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Yang nodded repeatedly, her eyes full of satisfaction, and said,

""My biggest wish in my life is that you can find a good family to marry into. Now it seems that it has been fulfilled. Even if I die now, I can rest in peace."

As a person who married a rich man but was repeatedly bullied and depressed several times, Yang really didn't want Qingquan to repeat her mistakes. But she didn't expect that she would find such a good husband just by working as a female worker in the city.

In her eyes, the Marquis is a figure from heaven, a figure that she would never meet in this life! She really didn't expect that her daughter could marry into a marquis's family! What made her feel most relieved was that the head wife Xiaowu was not fierce at all. Instead, she protected Qingquan everywhere. In her opinion, this was simply a bit incredible.

""Mom, please don't say these discouraging words, you will definitely live a long life!"

Qingquan's eyes were red, and she helped her sit down beside her, speaking in a low voice. In fact, there were many things between her and her mother that she had never said out loud, and today she finally released everything and was able to speak her heart out.

"Brother Chen, what are you going to do with that guy surnamed Cui? He seemed to say that he was the legitimate son of the Qinghe Cui family."

The young general looked at Xu Chen, frowned slightly, and said thoughtfully,

"If it were an ordinary lieutenant, he would be killed directly if he violated military law. There would be no problem. However, the Qinghe Cui family was one of the Five Surnames and Seven Famous Clan after all. The family had great influence and a strong financial foundation. The Cui family was also the most powerful family among the aristocratic families, with students and former officials all over the world. If this legitimate son was killed rashly, I am afraid that……"

As the daughter of Wu Shigui and a female emperor, Xiao Wu knew these aristocratic families very well. Even most of the Guanlong nobles and the Li Tang royal family were slaughtered during her reign, which made a huge contribution to weakening the power of the aristocracy.

It can be said that she was born to be at odds with the aristocracy and was their enemy! Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. In fact, she has been paying more or less attention to these forces since she was a child.

"You are right. If we really want to deal with the legitimate son of the Qinghe Cui family, it will be a little tricky. If they come to retaliate against me, even if they cannot overthrow me, it will be enough to disgust me for a while."

Xu Chen nodded and agreed with Xiao Wu's opinion.

Although he was not afraid of the Cui family, it would be irrational to go to war with them directly now. Besides, he wanted to attack them secretly in his heart. If he went to war directly, the other party would become alert, and many of his dirty tricks would be difficult to carry out.

Xu Chen also felt that it was meaningless to fight head-on. It was natural to kill them all directly, but in the Tang Dynasty, this was not the rule of the game. Since he had become a divine marquis, he had to play by the rules of the game, otherwise it would be a bit too disrespectful to Li Shimin.

"How about letting him go?"

Xiao Wu looked at Cui, who was already showing signs of waking up, and said unhappily,

"Isn't it too easy for him to let him go? Although this man should at least be punished, right? Otherwise, won't others think that we are easy to bully in the future?"

Xiao Wu is not a pushover. She has always been more authentic in doing things. If others don't provoke her, then she will naturally not provoke others. But if someone comes to find trouble with her, then she will definitely ask for it back tenfold or a hundredfold!

This Cui Xiao actually dared to throw a spear at her, so he should be prepared to be killed!

"Then, in your opinion, how should he be punished? I will listen to you."

Xu Chen hugged Xiao Wu and said dotingly.

Today, this little girl has suffered an unprecedented injustice. No matter how he vents, it is not excessive. Even if he really wants to kill her, he will never blink an eye.

If the Cui family wants to find trouble with him, the worst thing is to directly destroy both Cui families. Anyway, the most important thing is that his wife is happy!

Unconsciously, Xu Chen actually showed signs of developing into a"wife slave", and the key is that he seemed to enjoy it.……

"Haha, doesn't he like to take concubines? I think we should just castrate him and see how he takes concubines!"

Xiao Wu rolled his eyes and said sinisterly,

"The legitimate son of the Cui family, if we don't kill him, we will also cut off his descendants! In this way, the Qinghe Cui family will know how powerful our Shenhou Mansion is!"

Xiao Wu has a good grasp of the scale of punishment. With the mistakes made by Cui Xiao, as long as he is not chopped off on the spot, it will not be too much! Therefore, using castration is definitely the best counterattack for Xiao Wu.

The greatest humiliation for a man is to be incomplete; and for a family, the greatest insult is to cut off their descendants!

Doing this is obviously more satisfying than killing him directly!

"Castration?! Xiao Wu, you are really……"

Xu Chen looked at Xiao Wu in front of him with a bright smile and couldn't help but shudder. He felt that she seemed to have some of Wu Zetian's shadow... the ruthlessness and decisiveness were exactly the same!

"What are you doing, Brother Chen~"

Xiao Wu glanced at Xu Chen and noticed that his expression was a little strange. He immediately understood what Xu Chen was thinking and couldn't help but giggle and said playfully,

"Don't panic, Xiao Wu has been taking good care of Brother Chen's thing. I'll show you some new tricks tonight~"

After saying that, he glanced at Xu Chen's crotch and laughed even more happily.

Xu Chen:"……"

Wait, wait? Something new?

""What new tricks are you doing? Tell me about them first!"

Xu Chen immediately became interested and asked curiously.

This girl always finds ways to make him feel great. He really loves her!

"Hehe, I heard that it was a Goguryeo woman who brought it to our Tang Dynasty and gave it an elegant name. This kind of play seems to be quite popular among you stinky men. It is said that there is a strong sense of conquest, but I don’t know if it is true or not."

Xiao Wu chuckled, and there was a bit of seduction in his words, which made Xu Chen's heart���, it all itches

"Goguryeo, elegant name, sense of conquest?"

Xu Chen linked these three together, thought for a moment, and suddenly his heart was moved, and he blurted out:

"Could it be……"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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