Dark Light Chaser Chapter 96


Chapter 96 Silence

"Boss, he's not with us anyway, one less person can More points, or let's..."

The robber who was counting the money pointed to Peng Zi outside the window, then put his two fingers together and made a wiping action on his neck.

"Save you, it was recommended by Big Boss. He has an accident, and we have to deal with it, but not only the police want."

Also counting Qian's third child said with contempt.

Another accomplice was a little unwilling, and continued to persuade: "Anyway, the reward has been received, you think who can find it in our run? No matter how long their hands are, they can't reach the Qianhua Market. !"

The third child wanted to defend himself, but the robber chief spoke directly: "He doesn't share our money, you don't care what he does, in case he is discovered by the police again along the way, he has to rely on him. Run your car and take a long-term view!"

After a reprimand from the boss, the robber had no choice but to press this idea and continue to order money.

Outside the door, Pengzi did not drive, but dialed a number by leaning against the car.

"They're going to release people."

Pengzi looked at the small warehouse and said.

A cold voice sounded on the phone, and this voice directly sentenced the five people in the woods to death: "We will solve it together, don't leave your mouth alive."

Pengzi's face He couldn't see his anger and anger, and he responded: "I see."

There seemed to be some anxiety on the other end of the phone: "Is the chain of evidence ready?"

" Be ready, the guns and bullets in my hand are all from the lame wolf, even if I check it, I will only find the lame wolf's head, and there will be no problem."

Pengzi Begin to repeat the planned plan: "Kill three robbers, then put the pistol in the hands of the comatose hostages, create the hostages to grab the guns to resist, the robbers are forced to kill the hostages, and then take away the cash, resulting in uneven distribution of the spoils. There is an illusion of infighting."

"Well, since you have all remembered, hurry up and act, I have prepared the evacuation route for you... Remember to destroy the ether."

OK After the plan is correct, the phone hangs up over there.

Pengzi put away the phone, and while checking the amount of ammunition in the pistol, he moved on tiptoe towards the warehouse.

And behind him, two figures are quietly coming out of the small dark room.

"After we finish this ticket...Pengzi, is the car ready so soon?"

The robber leader is chatting with the two brothers, thinking about the beautiful In the future, he found that Pengzi, who had just left, had turned back.

"Get ready...on the road."

Boom! boom! boom!

Pengzi shot the robber leader three times in a row, and the remaining two were still stuffing money into their bags. They were stunned by the sudden attack.

"You T..."

Bang! boom! boom!

Three shots again.

He shot the man next to the third child in the head with one shot, and hit the third child with the other two shots.

Pengzi pointed his gun at the leader of the robbers and the third child. In order to ensure that they were completely dead, he pointed a gun at the heads of the two, and shot each of them.

After finishing the three robbers, Pengzi packed up the satchel with cash and ether, and then walked towards the small dark room with a pistol.

He pushed open the wooden door and found no trace of the hostages, only a few ropes scattered on the ground.

Pengzi felt that something was wrong. The escape of the hostages was beyond the scope of the plan. He immediately contacted his last family: "The hostages ran away..."

"Run away? Didn't use the ether I gave?"

Pengzi explained: "I saw them use it with my own eyes, maybe the amount is not enough?"

"That is high-purity ether, adult People can be paralyzed for more than an hour!"

For these uneducated reckless men, the other side of the phone didn't know what to say.

"There are bushes and bushes everywhere, if they hide from me..."

Pengzi hesitated after discovering that the hostages had escaped.

The police slowly speculated based on the surveillance along the road that it was only a matter of time before they got here, maybe they were already on their way.

Every second he drags on, the risk of evacuating Qianhua Market increases. He doesn't want to continue chasing and killing him and waste his precious escape time.

But the other party obviously guessed Pengzi's thoughts: "If you don't solve them, I will let the correspondent leave right now."

Pengzi is just a thug, and he doesn't know what to do. He didn't have the energy to arrange everything, so in terms of logistics, he was mishandled.

On the other side of the phone, Ding Pengzi would not dare to betray.

He quickly organized his thoughts and issued a new order: "Even if he can wake up early, his body will be severely affected, and he must not have run far away. Before the police arrive, hurry up and catch up!"



Two figures gallop along the path full of dry mud and sand.

In just three or four minutes, Ai Liang and Jin Ping'an ran a thousand meters away.

In this kilometer, they almost all ran down at the speed of a 100-meter sprint, and Jin Ping'an would have been tired and paralyzed by the usual running method.

It can only be said that when human life is threatened, the power that erupts cannot be underestimated.

However, human power has its limits after all.

On the way to the road, Jin Ping'an stumbled and fell to the ground.

The power brought by the few gunshots just now has been thoroughly consumed at this time.

"Huh...huh...I said...Ai, Ai Liang, this road...is it really the road to the road, how long has it been running..."


Kim Ping An said gasping for breath.

“There are tire marks on the ground, don’t you know?”

Seeing Jin Ping’an collapsed, Ai Liang couldn’t just leave him alone, so he squatted beside him I want to help him up.

Ke Jin Ping'an implements the concept of lying flat, lay down wherever he falls, and does not dislike the dust on the ground at all.

Mainly because the repercussions of anesthesia are still there, plus there was just a wave of outbreaks, and now I don't have the strength to move.

"Fuck ......cough, cough cough, you, are you an animal."

Jin Ping'an was forcibly lifted from the ground by Ai Liang, because he was talking while panting, Also choked on the air.

"Both of us are dazed, it's okay to wake up before me, why are you still so lively dragon and animated tiger?" Jin Ping'an asked with his head lowered and panting.

Ai Liang made a random excuse: "When I sprayed ether, I was holding my breath, and the inhalation was small."

"I am also holding my breath!"

"That is the physique of people and people cannot be generalized."

Ai Liang grabbed Jin Ping'an by the collar and led him slowly forward, not holding him mainly because he was too dirty .

"You are too perfunctory." Jin Ping'an habitually raised the bar.

"Then what's the reason?"

Ai Liang didn't want to argue with Jin Ping'an, so he directly threw the problem to him.

Jin Ping'an was at a loss for words for a while: "Ah, uh... are you holding your breath?"

Let him think for himself, but he didn't come up with a reason to refute Ai Liang. He likes to kick the bar.

Just like the key fairy on the Internet, no matter what others say, you have to say something, otherwise you will feel uncomfortable.

"How come the police haven't come yet? It's been a long time."

In order to avoid embarrassment, Jin Ping'an quickly changed the subject.

"It will take at least twenty minutes to drive here. You come here as a police officer by helicopter?"

"How do you know?"

"You can't tell the time if you have a mobile phone."

"Hehe, that's true..." Jin Ping'an hehe smirked twice.


"Shut up."

Ai Liang is so annoyed by this guy that he can't wait to bring him back to the robbers now dead.

For someone like Ai Liang who likes cleanliness, Jin Ping'an, who has been asking all sorts of questions, is like a fly, not biting but disgusting.

As the two slowly moved towards the road, the sound of the engine was faintly heard behind them.

Pengzi followed the footprints for a while and found that the two had run away.

So I caught up with the van.

At the same time, Ai Liang also saw the road ahead.


(end of this chapter)

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