Dark Super God

021. Counterattack

White snow covered the mountains and plains, and the earth was covered with silver.

The temperature in Northeast China in March was minus ten degrees Celsius, which was not too cold for people in Northeast China, and more people began to go out.

Changle Town is a small town more than 100 kilometers away from Shenyang. Although it is not as backward as the mountains, and various facilities are relatively complete, it is not as good as big cities after all. The most important thing is that there are no jobs. Most of the young people in the town and nearby villages have left here to find jobs that can make money, and only a few are still at home.

In addition to this small number of young people who stayed at home, most of the rest are older, almost all of them are over 35 years old, and most of them are in their 40s and 50s.

In the first few days of March, the older generation of people in Changle Town and the surrounding villages, wearing very thick cotton clothes, gathered at the end of the Hunhe River not far from Changle Town, just like the common image of Northeast people on TV.

This scene happens at this time of year.

Because in early March, the ice layer on the surface of the end tributary of Hunhe River in Changle Town is no longer as thick as in winter when the temperature is minus 30 or 40 degrees Celsius. After a winter, the fish in the river have grown fat, which is the most suitable season for ice-breaking fishing.

As the saying goes, you live by the mountain and you live by the water.

In Shenyang, all the villages and hamlets close to the Hunhe River, which has a basin of more than 400 kilometers, people rely on ice-breaking fishing every year to improve their lives.

On the frozen river surface, men are busy fishing out fat fish from the broken ice.

Many people are so busy that they sweat, so they will take off their coats temporarily and let others hold them or put them aside.

A naked figure walked out of the forest, came to a pile of clothes on the shore, picked up a set of clothes and turned back to the forest.

Some people noticed it and shouted, but most people were focused on ice-breaking fishing and did not notice this side.

In the forest, Gu Xing heard the shouts from behind, but ignored them. He put on the clothes he had brought, and a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

"A beheading unit..."

Because of the lessons he had learned, Gu Xing searched satellite maps online when he came to Shenyang, and built a rough terrain blueprint in his mind, so he had a good sense of direction about where he was at the moment.

After he put on his clothes, he skillfully took out a Nokia old-fashioned phone from the inner pocket of his coat, as if he was the owner of the clothes, and then dialed the phone number of Li Xuan that he had written down before.

After separating from Yang Qianyi, Jiang Dongliu and others, he traveled all the way at a speed that broke the sound barrier and came here.

Originally, he wanted to borrow a phone from Changle Town, but seeing so many people here, and now his clothes were torn, with only a few pieces of cloth in his crotch, it was no different from running naked, which was not very convenient, so he stopped here on a whim and took a set of clothes to change.

And from the information emitted by these clothes, he saw what was inside these clothes at a glance.

After being released from the state of the four potential gates of the body, the sequelae made his face look a little pale. However, because the opening time was not long, only a few minutes before and after, and it was not the fatal pulse gate of "Jingmen", he did not lose his ability to move and fight after the release, only some pain in the body cells, the overall feeling was similar to the back pain caused by a heavy fall, which was still within the tolerance range.

"Beep beep"

The call was connected, but no one answered.

Gu Xing held the phone to his ear, waiting patiently, while thinking about this matter rapidly in his mind.

When he heard the person who changed his voice with a voice changer on Yang Qianyi's phone say that the Shenyang Military Region ordered the land and air forces to form a decapitation unit, Gu Xing suddenly felt that the conspiracy against him became clear.

The previous series of events seemed confusing, but when the conspiracy was about to succeed, the conspiracy was finally gradually exposed. This was an inevitable result.

The closer the conspiracy is to success, the clearer it will be for those who are deeply trapped in the situation.

Just like when a murderer kills someone, the closer the victim is to being killed, the closer he is to the murderer, until he sees the murderer's appearance clearly at the moment of being killed, but it is too late.

Gu Xing is now infinitely close to the stage of "being killed", so the situation he sees is becoming clearer and clearer.

"Is someone inside playing tricks?"

Gu Xing finally understood what was going on when he heard the words from Yang Qianyi's mobile phone.

There are radicals and moderates in every political party.

These two factions have very different ideas about a certain thing.

As for the existence of Qiyi, I believe there are radicals and moderates in the country who have different attitudes towards Qiyi.

Generally speaking, the national conditions determine who is the leader between the radicals and the moderates.

In my country's national conditions, the moderates have always been the main force. Even if sanctions are imposed on other countries, they will only use soft violence such as economic sanctions, and will not use force.

In a country with such national conditions, how can all groups like Qiyi be treated as "radicals"?

