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Speaking of which, although this bicycle has been made for a while, Xu Chen is really the first person to ride a bicycle! Because even the two makers, Mo Qu and Gong Shuyu, don’t know how to ride a two-wheeled vehicle without falling off...

Since you are not sure, it is better not to be the"first person to try it", otherwise if you fall off, you will make a fool of yourself for no reason.

It must be said that this is a wise move. Few people can ride a bicycle without falling for the first time. Generally, they will learn it after falling a few times. But during the period of trying, it is best to practice alone in secret.……


Xu Chen got on the bicycle at this time, his two feet were already off the ground, and he cheered. At the beginning, he rode a little slowly, but after he got the direction steady, it was easy and pleasant to operate. He rode in the whole scientific research institute! He rode from the backyard to the front hall, and then circled three times, feeling the refreshing feeling brought by the heavy bicycle under his crotch...

At this moment, he seemed to have returned to his childhood, the feeling of going to the suburbs after learning to ride a bicycle for the first time.

And the people in the scientific research institute also followed behind his bike all the way. Looking at Xu Chen's leisurely appearance, they all showed an eager expression on their faces, and talked about it:

"Wow, this bike is really fun to ride! It looks like it can run faster than a horse. Look at the Dean, how easy it is!"

"Yes, you don’t need to eat grass or fatten it up. Once you build it, you can ride it forever. It’s amazing!"

"Great, I want a bicycle too.……"

"Who doesn't want to? I want it so badly!"

Everyone was talking at once, expressing their strong desire to own a bicycle. With this thing, traveling is so convenient, and you can go wherever you want.

After going around for several circles, Xu Chen finally had enough fun and was a little tired. He stopped and laughed happily:

""It's been a long time since I felt so good. Mo Qu, Gong Shuyu, you two have done a great job! I have also seen the efforts of the descendants and disciples behind your two families. The manuscript of the bicycle belongs to you!"

It was better at first, but when the word"manuscript" was mentioned, the gunpowder smell between Mo Qu and Gong Shuyu became stronger again. Who wouldn't want such a precious manuscript?

Although both families contributed half of the effort, there is still a difference in the amount of effort. In their opinion, the ownership of this manuscript must belong to them!

"Dean, Mo Qu just said that we, the Gongshu family, are responsible for the technical problems, so obviously my contribution is greater and more critical, so……"

"Bullshit! I can master your crappy technique in seven days, but as for my Mohist technique, I'll give you Gongshu Yu a month, can you figure it out? As for the ownership of the manuscript, it's mine!"

"But go to hell!……"

"Hey! You old guy……"

Because of this manuscript, the original cooperative relationship between the two parties immediately broke down and turned into a competitive relationship. They almost came to blows, which made everyone laugh and cry.

They didn't understand. Isn't it just a manuscript? Now the technology is mature, why do we need that thing?

At this moment, Li Chunfeng stood up, pulled the two apart, and said with a stern face:

"All right, stop arguing! This 'Bicycle Design Manuscript' is a national treasure, how can we let your two families get it? You designed it, so why do you take it? Do you still have any shame? I declare now that this manuscript will be listed alongside the 'Wool Processing Machine Manuscript' and become the treasure of our Datang Research Institute!"

Li Chunfeng paused, looked around, and said in a deep voice:

"Everyone, do you have any opinions?"

After all, he is the vice president, and this skill is different. Li Chunfeng has a high prestige. When he spoke, everyone nodded in agreement, and Mo Qu and Gong Shuyu also stopped talking.

Indeed, this treasure is not suitable for any of them. It is better to keep it as a collection of the Datang Research Institute, so that everyone will feel balanced.

"Haha, that's right, that's right, I was negligent, it's better to keep this manuscript in the research institute."

Xu Chen patted his head, and realized that he had made a mistake of"not worrying about the lack of wealth but the inequality of wealth", and turned to look at Mo Qu and Gong Shuyu, and said with a smile,

"Of course, both of you have made great contributions. In order to commend your achievements, I will record this achievement for you in the history of scientific development in the Tang Dynasty. From now on, it will be passed down through the ages. This first bicycle was made by you two. How about it?"

Since the manuscript has been taken back, compensation must be made in other aspects. Xu Chen and Li Chunfeng sang in unison and played very well, which made Mo Qu and Gong Shuyu smile again. They bowed and said:

"Thank you, Dean and Vice Dean!"

A craftsman's greatest dream is to invent something that will benefit future generations, and be recorded in history and passed down through the ages. Their ancestors Lu Ban and Mo Zi did it, and now, their descendants have also done it!

Even more, as time goes by, they will do better. With Xu Chen here, they have a feeling in their subconscious that this is just the beginning!

Sure enough, their subconscious is still quite accurate. Xu Chen smiled and took out another piece of paper from his arms and said:

"The bicycle is well done. Now I have confidence in you. So I have to ask you to complete my next idea! This design is called"weaving machine". It is specially used for weaving cloth.���If done well, it can greatly improve the efficiency of weaving! You can study it now. This thing is quite complicated, so I won't ask you to do it in a certain time. As long as you can figure it out, let me know. I will give you a reward!"

As he spoke, the design was presented to everyone. What Xu Chen showed was the iconic product of the First Industrial Revolution.——""Jenny Loom" design!

The Jenny hand-cranked loom can increase the efficiency of weaving by more than eight times! If this machine can also be built, plus a wool processing machine, it can be officially announced that the Tang Dynasty has entered the first stage of the industrial age!_Read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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