Never let yourself feel satisfied.

Otherwise, you may stagnate.

Always keep yourself hungry so that you can find ways to keep moving forward.

Wayne has always been like this.

Now, he has to draw the reward for defeating Midorima.


“Completed achievement: Defeat the Generation of Miracles (3/5)!”

“Achievement Difficulty: S!”

“Achievement Reward: One chance to draw a gold entry!”

Good news, I got another chance to draw a gold entry.

Bad news, there are only two people left who can win.


“Use 50 white entries to exchange for a chance to draw a gold entry.”

After defeating Xiu De, Wayne’s white entries have accumulated to 50, which can be exchanged for a chance to draw a gold entry.

“Let’s draw the lottery!”

Wayne didn’t say anything more and started the lottery directly.


“Obtain the 27th pupil of the heart – Fuji 27 Shusuke!”


The pupil of the heart?

Wayne was a little surprised.

The pupil of the heart, also known as the eye of the heart, is a skill that Fuji Shusuke developed to deal with Tezuka Kunimitsu’s phantom of Nioh.

With his eyes closed, he can play basketball only by intuition and memory. In this way, he broke through the second level of the state of no self, and the limit of his talent.

The problem is

“It doesn’t seem to have much effect!”

Wayne nodded.

This entry is definitely worthy of a gold rating, but it is not particularly useful to Wayne.

“Is this a ghost possessed by a non-African?”

Wayne shook his head and continued to draw the lottery. He still had a second chance.


“Get a platinum entry synthesizer!”



Wayne opened his eyes slightly.

This was the first time he heard the word”platinum” in a lottery.

In the past, he always thought that gold was the highest level of all entries.


“I’ve told you several times, don’t call me Hamtaro!”

“Will platinum-level entries not appear in the prize pool? Can they only be obtained through similar synthesis methods?”

Isn’t this completely ignoring what others say?

Life is not easy, the hamster sighed.

It rolled its eyes in a very human way, and then said,”You guessed right, platinum-level entries will not appear in the prize pool, and can only be obtained in three ways.”

“Which three?”

“The first one is that you have a chance to get it by completing SSS-level tasks or achievements.”

“This is too difficult.”

You know, defeating the Generation of Miracles is only an S-level achievement, and the difficulty of SSS-level achievements or tasks can be imagined.

According to Wayne’s speculation, even if you are fully prepared, the chance of completion will not exceed 20%!

It will not be much easier than playing a soul-like game for the first time and having to play the highest difficulty in one go.

“What about the second one?”

“The second way is to get the synthesizer through the gold entry lottery.”

This needs no explanation. Wayne just got it, and the chance of getting it is also very low.

“The third way is to create and develop it yourself.”

Develop and create by yourself?”

Wayne understood immediately.

After all, the existence of platinum terms was also created by people.

It was created by people first, and then it became an item.

Just like he created the pass without warning!

In other words, Wayne himself also has the opportunity to create a platinum item of his own.

It is probably to continuously evolve a certain item.

But he is not particularly clear about how to do it. After all, he only knew about the existence of platinum items today.

“Since these are so precious, we should use them well.”

Wayne looked at all the golden items in his hand.

Data Basketball, Data Basketball 3.0, Breath of the Beast, Zone, Flying Swallow Returns to the Nest, Pass Without Warning, Wild Lion (Ancient Species), Dual Blade, and the newly acquired Eye of the Heart.




Wayne kept tapping the table with his fingers, and took up a pen to list the possible entries that would be born after these entries were combined.

In theory, combining the two data basketballs into a platinum entry is the most correct choice.

This is his specialty.

But at the same time, the combination of these two, the platinum-level entry born, is also the most unknown.

It may evolve into the second level of the selfless realm, and the limit of the talent is not certain.


“There is no need. Basketball is not a game of tennis. There won’t be hundreds of hits.”

“In a basketball game, the offensive time is only 24 seconds. If it exceeds 24 seconds, the absolute prediction of the limit of talent will be a joke.”Neither of these two data is needed.

Zone, Breath of the Beast, Move Like Thunder, Two Swords, Flying Swallow Returns to the Nest!

These skills are what you need to use next.

“A cautious choice, leaving these terms unchanged, the safest option is to throw in the less useful Heart’s Eye to synthesize new useful terms.”

But the only remaining term is Wildness.

What kind of terms will be born from the combination of these two?

“Intuition and instinct…993..”

Wayne spun the pen, thinking about the possible entries that could be created after the two were combined.

After a moment, he stopped spinning the pen and said directly,”Use the Platinum Entry Synthesizer!”

“Ding, use the platinum entry synthesizer!”

“Please select the skill combination that needs to be synthesized!”

“Note that you need at least one gold term to combine into a white term. The chance of combining two gold terms into a platinum term is 100%, and the chance of combining the rest is 65%.%!”

“The result of the combined entry is unknown, please select an entry combination!”

As expected, to get a platinum entry, at least a gold entry is needed.

Otherwise, two white entries can also be combined to form a platinum entry, which is too incredible.

“Eye of the heart and wildness!”

“The combination of entries is confirmed, the golden entry: Eye of the Heart – Fuji Shusuke and the golden entry: Wildness – Primal Lion!”

“The entry is confirmed, and the success rate of platinum entry synthesis is 100%%!”

“Do you want to start synthesis?”


After the start, the platinum entry synthesizer suddenly emitted a dazzling white light.

Just like the strengthening amplification in the poisonous milk powder, the two entries were shaking violently, approaching each other little by little, and soon merged together.



“Fusion complete!”

“Get Platinum Entry….”.

My name: Huntress29

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