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"Textile machine?!"

After hearing Xu Chen's words, not only Mo Qu and Gong Shuyu, but even Li Chunfeng's eyes were attracted to it. Looking at the design drawing, they were shocked.

The structure of this textile machine is obviously more complicated than the wool processing machine. Those who know the business will know that this is definitely a big challenge!

However, if it can be successfully developed, it will significantly improve their abilities in all aspects. It's like doing a problem, from easy to difficult, and slowly conquering it, the knowledge level will naturally improve.

"Let me see. Let me see.……"

Mo Qu and Gong Shuyu immediately took the design of the textile machine and carefully spread it on the table to study it carefully. Li Chunfeng, who was standing by, also proposed some ideas from time to time.

After all, he was the manufacturer of wool processing machines, and he had unique insights into this type of machinery.

The three people began to concentrate on studying the design of the textile machine, while Xu Chen had quietly ridden his bicycle out of the Wude Hall and headed towards the Taiji Palace...

This bicycle was to be used for Comrade Li Er to lose weight. Since it had been manufactured, it had to be sent to him quickly. To be honest, Xu Chen really wanted to see if the wise and powerful Li Shimin could control this bicycle?

Would he fall flat on his face? Hehehehe...

The wheels rolled and bumped on the bluestone road, attracting the attention of countless guards along the way. When Xu Chen appeared on the bicycle, they were so scared that they were on high alert. They thought it was an assassin, but after they looked closely and found that it was the God Marquis, they were relieved.

At the same time, they were also curious - what kind of treasure is this? How can it be so fast?

For a moment, the guards were discussing it, and Xu Chen also arrived at the gate of Taiji Palace, but it seemed that there was no one inside, only Eunuch Zhang was standing outside the door waiting.

"Eunuch Zhang, where is His Majesty?"

Xu Chen stepped on the brakes, stopped with his foot on the ground, and asked Eunuch Zhang with a smile.

After riding this circle, the cool breeze made me feel much more relaxed, which was indeed a good fitness effect.

""Your Highness, what are you doing?"

Eunuch Zhang looked at Xu Chen in such a state and asked with some confusion.

He knew that Xu Chen was the adopted son of His Majesty and the Queen, but he had not yet been crowned a king, so he was not called the Divine Marquis, but His Highness, which was also a kind of upgrade in terms of respect.

"This is the bicycle I'm riding. It's delivered to me. Please tell me where he is and I'll go find him."

Xu Chen urged. He was already impatient at this time, imagining how Li Shimin would ride a bicycle!

"Oh, oh... His Majesty is having dinner at the Empress's place, Your Highness can follow the guidance of this old servant."

Eunuch Zhang said with sudden enlightenment. He was also present when Xu Chen talked about the idea of "bicycle", so he naturally understood the twists and turns.

However, he did not expect that this bicycle would be built so quickly. He thought Xu Chen was just joking!

""Eastern Palace? Okay, you're too slow, I can go by myself."

Xu Chen nodded, showing his understanding, and said with a bit of disdain.

The Eastern Palace was behind the Wude Hall. Before the Zhenguan period, it was indeed the residence of the empress. It was not until the third year of the Zhenguan period that the empress moved into the Lizheng Hall of the Taiji Palace.

The two were very different. If he let Eunuch Zhang guide him, wouldn't it take him forever? He waved his hand, turned the car around, pedaled off, and left the Taiji Palace.

"Hey, hey! Your Highness, please slow down!

Seeing Xu Chen riding away like a flash of lightning, Eunuch Zhang couldn't help but shout loudly.

At this time, Xu Chen was already far away and couldn't hear his words. At this time in the East Palace, Li Shimin and Empress Zhangsun were sitting outside the palace, tasting dishes and snacks, chatting leisurely, and heard Empress Zhangsun complain:

""Chen'er is such a bad kid. After he left, he hasn't come to the palace to pay his respects in the past few days. As a mother, I'm really disappointed. He doesn't care, but I miss him so much." Empress Changsun didn't know why. Since she adopted Xu Chen as her godson, she felt like she really had another son. She missed him day and night. If she didn't nag him twice a day, she would feel uncomfortable all over.

"Haha, why do you care about him? I don't know what he is doing. Just let him be. I have already sent someone to inform him that your birthday will be in a few days. Who knows, he may be worrying about what gift to prepare now!"

Li Shimin laughed and said casually, jokingly,

"I have sent people to check the boy's hometown. It is strange that his origin is really unclear. He seems to be an orphan who drifted to Chang'an. At that time, there was a war at the end of the Sui Dynasty, and many people lost their hometowns. He might be one of them. He looks a bit like me. Who knows, he is really our prince!"

In fact, Li Shimin did not doubt that Xu Chen might be his eldest prince who drifted among the people, but the temperament of Xu Chen seemed to be incompatible with the whole world. He always had some different ideas, and he did not see his own shadow in him.

Logically speaking, if he was really his offspring, no matter what, his personality and temperament should be similar to him or Empress Changsun, right? However, he observed Xu Chen for a long time and could not find out the reason.

So, he was just a little suspicious.

"Your Majesty is trying to trick me again. If that is true, then that is all good. I miss Chen'er so much that I really want to treat him as my own son."

Empress Changsun knew that Li Shimin was joking again, and she could not help but glanced at him and said softly. As she was speaking, she saw a figure outside the palace, driving a black lump, rushing towards Li Shimin quickly!

"There is an assassin, protect the emperor!"

Empress Changsun was horrified and quickly stood up and pulled Li Shimin back. The guards on both sides also protected the two of them in three layers inside and outside! It was not until the other party stopped that they saw clearly... The"assassin" with a bright smile was actually Xu Chen?!

Li Shimin took a closer look, dismissed the guards around him, pointed at Xu Chen and scolded:

"What are you doing, kid? Look how scared your mother is!"_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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