Dark Super God

022, hostage

"Da da da da da..."

The crazy rotating propeller wings drove the helicopter to fly in the sky.

The cold wind howled, and the biting blow hit the face like a knife, causing a burst of pain.

Zhang Chenggang was riding on the helicopter, wearing a communicator on his left ear, and the situation from all parties was continuously transmitted from the communicator:

"The land in the east is advancing normally and no target has been found."

"The land to the west is advancing normally and no target has been found."

"The land in the north is advancing normally and no target has been found."

"The land in the south is advancing normally and no target has been found."

"A group of eagles found no target."

"The second group of eagles found signs of target activity, coordinates 73

"Continue the siege."

After listening to the reports from the land and air forces, he ordered.

Then, he looked far away through the window at the dark clouds on the horizon, showing a burning yearning.

General Lee, your sacrifice was not in vain.

Soon, soon...

"Colonel, that boy is very clever. He was already near Shenyang, but somehow he discovered our ambush and ran away suddenly, causing us to chase him all the way."

On the helicopter, there was a Vulcan cannon. Next to the Vulcan cannon, a burly man who controlled the Vulcan cannon looked at Zhang Shaogang and said blankly.

The Vulcan Cannon is the minimum configuration of the decapitation troops. Only this kind of heavy firepower can deal with Qi Qi.

This time, both the army and the air force mobilized a large number of combat personnel and were well-equipped. There were more than ten helicopters, each equipped with a Vulcan cannon. These were only used for cover, and the most lethal ones belonged to the ground forces. Counter exotic sonic and penetrating weapons as well as energy weapons.

After originally locking the target's approximate whereabouts with satellites, the decapitation troops laid an ambush near the relevant Shenyang area, preparing to instantly annihilate the target when it entered the city!

But for some reason, the target suddenly stopped entering the city, left the vicinity of Shenyang, and fled into the mountains. This forced the beheading troops to reposition their satellites, and it took them two days to achieve the current encirclement and annihilation situation.

Hearing the big man's question, Zhang Chenggang smiled and said: "If these strange things were so easy to deal with, the country would not let them manage themselves before."

"It's a pity that these bitches don't know how to cherish them! They caused the earthquake ten years ago and the Jincheng incident this time, and they still ask us to wipe their butts. We should really fucking wipe them all out! It saves worry and effort. !”

The burly man cursed.

Zhang Chenggang smiled and said nothing.

He has always acted as a moderate and cannot show a radical side, but after this operation, no matter the casualties on both sides, their goals will be achieved!

Soon, soon...

Zhang Chenggang's eyes unknowingly became hot.

"Report to the colonel! Target found!"

A sound suddenly came from the headset communicator.

Zhang Chenggang's eyes suddenly became as sharp as a sword, and he ordered: "Start attacking immediately!"

"Report to the colonel! There is a hostage next to the target...it is the commander-in-chief!"

At the end of the sentence, an exclamation came from the headset communicator.


Zhang Chenggang was stunned.

In the snow-covered mountains, a figure more than five meters high, with gray skin and no hair, stood in the snow like a huge figure with a layer of white film, blending into the surrounding white snow.

This huge figure had its eyes closed and its hands folded, as if waiting for something.

Not far away, Li Xuan walked slowly accompanied by an old man wearing a green military coat.


A sound that became louder and louder came from Gu Xing's mouth due to the expansion.

Then he opened his eyes.

The Li Xuan in his eyes was different from what he had seen before.

In the past, Li Xuan was not said to be very handsome, but he was very clean, energetic, and looked righteous. But when I saw Li Xuan this time, his clothes were sloppy, his beard was unkempt, his hair was greasy as if he hadn't washed it for many days, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked extremely haggard.

"I brought the person you wanted."

Li Xuan looked up at Gu Xing with bloodshot eyes and said in a low and hoarse voice.

Although Gu Xing wondered why Li Xuan became like this, he was more interested in the old man who came with Li Xuan than Li Xuan.

I saw him looking at the other person, looking up and down.

The old man has a plain appearance, with gray hair, wrinkles on his skin, and even some age spots, but he looks very energetic! Although his short figure was wrapped in a green military coat like an ordinary country old man, Gu Xing's expression gradually became serious as he observed.

The information emanating from this old man was so huge that it was simply terrifying to the extreme!

Although Gu Xing was far from being able to connect the information emitted by objects into a causal network, but with the current state of his five senses, he could see that the information emitted by the old man had a great impact on the country!

He could kill the other party easily, but after killing the other party, the chain reaction caused by the terrifying information made Gu Xing feel extremely dangerous just by trying to deduce it! More dangerous than any strange thing he had encountered!

"It's amazing! Is this the effect of grasping the trend of the times? Just being an ordinary person can make me feel so dangerous..."

Gu Xing frowned deeply.

When Gu Xing looked at the old man, the old man also looked at him.

