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"Huh? The reinforcements have arrived?……"

Xu Chen looked carefully and saw that the leader was a young man wearing gorgeous clothes and brocade robes. He seemed to be a rich nobleman, and behind him were dozens of cavalrymen!

This man was able to bring out cavalrymen privately. If the censor knew about this, it would be a capital crime!

The soldiers and horses of Chang'an City could not leave their posts without Li Shimin's order. If someone mobilized them privately, the severity would be equivalent to treason! In the whole world, Xu Chen was the only one who could mobilize the world's soldiers and horses without Li Shimin's order.

That had to be in extraordinary times. If it was used privately in normal times, the crime would definitely be serious.

And raising soldiers and arming them privately would be a serious crime of exterminating the nine clans! And looking at the armor and dress of these cavalrymen, it seemed that they were a cavalry squad in the barracks in the east of the city.

At this moment, their location was indeed the east of the city, so Xu Chen dared to guess that this group of people ran out of the barracks in the east of the city privately! As for the motive, it remains to be seen.

Xu Chen's face darkened slightly, and he felt quite unhappy. He had just improved the military system, but there were still people who ignored the rules he set. For this reason, he could jump down and kill them all to enforce military law!

However, he finally suppressed the impulse in his heart and continued to observe from the high slope.

I want to see what these people are going to do here!


The sound of horse hooves shook Xiao Wu's brows. In just a few breaths, the group of cavalrymen had already been about five feet in front of her. The leader suddenly looked stern, his face sank suddenly, and shouted:

"Stop! Let go of my aunt!"

His shout seemed to activate the woman, who immediately woke up from her half-dead state and shouted:

"Cui Xiao, Cui Xiao! Auntie is here, come and save her, come quickly!"

However, when she yelled, Xiao Wu kicked her in the stomach again, and she immediately foamed at the mouth, rolled her eyes, and could not speak.


The young man named Cui Xiao widened his eyes, as if he couldn't believe that the girl was so bold, and couldn't help but said angrily,

"Bitch! How dare you hurt my aunt? Go and get her!"

In this world, Cui Xiao has never met anyone who doesn't give him face like this!

"Captain Cui, I'm afraid this is not in compliance with military regulations. We are just out on patrol.……"

The cavalrymen on the left and right looked at each other with embarrassment when they heard this.

They were all suddenly told by Cui Xiao that as soldiers, they could not and would not arrest anyone without orders from their superiors.

Since the Grand Marshal Xu Chen gave the army the rules, they knew what they could and could not do, so they were naturally reluctant.

"What? I am the boss here, and you have to do whatever I tell you to do, understand? Even if the sky falls, my Cui family will support it!"

Seeing that his orders could not be carried out, Cui Xiao's face suddenly turned ugly, and he shouted angrily,

"Control these people first, and those two women, control them too, do you need me to repeat it again?"

The two women he was referring to were naturally Qingquan and her daughter.

"This... okay."

The cavalrymen heard this and did not dare to disobey their superiors. They nodded and urged their horses to surround Xiao Wu and the others.

Dozens of well-equipped cavalrymen! This is not something that those weaklings can compare to. With the support of war horses, their combat effectiveness is definitely not weak. The ten guards around Xiao Wu were all ready to fight a life-and-death battle.

"Who are you? Why are you meddling in other people's business here?"

Xiao Wu was surrounded by dozens of cavalrymen, but he remained fearless and raised his eyes to ask

"Haha, minding your own business? I want to ask you, what kind of business are you minding?

Cui Xiao jumped off his horse, walked to the woman's side, quickly helped her up, checked her injuries, and suddenly became furious and asked,

"My aunt only came here to propose marriage for me, why did you beat her up? Do you still have the law in your eyes?"

His question seemed to be from a moral high ground, but Xiao Wu sneered and snorted:

"Propose marriage? I think you are here to force her into prostitution? Sister Qing disagrees, aren't you going to kidnap her? More than 20 people are dispatched at once, what a big scene!"

Propose marriage? Bullshit! Are you bringing dozens of strong men to propose marriage? It's more like forcing the emperor to abdicate!

"Parents’ orders and matchmaker’s words are the law of nature! As a child, you are not filial to your aunt, and you even called for help. You are really disobedient and unfilial, a bitch!

Cui Xiao sneered, glanced at Xiao Wu, then at Qingquan, and said gloomily,

"Could it be that she is my concubine? Are you still wronging her? She was born by a lowly concubine, and the child she gave birth to is also a lowly one!"

Now that he is in a large number and has the initiative here, he can naturally insult her at will without considering the consequences. The woman took advantage of the power of others and stood up from the ground, saying viciously:

"That's right, these two little bitches, Cui Xiao, teach them a lesson, especially this one, she has such a sharp tongue, first slap her a hundred times, break her teeth, cut her tongue, and then try to insult me!"What

Xiao Wu did to her just now, she will pay it back a hundred times now!

"Haha, a shrew is still a shrew. It seems that the kicks I gave you just now were not light enough. The lesson I gave you was not big enough!"

Xiao Wu sneered, not taking these two people seriously at all, and turned to Cui Xiao and said coldly,

"As for you? Who do you think you are? Are you worthy of being my concubine? You bastard, you are still following your parents' orders. Do you still have any shame? If you don't want it, put your face closer to me and let me step on it!"

"A mere lieutenant dared to lead dozens of cavalrymen to cause trouble. You really have no regard for military law. Have you forgotten the military orders of the Divine Marquis? I think each of you wants to die!"

As soon as she said this, the faces of those cavalrymen suddenly changed. Hearing the word"Divine Marquis", no one was calm. Even Cui Xiao's expression darkened. He looked at Xiao Wu again and asked:

"Who are you? How do you know the military order of the Lord of God?

This girl looks extraordinary, not like a girl from an ordinary family, and she knows the military order, which makes him feel bad. Could it be... a tough guy?

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