May 8, 201x AD, this day is the day when high-level human governments secretly unite to jointly launch the "extinction" operation.

At the same time, this day is also the time when the war between Qi and humans breaks out!

Taiwan Novel Network→𝘵𝘸𝘬𝘢𝘯.𝘤𝘰𝘮

According to later historical records, on the first day of the war, high-level officials from various countries around the world dispatched beheading squads numbering in the tens of thousands! Hundreds of thousands of armed personnel were mobilized to attack the strange creatures living in major cities without any warning!

This sudden surprise attack directly caused most of the strange deaths and injuries in major cities around the world!

However, Qi Qi has special talents. After the initial panic, they began to use their abilities one after another. Although they were still no match for the targeted attack by the beheading team, many Qi Qi also used their abilities to escape safely from the city.

On this day, bào luàn happened in major cities around the world!

Especially in New York, the United States, a powerful missile was directly dropped, destroying a large area of ​​New York's coast. Countless people living in New York were displaced and fled New York.

The world's largest city, which was once bustling, lively and lavish, has now declined.

In addition to New York, missiles are actually dropped in many places around the world, but compared to the one thrown in New York, the power is much smaller.

In addition, almost all the places where the projects were launched were not cities, or cities with world-class influence like New York, so the limelight was basically overshadowed by New York.

Three days before the war broke out, strange people all over the world were on the run either being killed or being hunted. The top government officials of various countries were not merciful at all. After dispatching special armed personnel to carry out surprise attacks, they also dispatched large-scale troops, Fighters, reconnaissance planes, etc. are in pursuit!

Exactly like the operation codename "Extinction", there is a strong momentum to completely exterminate Strange.

The explanation for ordinary people is very absurd. Aliens have appeared in human society and have been dormant in modern society, preparing to plot to launch war and enslave the entire human society!

This dreamlike and nonsensical lie was accompanied by the playback of a large number of strange battle video files collected by various governments. In addition, three days later, Qiji recovered his strength and gradually showed supernatural powers in the city. accepted.

Soon after, people all over the world stopped working, going to school, and other matters. The government broadcast announcements throughout the day in various large and medium-sized cities, asking people to hide at home and not come out.

Although some people were disobedient, the vast majority of people were obedient and stayed at home.

In the following week, people in large and medium-sized cities around the world hid in their homes. The streets were empty of pedestrians. People occasionally looked outside through the curtains and could only see and hear the footsteps of the military sweeping the streets.

In addition, these troops will also conduct house-to-house inspections, as if chasing away "pests". From time to time, people will hear the sound of gunshots and the sounds of fighting caused by strange resistance.

As a result of this series of actions, more than half of the total number of strange people in the world were killed or injured. It was difficult for any strange people to hide in large and medium-sized cities. Most of the strange people fled to the wilderness or small counties and towns.

In response to this, various countries have dispatched a large number of reconnaissance aircraft. Whenever they encounter them in these places, they will inevitably be accompanied by bombers!

The strange things that have always been an absolute nightmare for ordinary people are as vulnerable to modern weapons as ordinary people are when faced with strange things.

However, as the strange ones are "tú shā" one after another, the strange ones that can still survive are the best among them. Both in terms of ability and wisdom, they are much stronger than the ordinary strange ones!

Therefore, these strange creatures have also used their abilities or wisdom to start a counterattack against humans!

In these counterattacks, many strange alliances emerged, forming strange alliance organizations, and carried out many effective counterattacks against the extermination forces dispatched by high-level governments of various countries. And these strange alliance organizations, because every one who survived Possessing sufficient capabilities and wisdom, no matter what size of troops are dispatched by the top governments of various countries, these strange alliance organizations are like centipede insects that do not freeze. Although they will lose members, they still survive tenaciously.

But alas, that's all.

In the face of various modern weapons of mankind, these strange alliances formed one after another are scattered and scattered, and they are simply not enough to carry out a violent counterattack. They don't even dare to show abnormalities. They can only pretend to be ordinary people and hang out in small counties. and towns.

If the top leaders of various governments were not worried about using nuclear weapons to bomb these places, it would lead to a violent counterattack by people in large and medium-sized cities - because many people's parents, relatives and friends live in these small counties and towns.

And in addition, it is very likely to cause great harm to the earth's environment, causing the entire human race to perish together. I am afraid that each of these strange organizations has been completely wiped out.

This deadlock, like a rat in the sewer, lasted for more than three months. Finally, it was completely broken because of the emergence of one person!

This person is surprisingly one of the decision-makers of the former American official mysterious organization "God's Arms", "Prophet" John!

"Prophet" John was born with Satan, one of the "Gods" who had swept the world. With the terrifying power of the top life-type monsters and the advantage of the boundless giant tree form, he occupied Kansas City, the main city at the junction of Mississippi and Kansas in the United States, at lightning speed!

After occupying Kansas City, "Prophet" John immediately summoned many consciousness-type monsters that had been contacted in advance, and with a special weaponless "Holy Crown of Thorns" as the core, he gathered the power of a large number of consciousness-type monsters into one, and condensed a huge consciousness magnetic force wave field!

This consciousness magnetic force wave field directly interfered with the electromagnetic field of most of the Western Hemisphere, causing all countries on the American continent, including the United States, and some surrounding areas of Africa and Europe, to lose all functions extended by electromagnetic waves, including communication functions!

The United States lost contact with satellites!

Lost the ability to use nuclear weapons, missiles and many other weapons!

The monsters throughout the United States no longer have to fear the threat of modern weapons, and no longer have to hide everywhere like rats in the sewers.

One after another, the strange creatures began to build human cities and destroy the humans in the United States!

Some of the strange creatures, who were so angry that they killed innocent people, even began to kill innocent people. For a time, all the large and medium-sized cities in the fifty states of the United States were in turmoil and fell into great chaos!


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