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At this moment, Xu Chen, with an angry look on his face, suddenly fell to the ground, grabbed Cui Xiao's neck, exerted a little force, and shouted:

"You dare to touch my people? You really don't know how to live or die!"

He was originally just in the mood of watching a play, watching Xiao Wu's performance on the high slope. After all, there were ten guards guarding him, and the army didn't go out, which was already a rampant existence, so naturally he was relaxed.

But he didn't expect that someone actually brought a group of troops! He also wanted to destroy the corpses in this wilderness, which was simply too bold! If he came later, maybe he would really let this person succeed. Even if he wiped out his entire family afterwards, it would be too late!

Both wives almost died, how could he not be annoyed? Since he came to the Tang Dynasty, he had never been so unhappy. At that moment, he slapped Cui Xiao's head heavily!

Cui Xiao was pinched by the neck, and he couldn't move at first. This slap directly caused a concussion, bleeding from all seven orifices. In his heart, there was a crisis of death, which made him scream in horror:

"Save me! Come and save me! If I die, you will all be dead!" At this moment, he placed all his hopes on dozens of cavalrymen. He was still betting that the man in front of him would not dare to kill him directly, the eldest son of the Cui family!

As long as he was not killed, there would be room for recovery.


Several cavalrymen were stunned. They did not expect Cui Xiao to be caught by the man who fell from the sky. They were about to rescue their leader, but suddenly a group of people knelt down behind them. They could only hear their trembling voices:

"Meet the Marshal!"

For a moment, these confused cavalrymen were all a little confused, and then they were immediately pulled to the ground by several smart people behind them, and at the same time, they dropped their weapons.

Marshal! In the entire Tang Dynasty, who else can be called a marshal? That is only...

Those confused cavalrymen now woke up, and when they thought of who the young man in front of them was, cold sweat immediately soaked their backs. They knelt on the ground and kowtowed like pounding garlic, and they were extremely scared. They had originally violated the military law, and now they were caught by the highest maker of the military law. In their hearts, they were both angry and desperate.

They were angry at Cui Xiao for deceiving them, and desperate because the military law was ruthless, and they were all guilty of capital punishment!

"Marshal?! You, you are……"

Cui Xiao was not a fool. When he saw the cavalryman who had given up fighting and knelt on the ground, his eyes widened and he was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

He... actually ran into the Divine Marquis Xu Chen?!

"Didn't you just say that the Marquis is nothing and can be easily dealt with? I am also a Marquis, come and deal with me and see?"

Xu Chen sneered, picked up Cui Xiang like a chicken, and threw him to the ground casually, clapping his hands and saying,

"Come, I'll give you a chance to deal with me. I'll give you five seconds. If you can't deal with me, then I'll deal with you!"

His words were exactly the same as Xiao Wu's words just now, but it was obvious that he had murderous intent in his heart.

"……Haha, I gave you a chance but you didn't want it, so I can only send you to see the King of Hell with great reluctance!"

Xu Chen looked at Cui Xiao coldly, raised his hand lightly, and was about to slap him, but the woman next to him screamed:

"You dare to kill him? He is the legitimate son of the Cui family!"

The woman was so regretful at this time. She thought that arresting Qingquan and her daughter was a simple matter, but who would have thought that it would develop to this point. If Cui Xiao died because of this, wouldn't she become a sinner of the Cui family?!

At the moment, she could only bring up the name of"Cui family" in the hope of scaring Xu Chen and reducing his murderous intention.

"Cui family, which Cui family?"

Xu Chen frowned slightly. He had not listened carefully to Cui Xiao's background just now. Now that he heard it, he felt even more upset.

Could it be the Cui family of Boling again? The second son had just been dismembered, and the eldest son came out to harm people again, and even harmed him. He was so excited.

Even he could encounter two things in a row. It can be imagined that these aristocratic families have done so many evil things behind the scenes!

For a moment, the murderous intent in his heart became stronger. These so-called aristocratic families would be uprooted sooner or later, and they would start with these second generations!

However, Cui Xiao did not notice Xu Chen's murderous intent. When he heard what his aunt said, he was immediately shocked and quickly reacted, shouting:

"I am the son of Cui Ling, the head of the Qinghe Cui family! Even if it is the emperor, he has to give face to my Cui family. Xu Chen, why don't you put me down quickly? If you kill me, my Cui family will definitely not let you go!"

Otherwise, how can you say he is a playboy? His life is in the hands of others, and he still wants to threaten others with the prestige of his family. Even if he didn't want to kill him originally, he has the intention to kill him now.

"Qinghe Cui Family? What kind of shitty family is that? You nobles are so used to bullying others that you have your eyes in the sky and don’t even know your own surname! Not to mention you, even if your father comes, you have to salute me respectfully!

Xu Chen heard his threat, but he was not afraid at all. Instead, he kicked Cui Xiao on the knee. This kick was merciless and directly smashed his kneecap to pieces, making him kneel on the ground involuntarily!


Cui Xiao's face was completely distorted in pain. He screamed and stared at Xu Chen with a pair of hateful eyes. He said angrily,

"Xu Chen! How dare you, how dare you do this to me? My Cui family will not let you off easily!"


Xu Chen kicked him again without saying anything, smashing the knee of his other leg to pieces. Cui Xiao couldn't stand the pain and fainted!

"Useless thing, you're already dead after just two kicks."

Xu Chen shrugged, not taking him seriously at all, and turned to look at the dozens of cavalrymen who were still kneeling on the ground, and said coldly:

"You left the camp without permission, held the people hostage, and disregarded military law! Are you going to commit suicide, or am I going to kill you?"

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