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Chen's tone was somewhat provocative, which naturally made Li Shimin, who had been fighting on the battlefield for many years, a little angry. He snorted:

"I have fought on the battlefield and charged into battle. Why shouldn't I be afraid of riding a bicycle? You underestimate me too much. Get out of the way!"

As he spoke, he pushed Xu Chen aside, took off his dragon robe and handed it to Empress Changsun, then straddled the bicycle.

He was a person who dared to show off his skills in the battle between the two armies. A mere bicycle, in his eyes, was naturally nothing! But when he stepped on it, he was suddenly confused.

"What should I do next?"

Li Shimin held the handle with both hands and stepped on the pedal with one foot. He felt uneasy and asked

""Step on the pedal, then hold the handlebars firmly, and when the bike starts to move, step on it with your other foot!"

Xu Chen instructed with a smile, and explained it in great detail, but his face showed a look of watching a joke.

Theoretical knowledge is one thing, but practice is another. This bicycle is simple to say, even a child of a few years old will be able to ride it after falling a few times, but the difficulty lies in - fear of falling!

The more afraid you are of falling, the less you dare to try, and the more likely you are to be flustered. Once the body is not coordinated, let alone riding a bicycle, even eating is not smooth. In fact, everything is about the mentality!

""Hmm... Hmm, got it!"

Li Shimin nodded, and went over Xu Chen's words in his mind several times. After confirming that they were correct, he put his left foot on it, and then stepped on it. The wheel started to roll directly, but his hand loosened, and the direction was directly tilted to 90 degrees! Fortunately, he was agile and immediately abandoned the car, otherwise the car would tilt and he would definitely fall hard!

But even so, this scene made Empress Changsun and the guards tremble in their hearts. They only heard Empress Changsun repeatedly persuade:

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! Forget it, I don't want to learn how to ride a bicycle.……"

She didn't want Li Shimin to make any mistakes!

At the same time, the guards and the palace maids and eunuchs also said anxiously:

"Your Majesty, please take care of your health!"

Seeing this scene, the servants were really worried.……

"Oh, don't be like this, Lao Li suffers from those chronic diseases because you always don't let him move. He has people to serve him no matter what he does, and he can't do any exercise. He sits there all day long, and he can get sick from sitting!"

Xu Chen shook his head and refuted them after hearing what they said.

No wonder the emperors in ancient times did not live long. There were three thousand beauties in the harem, and they didn't exercise. How could they not be weak?

Since he was an emperor, he should pay more attention to physical exercise. Even if he indulged in lust, he could at least decay more slowly.

However, his words made Empress Changsun even more worried. She complained:

"You are always right. What should I do? His Majesty is no longer a young man of twenty years old. The foundation of the Tang Dynasty is still unsettled. He cannot make any mistakes.……"

Whether as a wife or as a queen, Empress Changsun was the one who was most worried about Li Shimin's safety.

""Don't worry, mother. I'm here for you. Your son is the most powerful medical scientist in the Tang Dynasty. Even if something goes wrong, I'll be here for him."

Seeing this, Xu Chen couldn't help but comfort her. At the same time, he glanced at Li Shimin and said,

"Besides, Lao Li is only 30 years old now, which is still his prime. In my opinion, he is no problem even if he goes to the battlefield to charge into battle. Could he be weaker than Li Jing and Yuchi Gong? Riding a bicycle is just a piece of cake~"

Xu Chen was not worried about Li Shimin's health at all. He was a fierce man with a combat power of more than 1,000. He didn't believe that riding a bicycle would cause any problems.

"Hahaha, this is so comforting to hear. If you can talk, just say more! Although I am not on the battlefield now, if I really fight, I may not be as strong as you, but I can still fight with Li Jing, Cheng Zhijie and others!"

Upon hearing this, Li Shimin stroked his beard and laughed, and said proudly,

"Queen, please don't underestimate me!"

He then made a second attempt. After the first experience, he was more confident this time.

Empress Changsun:"……"

She was so helpless to deal with such a father and son. She could only stare at Li Shimin and pray that he would not make any mistakes.

Li Shimin was indeed an emperor who was born on horseback. His ability to control the horse was really amazing. Once he mastered the balance, he could ride well. At the beginning, he was still in the coordination stage and did not dare to go too fast. But as time went by, he felt more and more stable in his heart. He stepped on the pedals faster and faster and started a fast indoor ride in the East Palace!

The guards behind him started to follow him, then to run, and finally to run desperately, but they could not keep up with the speed and were left far behind!

One lap, two laps, three laps...

Li Shimin laughed heartily and rode tirelessly, passing in front of the guards again and again, and the guards no longer had any idea of catching up.

What the hell is this chasing? I'm just walking the dog!

"Okay, it's almost time to stop. Are you tired?"

It was Empress Changsun who saw that Li Shimin was already a little out of breath and waved her hand to stop him. Only then did Li Shimin, who was still not satisfied, stop.

""Huh... Guanyin, this is so cool, much more refreshing than riding a horse! As long as you have enough physical strength, you can ride as fast as you want. The feeling of controlling the speed of lightning is simply wonderful~"

Although Li Shimin stopped, he still did not get off the bicycle. He looked reluctant and said excitedly.

Seeing that he was like a child, Empress Changsun could only smile helplessly, took a towel to wipe his sweat, and said softly:

"It's just riding a bike. I don't think it's that bad. It's unsafe. You should be careful."

She was quiet and didn't like to move. She had no interest in riding a horse or a bike. Instead, she was a little worried.

These two wheels looked unsafe.

"Then you haven't experienced it. If you experience it, you will definitely think that I am right."

Li Shimin took the towel and wiped it casually, arguing. When

Empress Changsun heard this, she was about to say something else, but Xu Chen was eating lychees, pointing to the back seat of the car, and said casually:

"The back seat of this car can accommodate people, Lao Li, why don't you take her to experience it."_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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