Dark Light Chaser Chapter 73


Chapter 73 Reasons for leaving

Ai Liang summed up his ten years of experience in a few short sentences.

After listening, even Fang Xiaoxiao, who talked the most nonsense, was silent.

As the saying goes, it is difficult for honest officials to decide housework, and it is not easy for outsiders like them to judge other people's housework too much.

The cheerful atmosphere no longer exists, and they each stare at the tableware and chopsticks in front of them without moving.

This is something that has never happened since several people met.

The hot pot was steaming hot, and the guests at the next table were still talking and discussing the current situation of Neihua City. He stared at the desktop in a daze as if time had been frozen.

Ai Liang looked at the four people with different expressions, and his mood was a little complicated.

He deliberately concealed this matter to avoid the current situation. After all, these people are his few friends.

Ai Liang sighed silently in his heart when he saw a few people in a low mood.

“I only read primary school for one year, you are one of the few friends of my age in this city, I was going to confess when I got there, because I didn’t want to see you before I left Depressed about this..."

Looking at the two girls who were secretly wiping tears, Ai Liang couldn't be ruthless after all.

Whether it is Yue Qihua, who is always strong and proud, or Yang Xingyue, who only knows how to smirk all day, he rarely shows his current appearance.

Ai Liang has only seen them sad twice in three years.

Once when Yang Xingyue hid in the school flowerbed and cried because of his academic performance.

The other time was comforting Yue Qihua who was scared in the limpid autumn water manor not long ago.

In the three years of junior high school, Ai Liang was almost inseparable from them except for the winter and summer vacations.

Unconsciously, he has regarded these two little fellows as biological younger sisters.

They are sad and their psychology is not very good.

As for the emotional aspect...

Ai Liang was in his twenties after all in his last life, so it's hard to have special affection for two little children who just graduated from junior high school.

Even if there is, it's not love.

The ideological gap between the two sides is too great.

Although Yue Qihua is relatively mature in all aspects, he has never been in contact with society, and his views on some things are still at the level of students.

Not to mention Yang Xingyue, a pure naive young woman.

Ai Liang doesn't know how the relationship between their three people will be in the future, at least for now he doesn't have any thoughts about the two of them.

Yue Qihua and Yang Xingyue eased a bit with Ai Liang's explanation.

Yue Qihua felt a trace of happiness in his heart, because Ai Liang did not care about her so he concealed his volunteering, which proved that he still has a certain place in Ai Liang's heart.

At the same time, Yue Qihua also felt guilty about herself, because she had never noticed Ai Liang's living environment for three years, and only knew that she kept asking Yang Xingyue to lean toward him.

Yue Qihua looked at Ai Liang's profile with apologetic eyes.

Yang Xingyue's side is much more simple. Hearing that Ai Liang regards himself as his best friend, his tears immediately stopped.

She didn't expect Ai Liang to confess to her in one step, becoming a close friend is already a big breakthrough.

The ice in the air is gradually melting away. Boys are far more open to parting than girls. As long as they don't die, they can meet sooner or later.

So Ma Yu was just a little surprised, but not too sad.

Not being in the same school didn't prevent him from pulling Ai Liang to play games.

After seeing the emotional stability of the two people opposite, Ma Yu began to tentatively ask the specific reasons for Ai Liang's departure.

"Little Ai, if you just want to move, you don't need to go that far, right? It's not the same when you live in another place in China?"

This question is on point.

Ai Liang's departure from Neihua City is of course not only influenced by Feng Yue and Aizhe, he also said earlier that Ai Liang has seen the dark side of everyone in this city.

No matter where you go, there are no good memories left.

But this reason could not be stated clearly, so Ai Liang simply put all the problems on Ai Zhe and Feng Yue.

“My biological mother wants me to apply for the police academy and use the optimism of the Criminal Police Support Captain for me and the favor of Gao Fuye to help her manage the business of the group.”

“And I My biological father wanted to use my brain to let me be named in the experimental middle school, and then jumped to the Yalian University of Science and Technology to join his guidance in exchange for the right to purchase new equipment. After graduation, I would come back to help him improve the company's precious metal recycling technology. .”

Ai Liang is telling the truth, but hiding a small part of the truth.

"The two of them are very powerful in China. No matter where I hide, I will be harassed by them, so I simply go to Qianhua City and leave the radiation range of their influence."

Of course, these are just excuses.

Ai Liang has many ways to get rid of their shackles, or even to destroy them directly, but it is not necessary.

Although Ai Liang doesn't like his biological parents, and they don't like himself, but they were able to grow up with food and clothing when they were children.

Compared to those people who have never been full and do not wear warm clothes, at least he has not received harsh treatment in material aspects, which is already luckier than the overwhelming majority.

Ai Liang doesn't see this as family affection, but he will return it, but not now.

"How can there be such parents!"

Yang Xingyue said indignantly after hearing this.

Growing up in a greenhouse, she has never stepped into society, and it is difficult for her to understand why such people exist.

After Yang Xingyue said this, she didn't have anything to say. She was mainly worried that continuing to involve on this topic would hurt Ai Liang's self-esteem.

“It is understandable for them to do this. After all, the marriage between the two parties is just a transaction, and my birth is just an accident. They cannot be asked to put their feelings into a burden.”

Ai Liang Picking up the chopsticks again, he took a piece of shiitake mushroom and put it in his mouth, showing that he didn't care.

After his desire for family love was fruitless, he chose to accept the reality and stopped trying to make them accept himself.

Familiar stranger, a term that applies very well to Ai Liang's view of his parents.

"Where do you live there? Live on campus or rent a house? Are you financially prepared? If not, I can lend you my New Year's money first."

Seeing that someone finally moved the chopsticks again, Ma Yu said while stuffing the almost boiled fat beef roll into his mouth.

"Xingyue and I also have some savings..."

Yue Qihua's voice was a little sad.

After all, she used to look like a big sister, but she just showed the appearance of a little woman, and now she is inevitably a little embarrassed.

Everyone intends to give some financial assistance to Ai Liang, except Fang Xiaoxiao.

"Ah...you all have savings, I'm a poor bastard, sorry..."

Fang Xiaoxiao scratched her little head very annoyed.

She always spends money when she has money, buying dresses, dolls, and decorations, but she doesn't save money at all.

"I'm going to rent a house outside, and the house has been found through an agency."

Ai Liang looked at the gloomy sky outside, and it is estimated that it will be rained in a while. Time to come down.

"Don't worry about the economy, I've made a lot of money from stock trading recently, enough for me to finish high school and college."

"Really, you won't. Are you lying to us?"

Ma Yu had some doubts about Ai Liang's source of income, he was worried that Ai Liang was trying to save face and would not accept their kindness to say this on purpose.

"When did I tell a lie?"

"Last time you told us that you wanted to be an experimental school."

Ma Yu I would like to use an example of volunteering.

As a result, Ai Liang calmly retorted: "Isn't the experimental middle school in Qianhuashi not an experimental middle school?"

Ma Yu was suddenly choked.

(end of this chapter)

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