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To donate or not to donate? This was the question.

The jailers checked all the doors of the cells and after confirming that they were locked, they all relaxed and walked together to chat in a low voice.

"It's such a pity for Lao Yu. He is such a good person, and he was the first one to stand up and sacrifice his life. With such awareness, wow.……"

"Who says it's not? He is so unlucky. He used to have a happy family, but because of Cui He... Oh, forget it, forget it."

"If you ask me, that son of a bitch Cui He deserves to be put to death by slow slicing. It's so infuriating!"

"Say less! How can we talk nonsense about the people of the Cui family? Be careful that someone hears it, or you will lose your life!"The four jailers walked side by side. Although their voices were not loud, they were still heard by Xu Chen, who had extremely sharp hearing.

He was about to leave after finishing his work, but after hearing these gossips, he stopped and turned to look at Lao Yu again.

At this time, Lao Yu, like an old monk in meditation, sat on the ground with his eyes closed and motionless, with no expression on his face. Only when the jailers passed by, his ears moved slightly and his face suddenly changed.

Obviously, he also heard the conversation of those jailers.

"There seems to be something wrong with this matter.……"

Xu Chen touched his chin, waved to the four jailers, and ordered,

"Come here, I have something to ask you."

When they heard that it was Xu Chen who called them, the jailers stopped chatting and ran to the punishment hall, saying with a smile:

""My Lord, do you have any other instructions?"

They had seen Xu Chen suppress dozens of death row prisoners just now. Now the bearded man had just been dragged back to the cell and was still unconscious. Naturally, they were respectful to Xu Chen.

This was not only a respect for his status, but also a respect for his strength.

"I want to ask you about Lao Yu."

Xu Chen sat casually on a chair in the punishment hall and asked,

"What exactly did he do to get sentenced to death? What was his motive for murder? Are there any files on him?"

Since he was free anyway, he wanted to live out his addiction to being Di Renjie and trying cases. If something happened, it didn't mean he had to plead guilty and accept the punishment, but it wasn't a false case.

"This is Lao Yu's file.……"

Upon hearing this, Jailer A was embarrassed. He exchanged some thoughts with the other three people, then said helplessly,

"My Lord, I advise you not to read it. Old Yu's affairs are not something that ordinary people can handle. Even if you are a marquis, I am afraid you will not be able to handle it.……"

The other three nodded one after another. Although they didn't say it explicitly, the meaning was clear. The water here is very deep, and even if you are a marquis, you can't control it!

However, when Xu Chen heard this, he immediately became excited and made the decision:

"What are you afraid of? Just tell me what you want to say. I have my own plans!"Is there anything in this world that he can't control? Even Li Shimin, he dares to control it!

"Well, let me tell you, Old Yu is actually a miserable person."The jailer A knew that he could not go against Xu Chen's wishes, so he could only sit down and said,

"He was originally from Boling. He studied medicine and started his business by reselling medicinal materials. After coming to Chang'an, he developed quite well. He was considered a wealthy businessman!"

"Alas, originally his life was quite comfortable, but the bad thing was that he had a beautiful wife.

It was said that the woman was so beautiful that she could make fish sink to the bottom of the water and geese fall to the ground, and her figure was graceful.

The couple loved each other very much.

However, he was unlucky because one day, when his wife went out on the street, she was noticed by Cui He, the second generation ancestor of the Cui family.

From then on, he couldn't stop and was determined to pursue her.

When he failed, he resorted to robbing her!

In the end, the disaster occurred.


The jailer narrated Lao Yu's basic information, sighed for a while, and shook his head gently.

This is the story of a bully robbing a woman. It is indeed very cliché, but in ancient times, this was really a common occurrence, and it usually only caused tragedy for the common people, and the bully would not get hurt.

"Cui family? Which Cui family?"

Xu Chen nodded and asked again,

"Is it the Cui family of Boling or the Cui family of Qinghe?"

Those who can be called second-generation ancestors must be the descendants of the Cui family among the five surnames and seven clans. Speaking of which, the Cui family is also awesome. Like the Li family, they have one surname and two clans. Their influence in the Hebei area is very large!

Now that the Longxi Li family, that is, the lineage of Li Shimin, has become emperor, they are naturally invincible in the world, but the power of the Cui family is definitely not to be underestimated. The foundation of the wealthy and powerful families is unimaginable, just like an iceberg. What can be seen on the surface is less than one-tenth.

"It was Cui He from Boling Cui family. He was the second son of Cui Yuan, the head of Cui family. He was very much loved by his elders, which led to his lawless personality. The number of women he harmed was simply countless. If there were beautiful girls in Boling, they would deliberately make them ugly before going out on the street!"

The second jailer took over the conversation and continued to sigh,

"Cui He, seeing that Lao Yu's wife was beautiful, pursued her.

When he failed, he directly abused her!

At that time, Lao Yu was coming back from business and saw his wife at home, being raped by Cui He...

Well, you should be able to guess what happened next.

Cui He was hacked to death and dismembered by Lao Yu with a hatchet, and his wife could not bear the humiliation, so she committed suicide by taking poison a few days later.

"The tyrannical behavior of a lustful man actually caused a happy family to be torn apart, one took poison, and the other went to jail.

This is simply a tragedy in the world!

"How dare you! The Cui family of Boling be so lawless and defy everything!"

Xu Chen slammed the table so hard that he almost broke it! He said angrily,

"Guanlong nobles, five surnames and seven families, haha, this bunch of cannibals should have died out long ago. How can a family be aristocrats for hundreds of years?!"

Since the Eastern Han Dynasty, these aristocratic families have been extremely powerful and have the power to control the country. When the Tang Dynasty was founded, they were still very active. Even the entire Guanlong noble group did not lose its power until the Song Dynasty!

The dynasties changed, and they were as still as a mountain. Their power spread all over the world and became stronger and stronger!

How could such aristocratic family not be arrogant? They were actually a thorn in Li Shimin's heart, and he wanted to pull them out as soon as possible!

And Xu Chen now also felt that some of these powerful families should indeed be destroyed._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading-collect

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