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"What the hell is it to you? Get back to the east camp. If you dare to lead troops out without permission, I will make sure that you are all dead!"

Xiao Wu swept her eyes towards the dozens of cavalrymen present and shouted coldly.

Her shout was more powerful than that of the generals in the barracks. She frightened the entire cavalry squad at once. They looked at each other and involuntarily stepped back slightly.

Xiao Wu's words did scare them a little.

"What are you afraid of? There is no one else here! As long as we kill them all, who will know we have been here?"

Seeing this, Cui Xiao's expression changed. He thought to himself that this woman was very sharp-tongued. If she really told others about this, wouldn't it be bad? He had no choice but to make up his mind and give the order,

"Why don't you take them down quickly? I promise you that if anything happens, my Qinghe Cui family will take full responsibility and ensure your safety! With the strength of my Cui family, it shouldn't be a problem to kill a few people in the Tang Dynasty, right?"

His order was issued, but the cavalrymen around him were still a little hesitant, which made Cui Xiao angry and growled:

"Now we have left the camp without permission, committing a capital crime! This woman will definitely tell the truth. At that time, I will at most return to the Cui family and become a young master, but you... Hehe, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

As a small lieutenant, he really couldn't command dozens of cavalrymen. He had to give orders and threaten them at the same time to urge them. At this time, he hated Xu Chen in his heart.

If it weren't for the military camp reform initiated by Xu Chen, how could these dozens of cavalrymen be so difficult to command? He is at least a direct superior!

After the voice fell, the cavalrymen were threatened in this way, knowing that they were on a pirate ship, and they could only secretly say that they were unlucky. The seven or eight people in the front turned over and dismounted, and walked towards Xiao Wu and others, wanting to quickly capture the more than ten people.

In their eyes, the ten guards were just followers like servants, and their combat effectiveness would not be very high, but when they confronted head-on, they realized that each of them was a martial artist, and they were even stronger than them!

"Haha, if I were on a horse, I would be more afraid of you, but now that you are off the horse, you are all useless."

A guard rushed forward and took on three people by himself. The expression on his face was extremely relaxed, as if he still had some strength left.

They were originally the elites among the guards, and they had been trained by Xu Chen. Ordinary people were simply chickens and dogs in front of them. Even ordinary infantry could take on three without losing the upper hand!

Ten guards all joined the battle and beat the seven or eight cavalrymen to a pulp. The pressure increased greatly. Cui Xiao suddenly lost his composure and shouted angrily:

""What are you all standing there for? Capture them! Get off your horses!"

With this order, the cavalrymen all got off their horses in unison. There were a total of forty or fifty people!

But these forty or fifty people fighting against the ten guards did not have the upper hand at the beginning! The ten guards did not fight alone, but instead took care of each other, formed a formation, and resisted the attacks from all directions. For a while, they could not be taken down at all!

"Who are you? How can you have such a guard?

Cui Xiao was unsure at this moment, and looked at him fearfully and asked.

Seeing Xiao Wu's calm and nonchalant appearance, he must be from an ordinary merchant family. At the very least, he must be the daughter of a duke to have such a demeanor and have so many followers!

"You don't deserve to know my identity."

Xiao Wu looked at her with contempt and didn't bother to answer.


Cui Xiao was choked and his face turned red with anger. He picked up the weapon in his hand and threatened,

"You'd better tell me now! There is still room for maneuver. If there are casualties, all of you will die. No one will survive!"

He was also ruthless in his heart. Bringing people out today was a violation of military law. If he killed one or two civilians, the crime would be so serious that even the Cui family would find it difficult to save them.

If this is the case, it would be better to destroy the bodies and wipe them all out. In this way, no one would know what happened in this remote Xiaoshi Village!

At this time, manpower is limited. Ten guards are already a little overwhelmed by the siege of forty or fifty cavalrymen, and they are slowly falling into a disadvantage. After all, the other party is not an ordinary person, but also a well-trained elite cavalry!

"Madam, please leave quickly! If we die in battle, we must let the Marquis avenge us!"

A guard waved his hands and roared.

They were almost exhausted. It seemed that they would not have a good end today. They could only pray to Xu Chen to avenge them!

However, facing the siege of so many cavalrymen, could Xiao Wu and the others leave?

"Hahaha, you still want to leave? You are dreaming. No one who is here today can leave!"

Cui Xiao suddenly showed a sinister smile on his face, staring at Xiao Wudao.

"I thought you were such a noble person, but it turns out you are just the daughter of a marquis, haha! If you were the daughter of a duke, I, Cui Xiao, would be a little afraid of you. A mere marquis, my Cui family can still handle it!"

Although there is only one character difference between the titles of Marquis and Duke, there is a huge difference in status between them. Not to mention that the Marquis is divided into four categories: state, county, county, and pavilion. The lowest rank of pavilion is just an honor, and basically has no real power.

And his Qinghe Cui family is a Guanlong noble family with five surnames and seven families! As the legitimate son of the Cui family, he killed a Marquis' daughter quietly without fear of being tracked down.

This world is so realistic. Even if the Marquis' daughter was killed, it is possible to track her down, but if it is tracked down to the aristocratic family, that is not okay! The power of the aristocratic family is not something that a mere Marquis can afford to offend.

Of course, Cui Xiao did not notice that the guard said the word"Madam". He subconsciously thought that Xiao Wu looked young, so he thought she was the daughter of the Marquis, but he didn't know that she was actually... the Marquise's wife!

This oversight made him feel much more relaxed. He picked up a spear in his hand, pointed it at Xiao Wu, and threw it directly at her, shouting:

""Go to hell!"

Kill the most threatening person on the field, and let him control the others, especially the one named Qingquan. Today's incident was caused by her!

Cui Xiao's heart was filled with endless anger. He wanted to torture this woman to death afterwards! At this moment, the initiative on the field was firmly in his hands. He enjoyed the pleasure of killing at will and controlling the life and death of others, but at the moment when the spear was swung out, his life had actually come to an end.

"Xiao Wu!"


Qingquan and the guards watched the spear break through the air, their eyes showing despair. They wanted to help her block the fatal blow, but they were powerless. Even Xiaowu himself closed his eyes.

Even if she died, she had to keep her demeanor!

However, at this critical moment, a dark golden dart fell from the sky and smashed the spear into pieces! Only to hear a sharp shout in the air:

"Seeking death!"

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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