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"Marquis? You... are actually a marquis?"

Old Yu's eyes were stern, and he was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that the young man in front of him looked so young, but he was already a noble marquis!

How many meritorious officials in the founding of the Tang Dynasty could be granted the title of marquis? This is definitely the top group of nobles!

"Why, doesn't it look like that?"

Xu Chen threw his robe and smiled.

He certainly didn't take a mere marquis seriously, but in the minds of ordinary people, this was already an unattainable noble.

"Like Like……"

Old Yu looked at Xu Chen with sharp eyes, muttering,

"He is truly a young hero……"

Being so young and yet being able to ascend to the title of Marquis, this means he has a bright future!

"Thank you for your compliment. Since you are a death row inmate, come out. I have something to tell you."

Xu Chen smiled and shook his head, waving his hand. In fact, he had long been immune to the compliments of others.

When Lao Yu heard this, his eyes flickered. I don't know what he was thinking.

The jailer opened the doors of the death row inmates and urged them to walk out. Lao Yu also mixed into the team and came to the spacious execution hall.

Most of them were silent. They had been sentenced to death and were counting the days they had left to live on their fingers, or they were repenting for the wrong things they had done in their lives, crying all day long and regretting it.

There were despair, regret, indifference, and tyranny, but only Lao Yu's face was very calm, and there was even a hint of a smile on his face.

"Today, I called you here because I have something to discuss with you.……"

Xu Chen took a quick look and spoke slowly. Before he finished speaking, a bearded man with a scar on his face shouted impatiently:

"If you have something to say, hurry up and say it! You are so hesitant. Do you think I won’t have to die if I listen to you? If not, get out of here and don’t waste my time!"

He showed a tyrannical look on his face. He looked at the thin Xu Chen with a hint of contempt in his eyes and added:

"The little baby who has not been weaned……"

Such a little brat, no matter how noble he is, he has nothing to fear! He is going to die anyway, so he doesn't care about offending anyone.

His words made the dozens of death row prisoners present agitated. Some of them began to look around and had evil ideas in their minds.

"Oh no, the Marquis seems unable to control them...

The jailer A saw that the situation was a little unstable, and couldn't help but worry. He was about to gather people, but the next second, he was stunned.

Xu Chen walked up with a smile and slapped the vicious man!


A crisp sound was heard, and the man's face was instantly distorted. The whole person was thrown several feet away and hit the prison door. He was bloody and fainted! Blood was still oozing from his ears and nose...

There are no more than ten people in the whole Tang Dynasty who can have such an effect with a slap!

And Xu Chen, as if he had just done something very ordinary, clapped his hands, looked around, and said calmly,

"Now, is there anyone who thinks I speak too slowly?! Stand up, I want to have a good exchange with him."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked, and they dared not make any small movements or dangerous thoughts, and they all looked like they were listening obediently.

"This... is too strong, isn't it?"

The four jailers were almost dumbfounded when they saw this scene. A slap could send someone flying?

Now, they seemed to understand why the marquis said that even if there were a hundred people, he could still be frightened. He was not just bragging!

The punishment hall fell into a brief silence.

"Very good, it seems that those who are ignorant are only a minority after all! The laws of our Tang Dynasty are relatively lenient. There are many procedures to sentence a person to death, so, among you, none of you should be wronged, right? Do you feel that you are wronged? Stand up and tell me. If you are really wronged, I will personally send you back to the Dali Temple for retrial."

Xu Chen stood with his hands behind his back and asked.

In the Tang Dynasty, it was not easy to be sentenced to death. Generally speaking, if you were sentenced to death, as long as you felt that you were wronged, you could apply for a retrial. After the retrial, the sentence would be announced again, so there were rarely any false and wrongful convictions.

Another point is that the time for executing the death penalty is very strict. In spring, summer, autumn and winter, executions can only be carried out after autumn, not in the other three seasons. Moreover, the petitions for the execution of the death penalty cannot be submitted on any holidays, rest days, the emperor's birthday, the queen's birthday, and so on.

Then, all the people sentenced to death need to be approved and signed by the emperor himself before they can be executed. All these process mechanisms are to ensure that good people are not killed by mistake.

Therefore, the group of people in front of them are all people who should be killed, and they have already pleaded guilty!

The death row prisoners looked at each other at this time, and indeed no one spoke. Their cases had been tried very clearly. To say that they were wronged was purely to delay time and make trouble. There was no need for this.

"Well, since you are all a bunch of damned people, I don't need to be too polite to you. I don't care what mistakes you made, whether it's murder or arson, it's ok, but now that you are here, don't yell at me and make yourself seem like someone important. You all saw what happened to him."

Xu Chen pointed at the bearded man who was still lying unconscious on the ground and said coldly,

"I am not here today to forgive your sins. You will die in a few days. This is something that even the king of heaven cannot change. Your Majesty has no plans to grant amnesty to the world recently.���Give up the thought of living as soon as possible. You have no choice but to die, or die miserably!"

When these words came out, all the death row prisoners looked ashen. Although this was indeed the truth, hearing Xu Chen's words was like a sharp blade piercing their hearts, making them feel extremely uncomfortable.

This was truly a murder!

Even the smile on Lao Yu's face disappeared, and he lowered his head.

"I know that many of you want to repent and make amends, but sorry, it's too late. Your crimes have already happened and have caused irreparable damage to others. This is irreparable!"

Xu Chen slammed his hand on the table and said in a deep voice,

"However, there is an opportunity before you now, an opportunity that can reduce your psychological burden, an opportunity that will ensure that your wife, children and the elderly are not discriminated against but receive preferential treatment, an opportunity that will make your name famous throughout the ages instead of being infamous for eternity!"

"It depends on whether you are willing to fight for it! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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