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As the relationship between Xu Chen and Qingquan grew, the knitting of the new wool sweaters was in full swing. Most of the simple ones were already completed, and Qingquan's complex imitation fur coat was also about half completed, with only the pattern part left to be processed.

"Qingquan, for this first piece, you should embroider a phoenix. In a few days, my mother’s birthday will be coming soon. As her son, I have to show my appreciation. This first wool coat should be her birthday gift."

Xu Chen sat down next to Qingquan and said casually.

He just found out that Empress Changsun’s birthday was in these few days. At that time, a banquet would be held in the palace, and all the noble ladies and daughters of Chang'an would be invited.

This was really a piece of cake. He originally wanted to invite people in the name of Empress Changsun, but now it was just right.

"Well, if it’s a birthday gift for the Empress, I have to use gold thread, otherwise it won’t be grand enough."

Qingquan nodded, and the movements of her hands became more and more meticulous.

Through the contact in the past few days, she also knew many unknown identities of Xu Chen, such as that he was actually the godson of His Majesty the Emperor and the Empress!

This identity alone is much more noble than the Marquis, and when she and Xiao Wu heard that Xu Chen didn’t even want the readily available title of King in order to keep his surname, this made them almost faint.

That can be an extremely noble prince!

Of course, these bragging words were taken out by Xu Chen to show off his strength when he entered the sage mode and was unable to fight anymore.……

"Yes, yes, you should pay attention to the details and quality. It should be as noble as possible, but not too luxurious. Mother is a simple person and doesn't like extravagance."

Xu Chen nodded repeatedly and said,

"Well, I know. It should be finished tomorrow. You can check it then."

Qingquan nodded solemnly, and then ignored Xu Chen and concentrated on making the coat.

Xu Chen also got up and went to the back garden. Xiao Wu's design drawings were handed over to several other female workers, while she herself had more important things to do.

In the back garden, Xiao Wu was fiddling with some bottles and jars. When she saw Xu Chen coming, she carefully put down the bottle in her hand and shouted:

"Brother Chen, I have almost finished making the rose essential oil you asked me to make. What should we do next?"

Dry the fresh rose petals and soak them in homemade olive oil. This is the simplest way to make rose essential oil.

And it is also the main material of perfume.

"Oh? Rose essential oil was made so quickly?"

Xu Chen walked quickly to Xiao Wu's side, picked up the largest bottle of rose essential oil, and shook it in his hand towards the sun.

Sure enough, the roses had faded a lot at this time. He put the bottle under his nose and smelled it, and he could still smell a strong fragrance.

"Well, not bad, not bad. Although the rose petals have not completely faded, they can be used. Go get some clean water and the alcohol I made in Qinglong Village."

Xu Chen nodded with satisfaction. Although the roses have not been completely soaked, for him, it is enough to make a light-scented rose perfume.


Xiao Wu agreed twice, ran to the side room, got alcohol and water, and then watched Xu Chen's operation.

Xu Chen took out an empty bottle, put about 70% water in it, and added 10% alcohol. Finally, he poured in some freshly made rose essential oil and stirred it evenly.

The ratio between the three was strictly made according to the specification of 7:1:2. After the configuration was completed, he took out a cork, sealed the whole bottle and let it stand. Before sealing it, he let Xiao Wu smell it first.

"Ah, it smells so good.……"

Xiao Wu took a deep breath and said with great enjoyment. After she exhaled, she even closed her eyes and savored it carefully for a while. The more she savored it, the better it smelled.

"Of course, this thing is called rose perfume, how can it not smell good? You can use it by this time tomorrow, but its smell is not stable enough now."

Xu Chen put the finished perfume in Xiao Wu's hand and told him,

"I have told you the specific proportions, you can also try it. If you want a stronger scent, add a little more essential oil, but it must not exceed 30%, otherwise the smell will become strange."

"And don't touch the bottle just now, I will give it to my mother later."

A bottle of perfume plus a wool coat, although not an expensive gift, can definitely attract everyone's attention and overwhelm everyone.

Especially women

"Yes, Brother Chen, I know! Xiao Wu doesn't like strong fragrance, otherwise she will look like those prostitutes, wearing heavy makeup, so ugly."

Xiao Wu nodded, carefully put away the bottle of perfume, and said proudly

"Yes, yes, yes, our Xiao Wu is naturally beautiful and has her own body fragrance, right?"

Xu Chen suddenly hugged Xiao Wu, buried his head in front of her and took a deep breath, intoxicatedly said,

"Ah... This smell is so good. I have to make a perfume with Xiao Wu's body scent in the future. It will definitely be very popular!"

He deliberately acted a little exaggerated, which made Xiao Wu giggle. He even said that he hated it, but he felt sweet in his heart.

Xu Chen's unintentional flattery is the most lethal to girls.

The two of them played for a while, and Xu Chen taught Xiao Wu how to prepare perfume. Seeing that she did it in a proper way, he felt relieved and went to the front yard.

At this time, an official from the scientific research institute came to the gate of the marquis's mansion and reported outside the door:

"Is Dean Xu here? Mo Qu and Gong Shuyu have already made the first bicycle!"

This news was passed from the guard to Xu Chen's ears, like a thunder that exploded in his ears.

The bicycle is made? So fast, it's only been a few days!

He was suddenly excited and wanted to experience the feeling of riding a bicycle. He ran out of the mansion and ran towards the palace.

He must be the first person in the Tang Dynasty to ride a bicycle!_Please download the novel without underline

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