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Entering the palace, Xu Chen did not need to show his badge at all, he could log in by face recognition without any obstacles.

Those guards at the gate were all subordinates of Xu Chen in the war to destroy the Turks, who did not know him? Moreover, this generalissimo was now the adopted son of His Majesty and the Queen, equivalent to half a prince, so naturally no one dared to stop him from entering and leaving the palace. He went directly into the Wude Hall, where a large number of people had gathered and were talking together. When they saw Xu Chen coming, they automatically made way for him and said:

"Hello, Dean"

"The dean is here."

Xu Chen smiled and greeted everyone, and walked all the way to the middle. He glanced and was immediately attracted by the dark brown iron lump in front of him.

Although the appearance is not very good, the shape is indeed the shape of a bicycle. The gears, chains, and tires are all well connected, just like the old Phoenix brand bicycles, simple, but also very classic.

"This bicycle is well made! I thought it would take you at least five days to make it, but it was so fast. It seems that I still underestimated the strength of Mohist and Gongshu."

Xu Chen saw Mo Qu and Gongshu Yu who were still adjusting the bicycle, and he laughed and praised.

Only a design drawing was given, and it can be shipped in three days. Who can say that the scientific research ability in ancient times was not developed? That is simply a lack of attention! As long as people like Xu Chen are willing to promote these skilled craftsmen, things that will be made a thousand years later can still be made now!

"Thank you for the compliment, Dean. We are so ashamed to accept it."

When Mo Qu and Gong Shuyu heard Xu Chen's words, they turned around and bowed.

""Hmm... let me see."

Xu Chen took a closer look, and gently stroked and pushed the black bicycle. Compared with those high-end bicycles made of alloy materials, this one was indeed not light enough. During the pushing process, there was a slight sense of stagnation, and the body was also very heavy.

"System, check how well this bicycle is done."

Xu Chen said in his mind. Without the system's evaluation, he would not dare to ride it rashly. What if it falls apart after he rides it?

"Testing in progress, please wait……"

"Ding! The inspection has been completed. The bicycle is 90% complete. Except for the body, which has not been painted, the rest of the parts have been basically completed and can be ridden normally. The heavy weight of the body will cause the disadvantages of slow start and slow deceleration. Please pay attention to the host."

"Evaluation result: Excellent, can be further improved."

The comprehensive evaluation of the system made Xu Chen feel relieved. It was already very good to achieve a completion rate of more than 90%. He couldn't wait to ride it and take a stroll!

"Dean, how about this bicycle?"

Mo Qu looked at Xu Chen and said with a serious expression. Gong Shuyu beside him also looked nervous and expectant.

In order to get this bicycle, the two of them worked day and night, so much so that they had dark circles under their eyes. They really forgot to eat and sleep!

"Very good! I can give you an excellent evaluation!"

Xu Chen nodded with satisfaction and asked with a smile,

"So, which of your two families made this bicycle? Whoever made it, my manuscript will belong to him! Moreover, I will have someone record it. The person who made the first bicycle in the Tang Dynasty will surely go down in history!"Being the first in anything is precious, and it is not too much to be able to receive such an honor that will be remembered for all eternity.

After hearing this, Gongshu Yu and Mo Qu's eyes lit up, but the next second, they looked embarrassed, and no one was willing to speak first.

"What? Have you two also learned to be noble and upright?"

Seeing this, Xu Chen was a little confused and joked,

"I heard that on weekdays, you guys would compete for who comes first even when you have a meal, but why are you silent at this important moment?"

When Xu Chen said this, everyone around him couldn't help but laugh. The Mohist School and the Gongshu School were competing against each other, and they were competing for everything. This was already a funny topic in the Tang Dynasty Research Institute.

Such behavior did indeed promote a positive and active atmosphere in the research institute. In scientific research, what we want is to strive for excellence.

"Dean, although I, Mo Qu, like to be the first, I am not a person who seeks credit. Only half of this bicycle was made by my Mo family, and the other half was a technical splicing that we have been unable to master. Instead, it was the Gongshu family who got there first."

After a long silence, Mo Qu spoke first. He glanced at Gongshu Yu and said,

"Therefore, I think there is no need for everyone to waste energy and go through each other's path again. We can simply exchange technology and each family will contribute half of the effort. This can save a lot of time. If my family were to study alone, we might not be able to make it even in seven days."

His big truth surprised Gongshu Yu and changed his impression of Mo Qu a little.

Regardless of the family's grievances, Mo Qu is still a very good person! So, Gongshu Yu also bowed and said:

"Yes, Dean, that part is what our Gongshu family is good at, so it can be done quickly. As for the other part, it is indeed difficult to study, and their Mohist family has an advantage, so, just……"

Before he finished speaking, Xu Chen started to applaud. With him taking the lead, a round of applause broke out in the research institute. They all gave thumbs up to express their appreciation for their actions.

"Haha, you two families can put aside the grudges between the families and work together, this is exactly what I want to see! We who are engaged in scientific research must not work in isolation, because the energy of one person and one family is limited. Only by working together, exchanging technology, and sharing experience can we make great progress!"

Xu Chen flicked his sleeves, looked at the two of them, and smiled,

"You two companies should both compete and cooperate, and compete in cooperation! I know that although both are craftsmen, your focuses are different. You can combine them organically and complement each other. In this way, with you taking the lead and playing a demonstration role, why should we worry about the prosperity of Datang Industry?!"

Xu Chen's words shocked Mo Qu and Gong Shuyu. They looked at each other and saw the future development direction in each other's eyes - competition, but also cooperation! At this time, Xu Chen couldn't wait to untie the footrest, ride on the bicycle, step on the pedal, and let the wheel roll a step...

This is a small step for the bicycle to roll, but it is a big step forward for Datang Industry! _Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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