after the test, but few of them listened to it, and the group discussed in a frenzy.

[According to the context, it should be A.]

[It’s obviously B, okay?]

[It’s definitely A. If you don’t believe me, let’s put Ai Liang and Ai Liang together. The squad leader shouted out and asked them what they chose]

[It's great to listen to my DEF]

[Go away, don't be smart at this time]

[hehe ]

Ai Liang just glanced at him and decided to quit, when Yue Qihua sent a private chat.

[Ai Liang, try not to bubble up during the exam, so as not to undermine others' self-confidence]

Yue Qihua's words make sense, after all Ai Liang's answer is equivalent to the standard The answer is the same as his, but if it is different, it means that he is wrong and affects the mentality of the afternoon exam.

You, the class leader, are really conscientious and considerate of your classmates. You might as well be the class teacher.

Ai Liang sighed typed and replied:


After replying to the message, Ai Liang was just about to put away his phone when Yue Qihua sent it again A message:

【Ai Liang, are you free now? Now it's too late to go home and cook, why don't you come to my house for dinner at noon]

[Xingyue, where's your cell phone? ]

Ai Liang knew that this was definitely not from Yue Qihua just by looking at the choice of words and sentences.

[The phone is out of power? How do you know it was me? 】


【Are you coming? ]

Obviously, it has been replaced by Yue Qihua again.

【I'm already eating】

"He said he was already eating." Yue Qihua put down his phone and said to Yang Xingyue.

Yang Xingguo sat in the driver's seat and laughed and teased: "Xingyue, it's more difficult to meet your classmate than me to meet the big leader."

"Well Hmm." Yang Xingyue had nothing to say but made a murmur of unknown meaning.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

After the last subject, Ai Liang handed in the papers 15 minutes early and left the examination room.

But he just left the exam room. He was taken to an empty classroom by the invigilator teacher, where he couldn't play with his mobile phone and could only sit.

Ai Liang did not submit the papers in advance to leave the school early, but to not want to crowd the school gate with other people later, and the already crowded roads were even more so after the students came out.

Going out of the exam room with other candidates in the past two days is really torture. Usually, it takes only 20 minutes to walk from the school gate to the bus station. Those parents are riding their cars around to find their children. silhouette, seriously affecting traffic.

Today is the last class, and there are more parents than before, and some even bring their families along.

Ai Liang can leave the school directly when the bell rings, saving the time for collecting papers. During this time, he can quickly run to the bus stop before the students come out.

“ding ling ling ling bell”

The bell rang for the end of the exam, Ai Liang got up from his chair, picked up the phone on the table, put on his raincoat and went straight to the school gate.

After two days of violent rain, God seemed to be tired of crying. Although the rain was still falling, it was not as loud as the previous two days. However, Ai Liang still wore a raincoat for convenience.


Because the traffic jam was too serious, Yang Xingguo's car did not come in. He was holding an umbrella and waiting for his daughter to come out of the examination room.

Yang Xingguo is in a good mood as the rain is getting lighter and fewer pedestrians are wearing raincoats.

Yang Xingguo has suffered from PTSD since the recluse turned into a throat-cutting madman, and when he sees clothes such as black trench coats and raincoats, he will think of his silhouette. In Yang Xingguo's heart, a hermit who hasn't seen blood for five years may now attack an ordinary person at any time, and he always pays attention to every person who is similarly dressed in his daily life.

ding ling ling ling.

When the bell rang for the end of the exam, Yang Xingguo set his eyes on the school gate, ready to look for Yang Xingyue among the students.

But at this moment, a silhouette caught his eye unconsciously.

People can disguise themselves as other people through makeup, shrinking bones, etc., but the walking posture, the frequency of arm swings, and the distance between the feet when stepping are hard to be engraved in instinct. Change.

As long as Yang Xingguo is free, he will keep looking at the surveillance video about the hermit, and study all his behaviors over and over again, including those useless little details that he is very familiar with.

Ai Liang was wearing a hood and the collar of his raincoat covered the lower half of his face, making Yang Xingguo unable to see his appearance, but Sixth Sense kept reminding him that there was something wrong with him, and he walked right first The details of the feet and the swing of the right arm are smaller than those of the left arm are also exactly the same as those of the hermit.

'What am I thinking, how could a hermit come out of school'

Yang Xingguo laughed at himself in his heart.

Just as he was about to look away, Ai Liang suddenly turned around and looked at him.

At this moment, Yang Xingguo's body jumped up without authorization. He threw down his umbrella, took out his gun and handcuffs, pushed aside the crowd and rushed forward.

The similarity of body movements can be explained. After all, it is difficult for the human eye to distinguish the small details of the movements, which will cause errors as it should be by rights. But the eyes are the windows to the soul, and the indifferent eyes with disgust are definitely not wrong. Yang Xingguo saw him show this kind of eyes to himself more than once in the process of chasing the hermit.

Yang Xingguo slammed Ai Liang to the ground, handcuffed him and himself, and then lifted his hood.

I ate too much ice cream yesterday and made my stomach ache all night

(end of this chapter)

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