Dark Light Chaser Chapter 95


Chapter 95 The water is deep

"Of course, Lame Wolf, as long as you are willing to give up and kill Jin Ping An, we will definitely help you rebuild it. The transportation channel, with Song Boss as the witness, will never renege on a debt."

Zhang Feng immediately agreed.

He doesn't mind saying something nice to the lame wolf at this time, soothe the ominous beast so he doesn't jump over the wall and bite people.

In normal times, even if Zhang Feng was soft, the lame wolf would definitely say a few words, but today he was just nodding lightly and wouldn't say a word more.

This made Zhang Feng even more curious about the origin of this cat's eye.

He only knew that Maoyan, like the lame wolf, came to take refuge from Neihua City and had something to do with the Maoyan gang in Neihua City, but he didn't know anything about Maoyan's true identity.

However, Zhang Feng and Maoyan don't have any business conflicts, so there is no need to deliberately inquire about such people.

While talking, Zhang Feng stood up and put pressure on Song Jie, asking Song Jie to contact the robbers to release him immediately.

The fat on his stomach trembled as he stood up, looking extremely funny, but Song Jie couldn't smile at all at this time.

With the cat's eye, and another guy who suddenly turned against the water, now it's three votes to two votes, plus the lame wolf is restrained by the cat's eye, it is a sure thing to release people.

This is completely different from what Song Jie thought. He had clearly agreed with the person beside Zhang Feng beforehand. ticket.

This way you can pluck yourself out of the matter.

But that person turned against the water temporarily, disrupting Song Jie's plan, and this cat's eye who came to Qianhua Market with the lame wolf, was not of the same mind as the lame wolf.

"Boss Song, you'd better inform the robbers to let them go, or they won't be in a hurry. What if the tickets are torn up?" Maoyan said with a smile.

Zhang Feng didn't say anything after hearing this sentence, but her eyes became more and more sharp looking towards Song Jie.

Song Jie's hand holding the phone trembled slightly, his neck was like a rusted valve, he mechanically turned his head and looked at the cat's eye with frightened eyes.

Because what Maoyan said was what the leader of the robber said to him just now.

This means that his every move has not escaped that person's control.

Maoyan's smile became more amiable, he said word by word: "hehe, open, laugh, play, laugh."

Maoyan had the kindest expression on his face , with the most gentle tone on his mouth, but the meaning that can be expressed is to make people like falling in a ice hole.

Song Jie resignedly picked up his mobile phone and dialed the phone: "Let people go, run away, don't let people catch them."

After saying this, he hung up the phone. , removed the SIM card from the phone, scratched it, and then threw it into the trash.

"Since the matter has been agreed, then Lao Lang and I will not disturb you. I still have some things to deal with." Maoyan retired first.

He politely waved to everyone at the door, as if this conversation that decided the life and death of the hostages was an ordinary classmate reunion party for him.

This kind of person who doesn't care about interests at all and does things unpredictably depends on his mood is the most frightening.

The lame wolf didn't say a word, and slammed out the door shortly after Maoyan left.

Only three people from the Qianhua City local forces were left in the Conference Hall.

Zhang Feng lit the extinguished cigar again.

"Old Song, explain why you want to help the lame wolf." Zhang Feng said after puffing out a puff of green smoke.

Obviously, the person beside him temporarily turned against the water, and he must have been interfered by Zhang Feng.

Song Jie pondered for a while and sighed: "He didn't do me any favors, and you know that, if the lame did this, he would definitely kill him immediately after tying people to his hands. How can you discuss it with us."

Zhang Feng's legs were swapped and kicked for a long time, and she finally lifted Erlang's legs with difficulty.

He repeated what he said just now: "That's why I asked you why you helped the lame wolf."

"Don't tell me it wasn't you who did it. Yes, I'm a little curious, since you've tied someone up, why do you have to hypocritically ask us to discuss with us, get some votes, and finally get an unsatisfactory result."

"Jin Ping'an doesn't care much about your business. Influence, and for such a small role, there is no need to make such a big fight."

This person Zhang Feng looks wide and fat, and looks like he has no brains, but if he really has no brains, it is impossible to mess around. to this location.

Among the five people present, he is the only one who sees things the most thoroughly and fights against the lame wolf, just because the lame wolf is too ambitious and needs checks and balances.

He did this to prevent the excessive expansion of the underground forces in Qianhua City, and then attracted the attention of the Asian Union.

Suppressing the lame wolves can not only maintain the face of the old-fashioned forces, but also ensure the balance of the underground forces, creating a relatively stable situation.

This will not lead to the above encirclement and suppression.

So sometimes people can't be judged by their appearance, some people are stupid, they are pretending to be stupid, only the stupidity of the lame is really stupid.

Song Jie shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I'm not helping him, and I didn't bind the people."

"Then the guy in their hands was provided by you. "

Zhang Feng was smoking a cigar: "You are an intelligence dealer, there is no need to get involved too much with outlaws like a lame wolf, he is doing a job that loses his head."

"Old Zhang, I really didn't help the lame wolf, I just wanted to protect myself."

Song Jie's eyes were full of bitterness, and his heart was full of fear. He wanted to open his mouth to confess everything to Zhang Feng, but he couldn't get a word out of his mouth.

He didn't have that courage.

Zhang Feng seems to be aware of it, but only aware of it.

Take case investigation as an example, no matter how smart a person is, if you don't give him anything related to the case, he doesn't even know who the deceased is. How to investigate?

This is equivalent to a woman without rice.

So Zhang Feng didn't know what Song Jie was afraid of.

Song Jie in the heart Heaven and man have been at war for a long time, and he still gave Zhang Feng a reminder after so many years of friendship.

"Old Zhang, Jin Ping'an is not simple, his water is very deep."

Song Jie leaned back on the chair, looked at the ceiling and said, "It's very, very deep, just fall into it and then stop. I can't climb ashore."

Zhang Feng heard this and pressed the cigar: "There is someone above him?"

Song Jie looked at Zhang Feng miserably said with a smile: "He There are ghosts under your feet!”


“Grandma has a leg, and I tied the head to the waist of the trousers and tied the two of them.

Foul-mouthed hangup call from the robber leader.

"Boss, is Boss going to release someone?"

The robber who was still counting the money asked.

"Let's go! Who knows what the brains of the fed-up Big Bosses are."

The robber leader smoked the rest of the cigarettes in one breath, and then moved towards outside and shouted: "Pengzi!"

The driver in charge of letting the wind heard someone calling his name and walked slowly to the warehouse.

"What's the matter?"

"Go drive, get ready to run, the two hostages don't need to be concerned."

The robber leader instructed impatiently.

Pengzi heard that they were going to be released, frowned: "It took so much effort to tie them up and just let them go?"

"Don't forget, we are on the surface a bank Robber, the purpose of taking hostages is to facilitate escape, this plan was planned by you, why are you not happy now? Do you really want to have two more lives on your hands?"

The robber's leader In addition, they all showed impatience with Pengzi.

They were not all the way, but their three people's driving skills were not very good. Pengzi was specially recommended to the driver, who was specially responsible for responding.

"I see." Facing the robber leader's scolding, Pengzi was like a stuffy bottle gourd.

The leader of the robber spat disdainfully at his back.

(end of this chapter)

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