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Upon hearing this, Xu Chen immediately got off the bicycle, put down the footrest, and saluted Li Shimin and Empress Zhangsun formally:

"Greetings, father and mother."

It is a formal ceremony, and one must use formal titles. He did not want to call them father, emperor, and mother, so he had to call them father and mother.

Then, he looked at Empress Changsun again and said apologetically:

""I'm sorry, mother. I thought you were all in the palace, so I rode a little faster."

This bicycle is heavy and has a lot of inertia. Except for the initial difficulty, the power is sufficient at other times, so he was a little too carried away.

"It's okay, Chen'er, come and sit next to your mother."

When Empress Changsun saw that it was Xu Chen, she was naturally happy in her heart, and waved repeatedly, saying kindly,

"These are the lychees your father brought from Lingnan, and these are the milk candies brought from the Turkic steppes. Try them.……"

At this time, Empress Zhangsun, like a loving mother, beckoned Xu Chen to sit down, and stuffed the fruits and snacks in her hand into his hands, watching him eat while smiling.

She was happy to have this godson, knowing that Xu Chen did not like those titles with rules and regulations, and even abandoned the title of"Father Emperor and Mother Empress", which showed how much honor and favor she had for Xu Chen.

""Mm, delicious, delicious. It's freezing cold here, but I heard it's still as warm as spring in Lingnan! The color of lychees changes in one day, and the taste changes in three days. It must be difficult to transport them to Chang'an, right?"

Xu Chen said, shaking his head as he took the lychees that Empress Changsun had peeled for him.

"It can be said that, when a horse gallops through the dusty world, the queen smiles, and no one knows that it is lychees coming!"

To deliver these lychees to Chang'an, it would have to be at least 400 miles by express, which is probably about the same as Yang Guifei's extravagant specifications!

"What kind of crooked poem did you write? Aren't you afraid of being laughed at if it gets out?"

Li Shimin was furious when he saw Xu Chen's servile look, and he laughed and scolded,

"From what you said, it seems that you are finding ways to criticize me for my extravagance, right? If you don't explain, I will teach you a lesson today."

During the reign of Li Shimin, poetry had already shown signs of prosperity. As a former Guanlong noble, he was naturally well versed in the rhythm of poetry. How could he not hear the irony in Xu Chen's poetry?

""Chen'er, why are you imitating Wei Zheng for no reason? He really pissed off His Majesty the other day. If you imitate his way of speaking, your mother can't help you. You have to make it up."

Empress Changsun said so, but she had a relaxed smile on her face.

The couple, singing the same tune, came to test Xu Chen's quick wit!

"Haha, then I will make it happen."

Xu Chen laughed, calm and composed, and after a moment of hesitation,.

"Looking back at Chang'an, the embroidery is piled up, and the mountain top is blooming. A horseman rides in the dust, and the concubine smiles. No one knows that it is the lychees coming."

"This is the whole poem, which is my vision of a prosperous and flourishing age! When our Tang Dynasty is prosperous and strong, and the transportation industry is also developed, even if lychees are sent from Lingnan to Chang'an, no one will judge right or wrong, because by that time, everyone in Chang'an can buy fresh lychees from Lingnan, and if you want to go to Lingnan, you only need to buy a ticket and you can arrive within three days!"

"This is the meaning of my reciting this poem. I wrote it in a hurry, so please forgive me if it is not well rounded."

Xu Chen said this like a speech, and Comrade Li Er and Empress Zhangsun were shocked and showed a trace of longing in their eyes.

"How great would it be if my Tang Dynasty could have such a prosperous day? If such a day really came and I was still alive, how great would it be?"

Li Shimin closed his eyes, recalled Xu Chen's ideal, shook his head and sighed.

Maybe there will be such a day, but it may be hundreds of years later? By that time, the Tang Dynasty may no longer exist, right?

"I never thought that Chen'er's poetry skills were so extraordinary. He just improvised a poem and it sounded better than those great scholars."

Empress Changsun's focus was on Xu Chen's talent, and she praised him without reservation.

Compared with Li Shimin, she was more willing to discover the shining points of Xu Chen.

"Ahem... my son was just in a momentary mood, so he just recited it casually."

Xu Chen was quite embarrassed when he heard this compliment, and scratched his head.

Nonsense, how could this poem be bad? It was written by Du Mu, one of the"Little Li and Du". He is one of the top poets in the history of Chinese poetry. When he recited it, it was like an expert's first move to tell whether it was good or not. It's really cool to use these big guys' poems to show off.……

"Well, I savored it carefully, it is indeed extraordinary, the words are not gorgeous, but the sense of picture seems to be very strong, as if a poem is a fable."

Li Shimin also nodded, affirming Xu Chen's talent for poetry, and then said:

"But you are full of nonsense, kid. It only takes three days from Lingnan to Chang'an. Anyone can go there? Even if you let all the Turks raise horses, there are not enough horses for all the people in the Tang Dynasty. Do you know how many horses died in the post station for these lychees?"

Although this poem is affirmative, Xu Chen's bragging still needs to be criticized, otherwise this kid will brag to the sky if he is not careful!

"That means you, Old Li, are not knowledgeable enough. Who says you must use horses to travel? There are many means of transportation that you can't even think of, such as this one!"

Xu Chen shrugged, pushed the bicycle in front of Li Shimin and Empress Changsun, and said proudly,

"This is a bicycle. It has been developed by the Research Institute. I just rode it from Taiji Palace to Donggong. You have just seen its speed. Compared with a horse, its speed is definitely not inferior. The only difference is human endurance."

In a short period of time, the speed of riding can indeed reach the speed of an ordinary horse running, but human physical strength is limited, and the hips will be sore, so naturally it cannot go long distances.

"Oh? Is this the bicycle you mentioned, the iron lump?"

Li Shimin's eyes lit up immediately, and he stood up and looked at the bicycle carefully, wondering,

"How do I ride it so that it moves, and then how do I stop it?"

Although he was a little curious, he still had to ask for clarification, otherwise he would not dare to ride it rashly.

"I'll show you how to do it. Look carefully. This is the pedal, which is the power source. This is the brake. You can stop by squeezing it."

Xu Chen said as he demonstrated to Li Shimin. He rode around the East Palace, performed some acrobatics, squeezed the brake again, stopped in front of Li Shimin, and said with a smile:

"Come on, Lao Li, do you dare to give it a try?"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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