The old man looked relaxed. After looking at Gu Xing for a while, he smiled and said, "You are Gu Xing who defeated Zuo Kuang and saved Jincheng during the Jincheng incident, right?"

Gu Xing looked down at the old man calmly and asked, "You don't seem to be afraid at all?"

"I'm old, and I have one foot in the coffin. What's there to be afraid of?"

The old man smiled generously and said, "Can you tell me the purpose of asking Xiao Xuan to invite me here now?"

Hearing the old man's words, Gu Xing couldn't help staring at him.

Being able to say hostage as invitation, it seems that this old man is really open-minded and can see things clearly.

Originally, two days ago, he asked Li Xuan to wait for him in Shenyang, but he didn't expect the beheading team to be formed so quickly. When Gu Xing was about to arrive near Shenyang, he saw the danger information from the vehicles coming into the city, so he turned around and left Shenyang without hesitation.

Afterwards, he contacted by phone and asked Li Xuan to meet the old commander-in-chief of the Shenyang Military Region as the grandson of General Li, and then held him hostage to come here to watch the big show he prepared. With his ability, if Li Xuan did not agree, he would have enough strength to force his way into Shenyang City, and he was not afraid of not threatening Li Xuan. Of course, there would definitely be a lot of casualties at that time. The current situation has not reached that point. If there is a turnaround, Gu Xing is not willing to tear his face.

Gu Xing was too lazy to think about how thrilling the mental journey and experience of Li Xuan and the old commander-in-chief were. Anyway, the two of them are now in front of him.

After staring at the old man for a moment, Gu Xing looked up at the horizon and said, "I invited you here to let you watch a show."


Hearing this, the old man looked along Gu Xing's gaze with interest.

In the horizon, two fighter planes hovered in the sky of this area, constantly flying around, and in the farther horizon, several helicopters slowly flew towards this side.

The same scene also happened in the sky in the other three directions.

"Here, this is for you."

After looking at the sky in four directions, Gu Xing handed a telescope to the old man who was only knee-high, "The old man's eyesight is not very good, use this to look at the ground again."

The old man listened, but didn't say anything, smiled and took it, and did as he was told.

Looking at the ground with a telescope, the old man saw a vehicle loaded with weapons specially used to deal with strange things slowly driving through the mountains and forests, and finally stopped a few kilometers away, and then adjusted the weapons to this side.

"I'm done."

After the old man finished reading, he handed the telescope to Gu Xing, with a flat smile on his face, no different from before, "Did you invite me here to let me block a few shots for you? My old bones can't block so many."

"I want to know who gave the order to form a decapitation unit?"

Gu Xing looked at the old man and asked with narrowed eyes.

The old man smiled and said straightforwardly: "I gave this order."

"Your order should be mainly for mediation, and only when necessary, form a decapitation unit, right?"

Gu Xing said with narrowed eyes.

The old man looked at Gu Xing in surprise and said with a smile: "You are quite smart. You can even guess what order I will give."

"Given the national situation, it is not difficult to guess."

Gu Xing said calmly: "But your order seems to have been overheard, and a decapitation unit was directly formed."


When the old man heard this, his brows finally frowned slightly, but soon relaxed again and smiled: "From what you said, you want to mediate? If you want to mediate, why do you do those things?"

The old man's tone was a little cold.

"I really want to know what the things you said are, and who reported them to you."

Gu Xing narrowed his eyes and looked at the old man and asked.

Seeing him like this, the old man frowned slightly and realized what Gu Xing wanted to express: "You mean, someone deceived the subordinates and deceived the superiors, causing you to be in the current situation?"

"I don't have the final say on this. Only when we confront each other can we know who is true and who is false."

Gu Xing said calmly, and at the same time, he handed a Nokia phone to the old man with his other hand, "Let that person come down to talk?"

The old man looked at the Nokia and frowned.

After thinking for a moment, he finally took the phone and made a call.

After a transfer, the phone was connected.

"Hello, Xiao Zhang, come down to talk."

The old man said in a flat tone


After a period of silence on the other end of the phone, a voice came.

The helicopter in the sky had already flown here while Gu Xing and the old man were talking.

However, because they were afraid that the old man was in Gu Xing's hands, they didn't dare to fly too close. Before the old man contacted the people on the helicopter, the helicopter had actually been trying to contact the bottom.

After the call ended, soon, a helicopter slowly landed in front of Gu Xing and his friends, and it didn't stop until it was more than one meter away from the ground.

Then, Zhang Chenggang, wearing combat uniform, jumped down from the helicopter.


At the moment Zhang Chenggang jumped down, Gu Xing suddenly said, "Be careful!"

In mid-air, Zhang Chenggang held a remote control stick in his hand, pressed the button on the top of the remote control stick with his thumb, and said madly, "All strange things go to hell!!"

"Boom" 8)

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