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Unfortunately, his so-called friend specially found someone to set up a trap to cheat him!

After losing all the capital he brought, he still owed a lot of money.

The lender refused to let him go, which made his whole family stranded in Chang'an City, and he didn't even have the opportunity to return to Jiangnan to make a comeback.

Originally, Qingshan owed so much money, and the lender wanted to cut off his hand and send him to prison when he didn't pay it back.

Fortunately, Qingshan's wife's family was relatively strong, so they helped to pay off the money and settle the matter.

From then on, the status of the first wife in the Qing family naturally rose. Even Qingshan had to obey her and dare not disobey her. Therefore, Qingquan and her daughter were driven out of the Qing family.

Xu Chen was thinking about this in his mind, but Xiaowu below frowned. How could she tolerate such abuse from this woman? She shouted:

"Where did this shrew come from! You are full of vicious words. Didn’t your mother teach you how to behave? In my opinion, people like you should just go back to your mother’s womb and be reeducated. Stop being disgusting in front of me!"

Xiao Wu is used to a life of luxury, how can she be humiliated? Now she and Qingquan are good sisters. If her good sister is scolded, it is the same as her being scolded! How can she tolerate this?

"Good job. The level of your criticism is quite similar to my style.……"

Xu Chen listened from above, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he smiled.

To deal with such a woman, you should scold her and stand up for Qingquan! For a moment, he also relaxed and had no intention of going down.

There is no need to go down now, just watch Xiao Wu's personal show.

"Xiao Wu, don't, don't do this.……"

Qingquan stood behind Xiaowu and pulled her hand, looking a little scared. With her personality, she would endure it if she could, and didn't want to involve Xiaowu and cause her trouble.

"Shut up! With your personality, you are destined to be bullied when you go out. Do you understand that kind people are often bullied? Just stand back and don’t say anything. When Brother Chen is not around, I will naturally stand up for you!"

Xiao Wu turned around and glared at Qingquan, scolding her, with a bit of the demeanor of a mistress of the house. Qingquan didn't dare to say anything after hearing this, and could only look at Xiao Wu with a worried face.

In her heart, she really didn't want to cause trouble for Xiao Wu, but things had come to this point, and it seemed that she could only listen to her.

And the woman, after being scolded by Xiao Wu, her face suddenly changed, and she said angrily:

""Little bitch, you dare to call me a bitch?! Who do you think you are? Come on, catch this little bitch and slap her twenty times!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the twenty or so strong men behind her rushed forward and rushed towards Xiao Wu. Although Xiao Wu also brought ten people with him, they didn't care.

These twenty or so people are fighting against ten people. With more people fighting fewer people, is there any reason why they can't win?

However, facing these twenty or so strong men rushing towards him, Xiao Wu was not afraid at all. He didn't even take a step back. He waved his hand and said coldly:

"Beat all these twenty people into cripples. I will catch that woman. If you don't resolve the battle within ten breaths, you won't have food to eat today."

She was commanding those ten people. After hearing what Xiao Wu said, their expressions suddenly changed, and they rushed towards the twenty people without hesitation.

It doesn't matter whether they eat or not. Jian can't be looked down upon by the mistress of the house!

Ten people rushed against more than twenty people, seemingly weak, but when the two sides clashed, the smile on the woman's face froze instantly.



Bang, bang, bang!

"Ouch, oh oh, ouch……"

In less than five breaths, the twenty or so men were all lying on the ground, with either their hands or legs broken, or even their faces twisted!

All of them had lost their fighting ability, but Xiao Wu's ten guards were unscathed, as if they had just completed a trivial task.

It was just like a full-level player coming to the novice village to brush up on a map, easy and fun!

The last strong man was knocked down, and the ten guards walked towards the woman, step by step, as if stepping on her heart.

"You, what do you want to do?! In broad daylight, you...ah!"

The woman retreated again and again, but was still picked up by the guards like a chicken. She screamed, shaking her arms and legs wildly and shouting,

"Help! Help! Murder!"

Her voice was extremely harsh, like that of a shrew, but it was absolutely accurate.

"Scream again? If you scream again, I’ll cut off your tongue!"

Xiao Wu walked up slowly and threatened.

Her appearance was intimidating without anger, and she had a terrifying aura. The woman was so scared that she didn’t dare to scream anymore, but she still looked at Xiao Wu with horror and said repeatedly:

"You, don't come over here! You little bitch, you……"

"You dare to call me a little bitch?!"

Xiao Wu was furious when he heard it, raised his palm and slapped the woman's face.


A crisp sound came, and a bright red slap mark of a medium size was left on the woman's face. The stinging feeling on her face made her angry and hateful. She looked at Xiao Wu fiercely, but dared not say anything.

"How dare you look at me like this? Are you tired of living?"

Xiao Wu also looked up at her, and without hesitation, he raised his palm again.

Pa, pa, pa!

Three crisp slaps were thrown on the woman's face. The stinging feeling made her feel like vomiting blood.

For the first time, she looked at Xiao Wu with fear in her eyes.

How could this be a little bitch?���This is simply a female devil!

"How is it, are you comfortable? Didn't you say you would arrest me and slap me 20 times? Come, I'll give you my face now, come, I'll give you a chance, left and right, put her down!"

Xiao Wu stood with his hands behind his back, ordered the guards on his left and right to put her down, and looked at her face to face, and said coldly,

"Come on, I'll count to 3 and give you a chance to hit me, come on"


The woman was at a loss, her hands were shaking, and she dared not even move.


At this moment, her hand moved slightly, but when she looked at Xiao Wu, she was frightened by his domineering aura, her whole body trembled violently, and she gave up before she even tried.


When she counted to one, her whole body was weak and she sat on the ground powerlessly, unable to breathe.

Under the intimidation of Xiao Wu's momentum, she was already scared silly! _Please download the ununderlined version of the novel

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