Dark Super God

031, one year

The chaos in the United States also brought about changes in the world pattern. Google search reading

Taiwan Novel Network →𝔱𝔴𝔨𝔞𝔫.𝔠𝔬𝔪

Originally, as the world's largest country, it has always been domineering and often interfered in other countries' internal affairs and played the role of world police. This time, it fell into chaos and could only rely on modern weapons that did not require communication to deal with Qiyi. After no longer having the ability to use nuclear weapons, such as weapons of mass destruction, the US ** side was defeated. Despite its tenacious resistance, large and medium-sized cities in the country were still constantly occupied by Qiyi.

Finally, as a last resort, this former world's largest country finally had to ask for help from other continental countries that were not affected by the consciousness magnetic wave force field, hoping that other countries could launch nuclear weapons from outside to Kansas, destroy "Prophet" John and Satan together, and let the United States regain control of its own country's military power.

However, at this time, the attitudes of various countries holding nuclear weapons changed.

Although the United States's request for help was treated politely, no country gave a positive response at all. They just delayed or perfunctorily responded. In the two months since the United States began to ask for help, no nuclear weapons were launched. Some small countries even sent fighter jets to pretend to bomb Kansas, but they were destroyed from high altitude by the golden tree transformed by Satan. These countries were unwilling to even deal with it.

The US government finally got the bad results of all the tyrannical things it had done before, and tasted the taste of being isolated and helpless!

Dramatically, it went from being the world's largest country to the first country to be conquered by Qiyi for most of its territory!

Countless people in the United States fled from the United States to other countries, among which Asia, Oceania, parts of Europe, and parts of Africa, which were not affected by the consciousness magnetic wave force field, were the first choice.

At the same time, because of the influence of the consciousness magnetic wave force field, the American continent has also become a place that Qiyi from many countries around the world yearns for, and they have tried every means to escape to the American continent.

In such changes, the boundary between the strange and ordinary humans was unconsciously drawn.

Most of the strange lived in the Western Hemisphere, while ordinary humans migrated to the Eastern Hemisphere intermittently - of course, there were also many people in the native American countries who were unwilling to leave, or could not leave the land where they had lived for many years.

In the end, these people became lower-class citizens of the new Empire headed by "Prophet" John and Satan.

In addition to the new changes in the American continent, new changes also occurred in northern Africa.

However, compared with the earth-shaking changes in the American continent, the changes in northern Africa are much more inconspicuous.

The Egyptian pyramids in northern Africa.

This originally world-class tourist attraction, shortly after the outbreak of the war between the strange and various governments, under the cover of the sharp innovation of the American continent, all discovered and undiscovered, a total of 137 pyramids, large and small, and different, rose from the ground overnight!

Afterwards, these 137 pyramids were inlaid with each other to form a huge diamond-shaped cube that looked like a Rubik's Cube!

After the formation of this huge and boundless diamond-shaped cube, half of it merged into the earth and the other half was exposed. In the half of the cube that was exposed, there were countless entrances and exits. Then, the mysterious pharaoh who had died for many years was resurrected and took control of the power of the "God of Death". He announced to the surrounding countries that the "Kingdom of Death" was established!

And that huge and boundless diamond-shaped cube was exactly the "Kingdom of Death" mentioned by the mysterious pharaoh!

In addition to the "Kingdom of Death" in the diamond-shaped cube, the mysterious pharaoh did not invade the territories of other countries on the same intercontinental continent.

But he also showed the extremely terrifying power of the God of Death in the way of "live broadcast of curse and murder"! Demonstrating the horror of his own power!

That's right, it was live broadcast of curse and murder!

When the "Kingdom of Death" in the diamond-shaped cube was established, Sudan, who had nearly eighty pyramids in his territory, naturally sent personnel to check it out as soon as possible.

During this inspection, a conflict arose with the revived mysterious pharaoh's subordinates, which eventually angered the mysterious pharaoh. Afterwards, the mysterious pharaoh directly airdropped to the Sudanese capital Khartoum City TV Station, controlled the entire TV station, and cursed nearly 200,000 people in a city in the entire Sennar State of Sudan in the form of a national live broadcast!

This move shocked the entire Sudan, and Sudan no longer dared to act rashly against the mysterious pharaoh and the "Kingdom of Death" formed by 137 pyramids!

Since then, the "Kingdom of Death" has not made any other moves, has no tendency to rule the entire Sudan or even the African continent, and has not killed any innocent people. It just doesn't allow strangers to get close to the "Kingdom of Death", which makes the entire Sudan a little afraid to use nuclear weapons, fearing that even the entire country will be destroyed, and then it will end up like the United States.

At the same time, before they figure out how terrifying the power of the mysterious pharaoh is, they are also afraid of angering the mysterious pharaoh again and cursing the whole country!

Even if the other party may not have the ability to curse the entire country, cursing most of the people in the capital Khartoum, even if it is only 200,000 people like last time, will also have very serious consequences!

Politicians, wealthy people, capitalists, etc., all kinds of interests entangled, finally made the Sultan not take any action against the "Kingdom of Death" established by the mysterious Pharaoh, and also blocked the "Kingdom of Death" to prevent strangers from approaching to avoid angering the mysterious Pharaoh.

This is the general change in the world pattern in the year after the outbreak of the war between strange and human beings.

As for the specific details of the changes, there are too many to count.

For example, in Asia, Oceania, some African, and some European countries, after the strange in the city were "wiped out", the lives of citizens were restored, and the existence and harm of strange were vigorously promoted, which was the source of the doomsday broadcasts broadcast by various countries before.

The strange group secretly destroyed the Antarctic glacier continent and almost caused the doomsday of flooding the world!

After almost a year of "xǐ nǎo-style" propaganda, people finally accepted the existence of strange, and knew the "harm" of strange, and developed the concept of calling the police immediately after discovering strange.

At the same time, the strange information that was originally controlled by each country was also announced by each country, so that many people knew that those people around them who seemed mysterious, powerful, or wealthy were actually strange truths!

And so on, there are countless details.

However, in this year, the changes in the world pattern and the global human beings are nothing more than insignificant trifles for Gu Xing who stayed in a small temple in the deep mountains and old forests.

For Gu Xing, the most important thing this year is that he finally learned some more systematic, so-called "theory of the great way" from the Taoist master. At the same time, he finally had some understanding and perception of Jiang Dongliu's "harmony between man and nature".


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