Dark Light Chaser Chapter 74


Chapter 74 Station

da da da da da, the dark clouds outside the window have been brewing for so long and finally I am willing to put the accumulated rainwater put it down.

Scattered water droplets smashed the ground into small splatters that were quickly absorbed by the dry pavement.

The rain gradually increased, and the color of the cement road gradually deepened. The water droplets seemed to form a line in the midair. Sitting by the window, I couldn't even see the faces of passers-by below.

It took less than 30 seconds for the rain to change from patter to downpour, and it came unexpectedly.

"All in all, in terms of life, I can definitely take care of myself, don't worry."

Ai Liang looked back and turned on his phone to check the time, it was almost half past five.

The departure time of the ticket is six o'clock.

"Is there any problem? If not, I should almost go to the station."

Ai Liang put on his travel bag: "You don't need to come and drop me off, you guys should go back early too. , after all, it's a heavy rain, and you might catch a cold in summer."


Yue Qihua asked when Ai Liang got up: "...will you come back? ?"

Everyone was attracted by Ai Liang's confession and life experience. When they were upset about Ai Liang's life experience, they subconsciously ignored Ai Liang's departure.

The moment he put on the backpack, Yue Qihua suddenly realized, is this going to be a goodbye?

"If nothing special happens, I'll probably live there forever."


Yang Xingyue's With a dull expression, she subconsciously wanted to refute.

But when I recalled Ai Liang's confession just now, he couldn't say a word. He could only hold Ai Liang's clothes tightly with his fingers.

“It’s hard to find taxis in this weather, so make an appointment as soon as possible.”

Ai Liang put her hand on the back of Yang Xingyue’s smooth hand and lightly opened her one by one. finger.

Ai Liang is gone.

Yang Xingyue stared at the entrance of the stairs in a daze.

The atmosphere at the table returned to a stalemate.

"Sister Hua, Ai Liang is leaving soon, and she doesn't plan to come back, what are you going to do?"

Fang Xiaoxiao moved towards Yue Qihua and asked.

And Yue Qihua kept staring at the table, dumbfounded, not knowing whether she was listening or not.

"Even though I can use my mobile phone to contact me, it's always difficult to meet. What are you going to do? Continue like this?"

Yue Qihua still didn't answer.

"Xingyue, what do you think?" Fang Xiaoxiao saw that Yue Qihua had been silent and threw the question to Yang Xingyue.

"Are you going to continue to grind after three years of high school? Or do you want to give up this relationship?"

Yang Xingyue is also like Yue Qihua, just like Yue Qihua. He looked at the stairway where Ai Liang left as if time had been frozen.

Fang Xiao's dissatisfaction was aroused by the two people's behavior like the stone man.

"I'm back to my senses!"

Fang Xiao slapped the table with a stingy slap, this slap used a lot of strength, she endured the pain and said, "I want to do it. Just do whatever you want, say whatever you want, this is the last chance!"

The body of the two suddenly trembled, and they looked towards the opposite side, and Ma Yu's taxi came into view. Order.

"It's already five o'clock, and Little Ai's ticket is at six o'clock. I have to hurry up to do something."

Ma Yu put away his phone and said.


Ai Liang walks alone on the pedestrian street with an umbrella.

Although it is rainy weather, the pedestrians on the road are like the hair of programmers, rare but not absent.

bang bang bang, the feet wrapped by the psychic force stepped on the thin puddles and made a slight crisp sound, this is the song of the traveler.

The crash-bang, where raindrops fall from the sky and hit the concrete pavement, is the accompaniment of drifters.

Ai Liang boarded the bus. It was just the time to get off work, so the bus was crowded.

The umbrella dripped with water and wet the trousers of the stranger, and the scent of laundry detergent remained on the clothes of the unknown person beside me. I could clearly feel the heat radiating from other people's bodies under the low temperature air conditioner. The air-conditioned air with a strange smell stroking the hair on the top of the head.

Outside the car, under the shroud of rain, the traffic was still flowing.

The tires and the watery ground rubbed against each other, splashing gray waves, and pedestrians held up multi-colored umbrellas to walk in the torrential rain, adding a touch of color to the gloomy streets.

They make this grey world look less dark.

Staggering, Ai Liang got off the bus at the station. He held an umbrella and took the ticket at the ticket counter.

Then Ai Liang opened the backpack and took the hermit's short blade out of the bag and put it on the waistband, which was convenient for the backpack to go through security.

About twenty minutes before boarding, Ai Liang found a seat near the ticket gate, sat down, closed his eyes, and waited quietly for the bus to arrive.

No one would choose to ride in this weather unless something urgent came up.

And no matter where this point is going, it will be night when you get there.

So there are very few people in the waiting room. Except for Ai Liang, there are only an old man sleeping with a bag and eyes closed and a young woman with a satchel.

The old man's faint snoring and the soft music played by the young woman's mobile phone echoed in the quiet waiting hall.

Raindrops hit the outside of the air conditioner quickly and hurriedly, accompanied by the weak music from the young girl's mobile phone and the refreshing wind from the ticket gate from time to time.

It all makes for a good night's sleep.

Maybe it was because he was about to break free, or because the environment in the waiting room was too comfortable, it was rare for Ai Liang to feel sleepy.

Tread, stomp.

The drowsiness soon disappeared.

The sound of rapid footsteps came from the security check.

The steps got closer and closer, and finally stopped in front of Ai Liang.

Listening to the slight gasp in front of him, Ai Liang opened his eyes, it was Yue Qihua and Yang Xingyue.

"Did you come to see me? It's raining so hard outside, it's better to go home."

Ai Liang sighed while watching the two of them, then left and right hands Two handkerchiefs were handed over at the same time, but no one took it.

Yang Xingyue took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, Fang Xiaoxiao and Ma Yu didn't come over not far away, just watched them quietly.

The old man was farther away and slept more deadly. He didn't hear the movement here, and the young girl was quietly looking at the three of Ai Liang under the cover of her mobile phone.

This kind of picture is like the heroine in a romance drama, with the help of a friend, goes through the supplemented untold hardships and finally catches up with the hero before boarding the plane.

Except for the heroine, the two are a bit strange.

“Ai Liang.”

Yang Xingyue spoke first.

"Anything else?"

Ai Liang, who is 1.82 meters tall, stood up and looked down at her face slightly.

Perhaps it was a taxi in the rain, Yang Xingyue's hair was a little wet, part of her hair was tied together, and her bangs were tightly attached to her face, but this did not affect her appearance, on the contrary, there was a kind of The feeling of a beauty taking a bath.

"I wouldn't ask if you could stay because even if I asked you wouldn't answer, would I?"

With a bitter smile on Yang Xingyue's face, she His voice was so weak that it was easily drowned out by the rainstorm.

"en." Ai Liang's expression did not change, he hummed as if replying.

"Ai Liang, you know, the first and second in our class have always been you and Huahua, and you have always left me, the third, far away, as if there is a gap in the sky."

Yang Xingyue started talking about when everyone was just assigned to a class.

"To be honest, I've been hit by Huahua since I was a child. I didn't plan to do well in the test, and the past grades I said were barely mixed enough to be able to go to the same school as Huahua in the experimental school. Very satisfied."

Ai Liang did not interrupt or interject, keeping the indifference of a listener.

"But I found that I couldn't even do that."

Yang Xingyue said his own embarrassing things like self-deprecating.

(end of this chapter)

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