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"Ha, in Brother Chen's words, look at your bear-like appearance, aren't you very capable?"

Xiao Wu saw the woman lying on the ground, shivering, with a smile on her face, and said with a sinister smile,

"I gave you the chance, but you are useless, huh? You don't do anything, weren't you very powerful just now? You wanted to take Sister Qing away, and you wanted to beat me, what, you are silent now, speak up!"

Xiao Wu shouted, and kicked the woman without saying anything. This kick made Qingquan and her daughter tremble all over.

This... is too cruel?

Xiao Wu's strength is really not to be underestimated. Qingquan originally thought that Xiao Wu was just a lively and cute girl, but she didn't expect that she had such a cruel and terrifying side.

""Quan'er, did she really... recognize you as her sister?"

Qingquan's mother Yang looked at the furious Xiaowu in fear and whispered to Qingquan.

It was always the elder sister who stood up for the younger sister. This was the first time she saw the younger sister stand up for her elder sister, and she was so fierce.

""Well... Xiao Wu is younger than me, so she just recognized me as her sister, but she is the daughter of the master and the head of the family."

Qingquan also responded in a low voice. Although Xiao Wu's current appearance is very scary, she has a sense of security of being protected.

From childhood to adulthood, she has always been the one who was neglected and bullied, and so was her mother, so that both of them could only accept it and swallow their anger, which is why she developed a docile character.

But today, she finally doesn't have to endure bullying, because her sisters will stand up for her and vent her anger for her! For a moment, Qingquan's heart was relieved.

It turns out that it is so nice not to have to endure insults, and it turns out that it is so comfortable to resist bullying!

"With such a mistress, you won't have to suffer like your mother for the rest of your life."

Yang murmured, thinking of her own tragic experience and unfair treatment, she couldn't help but shed two tears, but at the same time, her expression was also filled with relief.

Her daughter didn't have to follow her old path and could live happily. This was her biggest wish in this life. Unexpectedly, it was accomplished so easily.

"Sister Qing, are you satisfied with the relief Xiao Wu gave you?"

Xiao Wu suddenly turned around and smiled brightly at Qingquan, saying,

"If you are still not satisfied, come and kick her in the stomach. This way you can use more force and she won't have any obvious scars. These are what Brother Chen taught me. We girls should know how to protect ourselves when we go out."

After saying that, she turned her head again, her smile still intact, but in the eyes of the woman, it was like a devil's smile!

"Really... is it okay?"

Qingquan's eyes flickered a little. Thinking of the injustice and insults she had suffered, she was also a little moved. She looked at the woman with hatred.

Although she was soft-hearted, she was not without temper. After being bullied for so many years, it was time to kick her back!

"Qingquan! You little beast, little bitch, how dare you kick me?"

When the woman saw Qingquan's expression, she was immediately angry. It was really like a tiger in plain land being bullied by a dog. Could it be that Qingquan, who had always been suppressed by her, dared to take revenge?


Before she could say anything, Xiaowu kicked her in the stomach again and snorted:

"I'm talking to Sister Qing, how can you have a say? If you dare to say anything, I'll throw you into the mountains and forests to feed the dogs!"

Xiao Wu is a professional at scaring people. After this threat, the woman immediately fell silent, but stared at Qingquan with a vicious look, as if dare?!

"Come, Sister Qing, don't be afraid, vent all the depression you have had for so many years, and live your life happily from now on."

Xiao Wu took Qingquan's hand, brought her to the woman, and encouraged her,

"Don't hesitate, she is going to let you be a concubine and a plaything for the dandy boy in her family, why are you still hesitating? Kick her hard in the stomach, come on!"

She was encouraging, and suddenly, Qingquan seemed to explode, and kicked the woman in the stomach. One kick was not enough, and he followed up with several kicks in a row, crying:

"I let you bully me! I let you not give me food! I let you kick me and my mother out of the house! I will kick you to death, kick you to death, kick you to death!"

"You asked me to marry someone else as a concubine, you asked me not to treat my mother and me as human beings, you asked me to scold my father, wuwuwu, wuwuwu……"

She kept kicking and crying until she could no longer exert any strength. Then she squatted on the ground, hugged her knees, and burst into tears.

The woman rolled her eyes and foamed at the mouth.

She felt like she was going to vomit the food she had eaten the night before. She felt a burning pain in her lower abdomen. She had never thought that she would end up in such a miserable state today.

"Aunt, do you want to kick me too? It would be a waste if I didn't."

Xiao Wu turned to look at Yang and said with a smile, which frightened Yang so much that she shook her head and said no.

Her spirit had long been suppressed. If she didn't explode in silence, she would die in silence. Qingquan was an explosion, but she had actually died after decades.

"I didn't expect Qingquan to be so depressed. I still don't know enough about her."

Xu Chen was on the high slope, watching this scene, and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

He was very happy to get along with Qingquan these two days, and the girl didn't show any sadness, but who would have thought that there was actually a knot in her heart, a huge stone that pressed her so hard that she couldn't breathe!

It's just that all this will not be revealed in front of Xu Chen.

If this incident hadn't happened today, I'm afraid this knot would be buried in her heart forever, becoming an indelible shadow, right?

It seems that in the future, when getting along with girls, you still have to pay more attention to the spiritual and mental exchanges. Those physical pleasures are secondary, and the heart-to-heart is the most important.

Well... it should be said that they are equally important.

Just thinking about it, his ears suddenly moved slightly, and his peripheral vision swept to the distance, and there seemed to be the sound of horse hooves.

Turning his head and looking, Xu Chen couldn't help but be slightly startled.

There seemed to be dozens or hundreds of people coming?! _

Feilu reminds you: Three things to read - collection

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