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New mountain bikes or road bikes have rear wings that cannot carry people, only fenders, but the bicycle designed by Xu Chen is a classic old model, and the rear seat can carry people

"Bring someone?"

Li Shimin asked in confusion. He turned his head and took a look at the back seat. Sure enough, there was a seat. Although the space was not very large, it was still enough for him to sit sideways.

"Well, as long as the person being carried is not heavier than the person riding the bike, then you can carry it. Otherwise, if the center of gravity is at the back, it will be more difficult to control the direction. You two will definitely be fine."

Xu Chen nodded and said affirmatively,

"But you must sit sideways, it is more elegant this way."

Boys have boys' way of sitting, girls have girls' way of sitting, the two cannot be mixed, otherwise it is easy to make a fool of yourself.

"Is it really possible?"

After hearing what Xu Chen said, Li Shimin was already somewhat tempted and turned to ask,

"Guanyinbi, do you want to try it?"

As a husband, if there is such a good thing, he naturally wants his wife to experience it. The social atmosphere in the Tang Dynasty was relatively open, and riding a bicycle was completely unrelated.

Therefore, the history of the Celestial Empire is a spiral upward. Some of the progressive culture in the Tang Dynasty returned to the backward feudal ideology in the later dynasties.

"This... can I really sit on it?"

Empress Changsun was still a little uneasy, but when she looked at Li Shimin's eager eyes, she had some strange thoughts in her mind and nodded gently.

""Okay, I'll do as you say."

Although she had no interest in riding a bike, she still liked riding in a car.

She said without hesitation, lifted her skirt and sat forward, and naturally hugged Li Shimin's waist with her hands, and said nervously:

"Now, can we start?"

""Okay, let's go!"

Li Shimin laughed, feeling the warm embrace of his wife behind him, and felt a little happy in his heart. He stepped on the pedal, tightened the handle, and started steadily, wandering slowly in the East Palace.

During the ride, the breeze brushed through their hair, making them both enjoy it. It seemed that now there was only one car and two people left in the whole world, turning around...

Slowly, a happy smile appeared on the face of Empress Changsun.

"Wow, so romantic. I want to play this with Xiao Wu and Qing Quan when I come back.……"

Xu Chen looked at the two of them being so inseparable, and couldn't help but sigh, pretending to be deep and said,

"This scene reminded me of a song……"

"Sweet, your smile is sweet, like flowers blooming in the spring breeze~"

Speaking of which, in the era of material scarcity, the romance of the years was riding a bicycle, two people sticking together, feeling the breeze on the road.

It seems that love is something that is connected no matter in ancient or modern times.

Li Shimin and Empress Zhangsun rode in the East Palace for a long time before stopping. Both of them had slightly flushed faces, and the atmosphere was a little wrong.

"Hmm? What's wrong? Have you found the feeling of first love?"

Xu Chen looked at the two of them and said with a smile,

"Come on! While we are still hot, hurry up and have another child, give me a brother or sister or something!"

Although he is now an adopted son, Xu Chen does not regard himself as a godson at all, and speaks to him completely as a biological son.

Li Shimin and Empress Zhangsun also seem to have no scruples at all, and treat him as their own son. The relationship between the two sides is really a bit unclear.

"Go, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Empress Changsun got off the bicycle, her face flushed again. She was a dignified woman, but she was rarely shy.

Seeing her like this, Comrade Li Er felt itchy in his heart. He rubbed his hands and murmured:

"It's time to have another child with the Queen. It's time.……"

Now, apart from the eldest prince who was living abroad and the young Li Chengqian, he and Empress Changsun had indeed not given birth to a son, which was not up to standard for them.

At least, they had to give birth to three or four children. The later Li Tai and Li Zhi were waiting impatiently.

"Your Majesty, why are you talking nonsense with Chen Er? So many people are listening.……"

Empress Changsun was ashamed when she heard what Li Shimin said.

""Haha, to be honest, I think what Xu Chen said makes sense. Now I have too few princes, and there are only two of us, and there is only the young Cheng Qian in the palace. Don't you feel lonely? Give birth to more children, so that my royal family can grow stronger!"

Li Shimin said with great enthusiasm. For an emperor, giving birth to more sons is as great a cause as governing a country!

"Tsk tsk tsk, what you said... Father and mother, it seems that I shouldn't stay here, I should leave now."

Xu Chen was still laughing and joking, making jokes was his specialty

"You kid, you should have gotten out of here long ago. You are getting in the way here!"

Li Shimin laughed and cursed, waving his hand.

"Go, go, kneel down and greet me. Your mother's birthday is coming in a few days. You have to prepare the gift. If it is not unique and outstanding enough, I will break your legs!"

This kid's words sound out of tune, which always makes him angry.

"Need I say more? I have already prepared the gift, it is definitely something that will overwhelm everyone!"

Xu Chen curled his lips, bowed, and suddenly said seriously:

"But, Your Majesty, I have one more thing to ask of you."

"What's the matter?"

Hearing Xu Chen's tone become formal, Li Shimin also became serious and asked.

Generally, this kind of tone is not about trivial family matters, but about the country's major��

"Taoist Priest Sun Simiao and I have recently been studying surgical medicine, that is, trauma on the body surface. If we can find the results, we may be able to treat many traumatic diseases, such as fractures, heavy bleeding, etc., especially for those injured soldiers on the battlefield, maybe we can save their lives."

Xu Chen looked a little serious and said in a deep voice.

In ancient times, injuries might not be injuries, but death! But compared with sudden death, it lasts longer, and the pain lasts longer.

This is all because of the lack of surgery!

"Oh, this surgical medicine is so amazing, this is a good thing! Of course I support it."

Li Shimin nodded in surprise when he heard this, and then said,

"If there is anything you need my support for, please tell me! As long as it is possible, I will do it as you wish."

He would never refuse such a good thing that benefits the country and the people.

Hearing this, Xu Chen bowed again and said solemnly:

"I need fresh corpses of executed prisoners to dissect in order to study surgery!"_

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