Of course, the Jincheng incident made the country very angry, and the moderates may have remained silent because of the Jincheng incident, but for a "hero" like him who solved the Jincheng incident and had a blood-level positive combat power, the country would never allow the radicals to "run wild"!

But the fact is that since the Strange Conference, there has been a conspiracy shrouding him, constantly pulling him to the opposite side of the country, which is very abnormal.

Before, Gu Xing suspected that it might be the forces of other countries who were trying to sow discord, but after encountering the attack with weapons specifically for dealing with Qiyi, and the fact that the Shenyang Military Region did not even talk to him and directly formed a decapitation unit, it was obvious that the domestic radicals were behind this incident!

Having vented his anger and killed most of the people who attacked him, and the rest were also killed in the explosion, Gu Xing was no longer so angry, but began to think about this matter rationally.

"Do you want me, the 'hero', to take the lead in 'rebellion', so as to completely reward all Qiyi with dangerous labels, and let the country make up its mind to eliminate them all?"

Gu Xing thought about the reasons why the radicals did this.

If he, the "hero" who solved the Jincheng incident, becomes a more dangerous existence, the moderates may be completely silent on the attitude towards Qiyi. At that time, the attitude towards Qiyi in China will be completely determined by the radicals. This is not a conspiracy against him alone, but a conspiracy against all Qiyi by the radicals!

This is the reason why the radicals did this that Gu Xing could think of.

If this is true, the more people he kills, the more irreparable it will be. Qiyi in China will also resent him for his behavior. If this continues, he will sooner or later become a rat crossing the street, and everyone on both sides will shout and kill him.

After sorting out his thoughts, Gu Xing began to think about how to fight back.

Soon, an idea was born in his mind...


"Beep, beep, click."

He kept dialing the phone again and again. Finally, when Gu Xing dialed for the seventh time, the call was finally connected.


A low and hoarse voice came from the Nokia old phone, which seemed very decadent, just like the state of being woken up by a splitting headache the next day after a hangover.

However, despite the low and hoarse voice, Gu Xing still heard from the timbre of the voice that the person answering the phone was Li Xuan.

"Li Xuan, this is Gu Xing."

Gu Xing got straight to the point and asked sharply: "You killed your grandfather and let me take the blame, and it is likely that all Qiyi will go to war with the country in the future. Is this your justice?!"


There was a silence on the other end of the phone.

But Gu Xing did not stop, and continued to speak sharply: "Now the Shenyang Military Region has formed a decapitation unit to deal with me. I am not afraid to tell you that as long as they dare to come, everyone will die! And the death of these people is all because of you! It is your shitty justice that killed them!"


There was still no sound on the other end of the phone, but with Gu Xing's qualitatively changed five senses, he heard a trace of gradually rising and falling breathing.

Gu Xing sneered again: "After killing them, I will go to Shenyang! If the country wants to deal with me, it must go to war with me in Shenyang! With my ability, unless it is nuclear weapons, even if it is a missile delivery, don't think of killing me! At that time, all ordinary people in Shenyang will die! There will be your relatives! Your friends! The people you love! All the people related to you in Shenyang will die! And it is not me who killed them, but you! Your justice! It will kill everyone around you!"


The breathing on the other end of the phone began to become rapid.

After Gu Xing sensed it, he smiled coldly and hung up the phone.

As soon as he hung up, his cell phone rang again. The incoming call was from Li Xuan.

Gu Xing did not answer the call, but just watched the phone ring until it hung up automatically.

But after it hung up automatically, the phone rang again.

Gu Xing still did not answer it, and continued to watch the phone ring with a calm face until it hung up automatically.

This was repeated until the seventh time, when he slowly answered the phone, "Hello..."

"I'm sorry for you about this matter! Please don't do that!!!"

Li Xuan's low and hoarse voice interrupted Gu Xing's hello and said anxiously.


Gu Xing said this coldly and hung up the phone again.

After hanging up the phone, the phone rang again soon.

Gu Xing answered it again, but this time he didn't speak again, just listened.

On the other end of the phone, Li Xuan said anxiously: "I can surrender! Help you clarify this matter! I just ask you not to come to Shenyang..."

Without saying anything, Gu Xing hung up the phone again with a cold face.

Soon, the phone rang again.

Gu Xing answered the call, saying nothing, just listening indifferently.

This time, Li Xuan's voice was not as urgent as before, but revealed determination, saying: "What do you want me to do?"

After a few times, he already understood that what Gu Xing wanted was not his begging or surrender, but to let him do whatever he wanted.

Hearing Li Xuan's words on the other end of the phone, Gu Xing's cold face finally smiled and said: "Shen Yang, wait for me."

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