Dark Light Chaser Chapter 75


Chapter 75 Farewell

"Remember the first time I asked you a math problem? Hua Hua is busy playing games Introduce me to you, to be honest, I just thought you were a weirdo at the time, and I had heard some things about you before, helping others but never interacting with others."

Yang Xingyue seems to She smiled when she recalled something funny, but there was deep regret in that smile.

"I didn't think much about it at the time, so I directly regarded you as an arrogant genius with eccentricities. When I asked you for advice, I took a perfunctory attitude. If I don't understand, I will say 'Understood, thank you' and leave."

"Who knows that after you have said it again, it seems that I am pretending to understand when I don't understand, and then use the second method to say it. I read it once, and then for the third time, I couldn't leave because you were pulling me, so I could only listen patiently to your repeated explanation of the question, and the three solutions were literally instilled in your mind."

"Looking at your serious face, I was thinking that maybe you are not as impersonal as the rumors say, at least you are responsible for this better than most people do."

Ai Liang Don't overdo it.

He helped Yang Xingyue just to fulfill Yue Qihua's entrustment.

At that time, I just didn't feel Yang Xingyue's gratitude and thought she didn't understand, so she explained it repeatedly.

"Using that incident as an opportunity, we gradually got to know each other."

Yang Xingyue's smile gradually brightened.

"In the second grade, although my grades were still third in the class, the gap between my grades and yours was getting bigger and bigger, and people started to become more and more restless. I'm busy with my own business and I don't know how to teach others."

"I can only watch my grades keep dropping, no matter how hard I try, I can't do anything, even Ma Yu has surpassed me."

Yang Xingyue took a step forward and Ai Liang posted closer, the distance between the two was only two palms apart.

"At that time, I almost wanted to give up, thinking to myself: Forget it, it's good to watch you go to the experimental middle school like this, at least you don't have to do useless work anymore."

"But you just listened to my troubles and decided to help me."

Yang Xingyue put his hand on Ai Liang's chest.

"Within a year, whether it's after class or self-study, whether it's after school or on weekends, as long as I'm free, you will come over to help me make up lessons, make study plans, and buy reference materials for me. He even gave out test papers for weak points."

"I've long been used to having you around me. You've done so much for me, and I haven't had time to repay you! I don't want you to leave! ”

Rumbled, the thunder continued.

The rain is still falling, but there is one more source.

Yang Xingyue couldn't hold back the tears any longer, and threw herself into Ai Liang's chest and burst into tears.

"I haven't repaid you yet...wu wu wu..."

Ai Liang's shirt was still wet in the end, he used his telekinesis to block the rain's storm but didn't dodge it. Raid of tears.


Ai Liang wanted to stretch out his hand, but he didn't know where to put it half way up. Touched, but in the end it was still calm.

"Hey, stay... no, don't go...don't go...I let...my father protect you..."

Yang lying on Ai Liang's chest Xingyue spoke intermittently with a vibrato, and the whole person burst into tears.

Ai Liang drooped his eyelids, put his hand on Yang Xingyue's shoulder, and slowly pushed her away from his chest, revealing the pretty face of weeping beauty with tear stains and crying.

Ai Liang wiped her tears with a tissue.

"Xingyue, I have accepted your kindness."

Ai Liang took out a military necklace with daisies from his neckline: "This thank you is enough, There's no need to do more for me."

Ai Liang stroked Yang Xingyue's head to soothe her, then looked towards Yue Qihua.


Ai Liang called softly.

"You're going to be leaving soon, so you're getting tough, aren't you?" Yue Qihua tapped Ai Liang's shoulder with his fist: "Sister Hua..."

"Then, Sister Hua..." Ai Liang was punched again just as he was about to change his mind.

"If you change it, don't change it back!"

Yue Qihua glared at him fiercely.

She recalled the first time Ai Liang called herself Qihua.

At that time, the two had just gotten to know each other. Yue Qihua had a big red face because he was called by the same age and opposite sex for the first time. He forced Ai Liang to change his name, but later regretted it to death.

Later, Yue Qihua found out that Yang Xingyue had a good impression of Ai Liang, and never mentioned that he should change his name.

But it's different now. I don't know if it was influenced by Yang Xingyue's words at the playground, Yue Qihua will not shy away from Ai Liang now.

On the way here, she had already packed up her emotions and changed back to that school bully.

"Remember to let us know when you have rented a house over there. I will take Xingyue to play for a few days when I have time."

Yue Qihua is not like Yang Xingyue Retain Ai Liang, because she knows that what Ai Liang is determined to do will never change.

"Remember to come back if you have time...look...look at us...don't leave without returning..."

Yue Qihua lowered his voice as he spoke.

Ding, Ding, Ding~

"Passengers heading to Qianhua City, please note that the vehicle has arrived, please take your items with you"

Broadcasting in the station The voice echoed.

Ai Liang didn't rush to get in the car, but put his right hand on Yue Qihua's head and showed a sincere smile for the first time: "Well, I will."

"Hey?" Yang Xingyue, who was still wiping his tears, raised his head like a hamster with a cute expression: "Didn't you say you wouldn't come back..."

"That's because there was no change. Under the circumstances."

Ai Liang said with a smile: "Aren't you just a change."

"Wu Ahhh, liar, it's too much wu wu wu."

Yang Xingyue hugged Ai Liang's neck like a little child who didn't want to leave his parents for the first time in school. He clearly felt the warmth from Yang Xingyue's face.


Yang Xingyue didn't answer, just wrapped his arms around his neck and cried.

"I'm going to get in the car." Ai Liang felt helpless, he felt the troubles of those dads with their children at the moment.

"Xingyue, it's time to come down." Yue Qihua grabbed Yang Xingyue's collar and pulled her off Ai Liang.

Yang Xingyue looked straight at Ai Liang, still sobbing from time to time.

Bang dong.

Another soft body slammed into his arms.

This time it's Yue Qihua.

"Sister Hua?"


Yue Qihua muttered in Ai Liang's ear.

"Qihua, is your hug a little too tight..." Ai Liang felt the soft touch that Yang Xingyue couldn't match, and his expression couldn't hold back.

He almost treated Yue Qihua as peers.

The young women not far away watched the two girls fall into Ai Liang's arms one after another.

"Forget about the hot pot restaurant." Yue Qihua said against Ai Liang's ear.

The warm breath made Ai Liang's body go soft and almost lost his footing. His ears were his only sensitive point.

“Forgot what?”

Ai Liang asked after temporarily severing the nerve in the ear.

Yue Qihua had a fierce look on his face, like a little milk cat baring fangs and brandishing claws, biting into Ai Liang's earlobe fiercely: "Forget what I look like in a hot pot restaurant!"


"Can you let me go, I'm going to get in the car."

Ai Liang didn't say he would forget, he just reminded Yue Qihua that the car outside the door had started to honk its horn to signal .

Yue Qihua responded with her mouth—she fiercely bit Ai Liang's earlobe again before letting go.

"Then I'll get in the car first."

Ai Liang put on his backpack and said goodbye to the two of them. After saying that, he waved to Ma Yu and Fang Xiaoxiao not far away.

It's still raining outside, but the rain inside has stopped.

Eat more food, eat enough...cough cough, the style of painting in the next volume will change a lot, romance is only a small part of the book, not the main theme, thank you for your support at last.

(end of this chapter)

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