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""My Lord, don't dare to talk nonsense!"

After hearing Xu Chen's bold words, the jailer A was shocked and said, he quickly closed the door, then turned around and whispered to Xu Chen,

"Although the Cui family is not a royal relative, they are very powerful. Even the royal family gives them some respect! Not only that, the royal family wants to marry a princess to them, but they refuse!"

The five surnames and seven families all intermarry with each other and feel noble. If the princess of the royal family is not born by the queen, they really don't like her! Being so arrogant, it's no wonder that both Yang Guang and Li Shimin want to weaken their power.

This is simply too crazy!

"Haha, isn't it just a Cui family? Can't you say what you did? I'm not afraid!"

Xu Chen swung his sleeves and vented his anger, then calmed down and said,

"What happened next? Is this how the whole thing happened? Cui He was killed, Lao Yu's wife committed suicide, and Lao Yu was sentenced to death?"

If this is the outcome of the matter���There was nothing much to say. After all, Cui He was the abuser, and he should be sentenced to a certain punishment. However, he had already been dismembered, so the matter was over. It was just a pity for Lao Yu, who suffered an unprovoked disaster.

From a wealthy merchant of medicinal materials to a death row prisoner, his beloved wife committed suicide by taking poison after being insulted. He must be very desperate in his heart, right?

Xu Chen couldn't help but glance at Lao Yu. At this time, Lao Yu still had his eyes closed, but now they were tightly closed. A burst of fine beads of sweat oozed out of his forehead, and his body was shaking uncontrollably. It can be seen that his emotions were extremely unstable, but he was still holding back.

Obviously, he had heard their conversation, and he was forced to review the painful past again.

"If this is true, the case will be closed, but later……"

Jailer A also glanced at Lao Yu, hesitated for a moment, and then whispered,

"He was also from Boling, and everyone knew how powerful the Cui family was in Boling. Cui Yuan loved his second son Cui He very much. When he heard the news, he was furious and killed Lao Yu's parents and relatives.……"

"What else do you want to give me?"

Xu Chen's heart sank, and he asked

"Stop talking! I beg you... Stop talking!"

Suddenly, a high-pitched roar came from the cell. At this moment, Old Yu looked like a madman, with disheveled hair. Where was his indifferent and calm appearance just now?

Now he was like an angry sick lion! He had a lot of strength and anger, but nowhere to vent.

"Alas... Lord, I won't say it. I want to know."

The jailer A glanced at Lao Yu, with pity in his eyes, and turned to Xu Chen and bowed.

He couldn't bear it, and continued.

"I know, I know."

Xu Chen's eyes were stern, and he murmured, with a hint of murderous intent in his heart. He snorted coldly,

"Could it be that the words of this Bo Ling Cui family in Bo Ling are more effective than those of His Majesty the Emperor? What right does he have to disregard the laws of the Tang Dynasty and kill people at will? He is so audacious!���"Deserve to be killed, deserve to be killed!"

As the son of Li Shimin, he also bears the invisible responsibility of maintaining the rule of the country. This Cui family is so arrogant and domineering, sharing power with the emperor and controlling the life and death of the people. Just this point is a reason to kill them!

After coming to the Tang Dynasty, he only cared about development, but forgot about the big cancer of the wealthy family. Now he thinks that even if he can't uproot them all, it is necessary to kill the chicken to scare the monkey!

This Cui family has been regarded by him as the"chicken" to scare the monkey.

Xu Chen thought to himself, and then walked in front of Lao Yu, squatted down, and said slowly:

"Lao Yu, I will give you a chance to take revenge. As long as you come out and help me, I will uproot the Bo Ling Cui family! How about it?"

Now he has already thought of letting Lao Yu go, because he is really innocent, and the person he killed is the one who deserves to be killed!

As the saying goes, the hatred of killing one's father and taking one's wife is irreconcilable. Xu Chen thinks that Lao Yu did nothing wrong. If he encounters such a thing himself, he may be even more cruel, and will definitely make that person wish he could neither live nor die!

Letting Lao Yu go means standing directly on the opposite side of the Cui family. Xu Chen is not worried about this at all.

Cui family? What kind of person is that? Even if they don't come to Xu Chen, Xu Chen will go to find trouble with them!

"Lord, are you… serious?"

After hearing what Xu Chen said, Old Yu’s eyes suddenly lit up, but in the blink of an eye, they dimmed again and he shook his head.

"Forget it. I appreciate the good intentions of the Marquis. The Cui family is so powerful that even the current emperor would not dare to say what he would do to them, let alone you. I am already a dying man, so you don’t have to do this for me. A Marquis cannot defeat them."

While speaking, Old Yu knelt down towards Xu Chen and kowtowed three times.

If nothing else, at least Xu Chen was the first person who wanted to help him after listening to the Cui family of Boling. Just for this reason, he deserved to kowtow.

"Who told you that the Marquis can't beat the Cui family?"

Xu Chen laughed and said proudly,

"I am the Divine Marquis of the Tang Dynasty! Let alone the Cui family, even if there is another Qinghe Cui family, what can they do to me? Such a family should have perished long ago, and it can also eliminate a major hidden danger for our Tang Dynasty!"

The power of the aristocratic family is something that the emperor is extremely afraid of, because the power of the world is so great, and if the aristocratic family takes a part of it, the imperial power will not be concentrated enough. If the aristocratic family is stronger, the imperial power will fall into the hands of others.

The decline of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the fall of the Sui Dynasty actually have the shadow of the aristocratic family behind them.

Therefore, weakening or even eliminating the aristocratic family is also one of the political tasks in Li Shimin's mind. His strategy is to boil the frog in warm water and slowly reduce the influence of the aristocratic family.

But Xu Chen can't stand it now, and he feels very unhappy. The method of boiling the frog in warm water is too slow. He wants to barbecue it directly and eat one family first!

""The Divine Marquis of the Tang Dynasty... The Divine Marquis?!"

Old Yu muttered, and suddenly, as if he had thought of something, his eyes shone brightly, and he said in doubt and surprise,

"You are the great general of the world's army, the Divine Marquis Xu Chen, who killed 200,000 Turkic troops a few days ago?!"

Oh my God, what kind of fierce man did he meet! _Read the ununderlined version of the novel please download

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