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Upon hearing this, several jailers looked at each other, their eyes were somewhat evasive, and they remained silent!

"Hmm? You don't want to confess? That's easy. You guys are defying the law.……"

Xu Chen's eyes showed a hint of surprise. He didn't expect that these people who looked like spineless people would become tough at this moment. This made him want to know even more. He only heard him say seriously,

"I am here to sentence you by order of His Majesty.……"

""Young man, don't blame them. Everything is my fault."

Xu Chen was about to accuse them of something to scare them, but a steady voice came from the prison.

A thin man in a white prison uniform, no more than 30 years old, was standing in the prison, looking at Xu Chen calmly.

"Who are you……"

Xu Chen's heart sank as he looked over. Unlike ordinary people, this man actually had a kind of old age and coldness!

Everyone's temperament is different, and it will change with the changes in mentality and state of mind. This man's temperament is like a centenarian who has lived enough and has no attachment to the world. He is indifferent and calm.

The problem is that he still looks young and middle-aged!

"Death row inmate, you can call me Lao Yu."

Lao Yu looked at Xu Chen, his mouth slightly raised, and he even showed a hint of smile, but there was also sadness hidden in this smile, but he disguised it very well and was not discovered by others.

Of course, no one would pay attention to him.

"Lao Yu……"

Xu Chen nodded thoughtfully. He suddenly became very interested in this person and asked immediately,

"Why do you say that everything is your fault? What does it have to do with you if they gamble?"

Combined with what he just saw, the scene where the jailer A asked Lao Yu to borrow money, his curiosity became stronger.

How could a death row prisoner have so much money?

"Haha, the money they are gambling with is all borrowed from me, and the money on the gambling table is all mine."

Old Yu had a smiling face, and took out a purse from his pocket, waved it towards Xu Chen, and smiled again,

"I will be executed in two days. What's the point of keeping these belongings with me? Do you want them? If you want, I can give them to you. I have a lot of money."

As he said that, he really threw the purse in his hand in front of Xu Chen. In the air, a lot of silver fell out. The jailers' eyes lit up, but they were embarrassed to take them because of Xu Chen's presence.

Picking up the purse, just weighing it in the hand, they knew there was a lot of money in it, all silver, and even jewelry!

The money in such a purse is enough for an ordinary family to spend for several years!

"Wow, you have a lot of money, but you don't have to spend it casually. Don't you have a wife and children? At worst, you always have elders at home, right?"

Xu Chen put the purse on the table and fixed his eyes on Lao Yu, wondering,

"Could it be that you are going to scatter all your wealth like a flower and then die bravely, leaving your whole family to starve?"

Although this is very cool, it is a bit too irresponsible.

"I have no wife, no children, no elders or children."

The smile on Lao Yu's face was gone, and he responded coldly:

"Alas, Lao Yu was the only one left in his home. After he left, everything became clean.……"

"Hey, could you please stop talking? We are using their money after all!"

"That's right, if you can't speak, don't speak. Lao Yu is also a poor man.……"

The jailers started talking behind Xu Chen. Xu Chen heard every word of their conversation. He was very surprised and could not help but approach the cell and look at him carefully. He was tall and thin, with sunken eye sockets, cold and reserved temperament, broad and stable palms, and indifferent and calm eyes...

After observing these characteristics, Xu Chen suddenly thought of a profession - surgical doctor!

This death row prisoner named Lao Yu seemed to have the excellent qualities of a good surgeon!

""Why were you sentenced to death?"

Xu Chen asked repeatedly. It seemed that Old Yu did not look like a vicious person. If he was really a wicked person, these jailers would not have such a good relationship with him.

"Kill people, chop them into pieces."

When Lao Yu heard this question, he suddenly showed his white teeth and smiled.

His smile made people feel creepy. Even Xu Chen was shocked and didn't look into his eyes.

There was great terror in his eyes!

"Well, if you kill someone, you must pay for your life, and if you owe someone a debt, you must pay for it. There is nothing much to say about this."

Xu Chen nodded, indicating that he understood, and turned to look at the four jailers and ordered,

"You guys don't have to think of ways to bribe me. I'm not an inspector. I'm just here to question you on the order of His Majesty. Go and release all the prisoners on death row. They must be kept intact. If they are to be tortured to death, forget it."

Although they were very interested in Lao Yu, it was more important to do business now.

When the four jailers heard that it was not an inspector, they finally breathed a sigh of relief. Their jobs were saved and they didn't have to go to jail. However, Xu Chen's second sentence made them feel troubled.

"This... Your Excellency, those death row prisoners are all vicious criminals. If we release them all, we don't have enough manpower here. If a riot breaks out, I'm afraid we won't be able to suppress it.……"

Jailer A said with an embarrassed look on his face, and the other three nodded in agreement.

If they were interrogated individually, there would be no problem, but if they were all released, it would be a big deal. At least all the bailiffs and constables in the entire Chang'an Prefecture would be called in to maintain public order.

After all, they are all ruthless people who can kill and burn! If they go crazy, they may all be injured or killed. If a few of them escape, the public order of the entire Chang'an City will be affected.

They dare not take this risk.

"It doesn't matter. With me here, I can suppress even a hundred of them. Just let them go!"

Xu Chen said nonchalantly. He thought the easiest thing in this world was to suppress with force.

With his strength, even a serial killer would not be able to make any waves in his hands!

""Marquis... Marquis?!"

When the jailer B heard Xu Chen's self-proclaimed name and took a closer look at the luxurious brocade robe, he knew exactly who Xu Chen was. He kept asking,

"Yes, we will do it right away!" They didn't expect that there would be a Marquis who would come to the prison!

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