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Chen made three conditions in one breath, and the last two conditions were obviously very attractive to everyone!

Whether it was blessing descendants, wives and children, or leaving a good reputation for generations, it was a very difficult goal to achieve! Even if you have extraordinary talents, in the history books, there are only a few strokes to summarize your brilliant life, and in the entire dynasty, except for the emperor, there are no more than a hundred people who can be recorded in the history books.

Now, Xu Chen proposed such a generous treatment, not to mention these death row prisoners, even those high-ranking officials of the third and fifth ranks would flock to it. For a moment, there was a commotion in the crowd, and many people were whispering and talking to each other:

"Is this true? Can you offer us these conditions?"

"Listen to him! We are all already sentenced to death, and we still dream of being remembered for generations? We are dreaming!"

"That's true... But sir, there's no need to make fun of us, right?"

"Alas, let’s not talk about other things. As long as the first condition can be achieved, I am willing to do it! I really regret it. I shouldn’t have done those things that are worse than pigs and dogs. Now every day in my dreams, I, I... woo woo woo……"

Dozens of death row prisoners were talking to each other. Most of them had a look of disbelief on their faces. How could such a good thing happen to a group of dying people like them?

However, some people showed hope in their eyes. The first condition offered by Xu Chen was a fatal temptation to them!

As long as they could atone for their sins, reduce their psychological burden, and be completely free before death, they would die without regrets.

Everyone was discussing, except Lao Yu, who seemed to be isolated. He did not speak, and no one spoke to him. He just raised his head slightly, with some inexplicable meaning in his eyes, staring at Xu Chen and whispered:

"So, what do we need to do?"

There is no such thing as a free benefit in this world. When he asked this question, everyone stopped and looked at Xu Chen.

"That's a good question. It's easy and difficult, it depends on your willingness."

Xu Chen nodded approvingly at Lao Yu. He just needed someone who could help him with the jokes. Then he said,

"Now, the Department of Medicine of Datang Research Institute needs to carry out anatomical research. If this research is done well, it can benefit all people! Especially for soldiers injured on the battlefield, sometimes their injuries are not serious, but because there is no relevant treatment experience, it causes a slow and painful death!"

"Moreover, the benefits of anatomy are far more than that! It can help us understand the human body more intuitively and deeply, including the physiological structures of the internal organs, blood vessels, etc., and understand how they work and what is wrong with the patient. In this way, we can prescribe the right medicine, bandage what needs to be bandaged, remove what needs to be removed, and stop the bleeding by finding the right position."

Xu Chen spoke in great detail, and he said all the concepts he knew. However, seeing the confused expressions of the crowd, he knew that they only had a superficial understanding. In desperation, when he was about to speak more simply and directly, Old Yu, with a bright look in his eyes, spoke up. He said with a sharp look in his eyes:

"Anatomy? Does it mean cutting open the dead and looking inside them to gain experience in treating the living?"

"Wow, you have a good understanding, Lao Yu, you are right, that's it!"

Xu Chen looked at Lao Yu in surprise. He didn't expect that Lao Yu could summarize it so quickly and in a simple and easy-to-understand way. At this moment, most people understood it as if they had suddenly realized something.

"Thank you, I have done this."

Hearing this, Lao Yu smiled again, revealing a mouthful of grim white teeth, which made everyone shudder and couldn't help but stay away from him.

Damn, this guy came in to kill people and dismember them, so he could understand the meaning quickly!

"Ahem, let's not talk about your business for now, let's talk about anatomy."

Xu Chen coughed twice, quickly changed the subject and got back on track, nodding his head.

"Just like what Lao Yu said, medical research needs fresh corpses, and you are the best candidates to provide fresh corpses! Think about it, as long as you donate your body, you will make a huge contribution to medicine. Medical students will have valuable anatomical experience, which can be passed down from generation to generation, and can cure diseases and save lives. Countless people will live because of your dedication!"

"In this way, even if you did something extremely rebellious during your lifetime, you can still offset your sins!

I know that some of you suffer from psychological torment, and some are afraid of going to hell after death.

Now, your chance has come.

As long as you are willing to devote yourself to medicine, even if the King of Hell wants to sentence you, I will apply to him for a commutation of sentence, because your body has benefited future generations.

We have to be punished for our faults, but we also have to be rewarded for our merits!


Xu Chen's impassioned speech really touched the hearts of many people, or rather, it touched the point that they cared about most in their hearts!

The ancients were superstitious. Everyone knew that those who did bad things would go to hell. This was also the reason why they were afraid of death, because death might be more painful. Now, there is a chance to accumulate good deeds and make up for their mistakes. How can they not be tempted?

Xu Chen took in their expressions, and he felt more confident. He continued to strike while the iron was hot:

"As long as you are willing, I can guarantee that your family, your wife, children, and the elderly will all receive certain preferential treatment and even honor! I have already applied to His Majesty the Emperor for this, and he has confirmed it! Think about it, as a death row prisoner,���How will your wife, children and parents live? Will they suffer humiliation and discrimination? Even if you don't think about yourself, you should think about them, right?!"

"In addition, everyone who donates their body will be registered, and their name and place of origin will be recorded and kept forever in the Datang Research Institute. In the future, everyone who studies medical anatomy will need to treat them with respect, because they are the first batch of pioneers and devotees, and they are worthy of respect in medicine!"

"I have finished my conditions. Now, who among you is willing to sacrifice yourself? Speak up!"_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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