“This arrogant kid, do you think you can win?”

Nakatani Hitoshi noticed that Wayne had taken the initiative to exit the Zone state.

He could guess Wayne’s intentions.

He had already stored up his energy for the next game.

In other words, in Wayne’s eyes, Shutoku had no chance of winning this game.

He looked at the time and the score difference.

With Midorima’s explosive power of three-pointers, 3 minutes was enough for Shutoku to catch up with many points.

But if he did that,…..

“Midorima’s physical strength will reach its limit and he will not be able to play in the fourth quarter!”

This is an open conspiracy.

Wayne can choose to save his strength for the next game because they are leading by enough.

Midorima can’t do this. Shutoku is now on a cliff with no way out.

Midorima is not a fool. He is very clear about the team’s current predicament.

But precisely because of this, he can’t give up and can only catch up during this time.



The third quarter is over. The difference between the two sides is not more than 30 points, as Wayne calculated.

The difference is fixed at 19 points, just within 20 points!

Today, Shutoku has only a 6% chance of defeating Xiangbei!

What does this probability mean?

It means that if Shutoku wants to reverse the situation, he must turn a ghost story into reality.

For example, Midorima can play the entire fourth quarter with his tenacious will and his condition will not decline.

Or he can push open the second door of the Zone and lead the team to complete a Jedi counterattack.

The probability of these two possibilities is only 3%, which together constitutes a 6% chance of winning!

It is almost impossible to happen!………

Back to the bench.

Midorima was soaked in sweat.

After entering the Zone, the speed of physical energy consumption was several times that of normal exercise.

In just a few minutes, it was enough to play a full half of the game or even more.

“Is everything over?”

Nakatani Hitoshi didn’t want to give up the victory, which was contrary to their”unyielding” spirit.

But to defeat Xiangbei, they needed Midorima’s strength and his three-pointers.

Midorima’s current physical condition was obviously not enough to support him to finish the fourth quarter.

Nakatani Hitoshi, who was once a professional player, knew very well that if he forced himself to play in a state of almost overdrawn physical strength, the risk of injury would be very high.

Even a simple jump could cause him to sprain his ankle due to unstable footing.

In this situation, he could only make such an arrangement.

“Well done, Midorima. Next, trust your teammates!”

Midorima raised his head suddenly.

The coach didn’t intend to let him play in the fourth quarter.

He didn’t resist, but fell silent and sat there without saying a word.

He actually understood the risks of continuing to play, and he knew that he would become a burden to the team.

But he didn’t want to lose, he really didn’t want to lose!

He wanted to win to the end with these like-minded teammates.

“Don’t look like the world is ending, I’m going to bury you!”

“We can still win without you!”

Miyaji Kiyoshi comforted him by slapping him on the head.

Others had similar expressions and were comforting Midorima in their own ways.

No one wanted to lose. This was a national tournament, Japan’s”March Madness”!

However, no matter how much they wanted to win, they would not risk Midorima’s health and future.

They still had the Winter Cup, and even if they lost this game, it would not be the end………..

The 100-second break between quarters passed quickly.

After the fourth quarter began.

It can be seen from the lineups of both teams that Shutoku can be said to have given up the game. Midorima sat quietly on the bench and did not appear on the court, covering his head with a towel.

Wayne did not play either, and was left on the bench by Coach Anzai to rest.

Unless something unexpected happens, Wayne will not appear in the fourth quarter.

Miyagi obviously does not intend to give him such an opportunity.

At the beginning of the fourth quarter, he made two consecutive breakthroughs and scored 4 points by himself, which stopped Shutoku.

After the timeout, Miyagi’s offensive slowed down. But the score difference remained around 20 points until the end of the game.


Xiangbei finally won Shutoku by 19 points.

“The game is over!”

“The winner is the Shohoku team from Kanagawa!”

“Let us congratulate Xiangbei!”

“Congratulations Wayne!”

“He once again had the last laugh in the battle against the Generation of Miracles!”

The commentator Kanagawa could not hide his joy at this moment……….

He had a strong feeling that good days were really coming for Kanagawa………

They have a great chance to end their long championship drought this year

“Thanks for your advice!”

“Thank you for your advice!”

Shude’s players raised their heads and chests and completed the final salute.

As kings, they maintained their demeanor to the end!

Until the last moment of the game, they did not lower their proud heads.

There was no resentment, only unwillingness!

They swore that they must take everything back in the Winter Cup!

But they didn’t know that the Tokyo region of the Winter Cup would be much more competitive than the national competition.

Seirin would join in and participate in the competition for two qualifying places!

After the game.

The whole Xiangbei team went out to celebrate.

They were very excited to defeat the Tokyo region’s giants Tonghuang and Shude in succession.

“Thank you Wayne!”

“Without you, Xiangbei would not have come this far!”

The gorilla sincerely thanked Wayne for coming.

If it weren’t for Wayne, his dream would probably never have come true.

“It’s so great to meet you in my last days of high school!”

“1.9 This is not what you would say”

“1.9, really? Then what should I say in your hearts?”

What should I say ?”

Wayne thought for a moment before saying,”Probably yelling and beating my chest like a gorilla.”

Akagi’s face darkened when he heard that.

It was all because of that stupid Sakuragi Hanamichi who gave him a random nickname. Now almost everyone in the team calls him a gorilla.

“just kidding”

“But Akagi, never let yourself be satisfied!”

Wayne said sincerely to the gorilla.

In SD, after the national competition, the gorilla temporarily bid farewell to basketball due to academic reasons.

This won’t do. Without this worker, what will he do in the Winter Cup?

The latter was stunned when he heard it, and he asked,”Is this the reason why you are so strong?”


Comments: Huntress29

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