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"Hey, Brother Chen, there are so many people here, don't tell anyone~"

Xiao Wu rolled his eyes at Xu Chen and said unhappily,

"If you tell these secrets, how will Xiao Wu face people in the future?……"

Even she attaches great importance to face. She must not say anything too embarrassing in public, otherwise, she will be called a shameless bitch.

"Oh, oh, I know……"

Xu Chen nodded repeatedly, his heart was already rippled, and he began to fantasize.

If Qingquan can also learn this trick, then wouldn't it be... Oh, I dare not think about it, I have to make more supplements, if I continue like this, I may really be malnourished!

He was originally a little angry, but when he thought of these things, how could he have the heart to punish Cui Xiao? He casually ordered two guards:

"Did you hear what the lady said just now? Go, go and cripple that boy, be quick and don't kill anyone, understand?"

Of course, he couldn't do this kind of thing himself, and had to hand it over to his men, but the ten guards started to fight for it, and they said:

"I’m going, I’m going, don’t compete with me!"

"Get out! Do you know how to castrate someone? If you don't do it right, someone will die. And it has to be me. I used to have a good relationship with Eunuch Zhao from the cleansing room. He taught me a unique skill!"

"But go to hell, right? You only heard about me, but I really practiced it! At that time, I almost castrated a man to death. It's true that castration is a technical job.……"

"Take me one too!"

The guards were fighting back and forth, and the fight was so lively that Xu Chen was speechless. Why were they all so eager to fight and so excited?

But it was no wonder. After all, they used to be the guards in the imperial palace. They had frequent contact with eunuchs, and naturally had good relationships with them. They even had the opportunity to get started! Naturally, they had accumulated rich experience.

And now, Cui Xiao almost killed several of them. This kind of hatred cannot be eliminated with just a few punches or two kicks. At least they have to castrate him with their own hands to relieve the hatred in their hearts.

For a while, no one gave in to anyone. Five or six people crowded up and walked towards Cui Xiao. Poor Cui Xiao, who had just woken up from his coma, was surrounded by five big men.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Looking at the sinister smiles of the five men, and then looking at the direction they were staring at, Cui Xiao couldn't help but feel a chill in his crotch, and quickly covered his vital parts, saying in horror,

"I... I am the legitimate son of the Cui family. How dare you torture me?!"

At this moment, he still did not forget to use his identity as a sir to scare people. In fact, apart from taking out the amulet of"legitimate son of the Cui family", he had no other choice.

""Oh, so you are the legitimate son of the Cui family. I wonder if you have any offspring?"

A guard pretended to be surprised, but there was no panic on his face.

What a joke. They were originally guards of the royal family, and now they are the guards of the powerful God. Others may be afraid of the Cui family, but they don't care at all.

"No, not at all……"

Cui Xiao heard the question and answered subconsciously. Suddenly, he had a very bad feeling in his heart.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, there are no children left."

The guard had a very regretful expression on his face, the silver blade in his hand was exposed, and he smiled grimly.

"Then you will never have a child in your life."

As he said that, the other four big men stood in the southeast, northwest, and northeast directions of Cui Xiao, each holding down one of his hands and feet, making him unable to move, while the guard with the knife slashed at him fiercely!

"Wow, you're... quite pretty."

"No wonder he looks like he has kidney deficiency. He’s still a soldier. His married life must not be that good, right?"

"Hey, I don't even want to cut this. I can't even hear a sound when I cut it. It's meaningless.……"


The five guards cast contemptuous glances at Cui Xiao, which made Cui Xiao feel ashamed. He struggled hard and shouted again:

""Let me go, let me go! What are you doing!"

However, his strength was not enough. Under the pressure of the guards, he could not move at all. He could only look at the slowly rising knife with despair in his eyes.

Although it was small, it could still be used!

"Hold on tight!"

The guard holding the knife no longer hesitated, shouted loudly, and the knife fell!


There was only a crisp sound, and the cutting surface was so perfect that not much blood flowed out for a moment!


Cui Xiao felt a chill in his crotch, and the severe pain that followed directly overwhelmed him, and he fainted again!

Maybe fainting was a better solution for him! At least now he didn't have to face this cruel fact.

"Look, my technique is pretty good, isn't it!"

The guard smiled triumphantly, took out a handful of lime from somewhere, and smeared it on the body, roughly stopping the bleeding, and then tied Cui Xiao's loincloth tightly, as a bandage.

The whole process was done without any delay, and it could be said to be a textbook torture. Several guards around him praised him:

"It's a technical job, you can go ask the Marquis for some reward!"

"This method, wow, you have done this a lot in the palace, right?"

"Hey, stay away from him in the future. What if I make him unhappy one day and he comes to me before bed at night?"

"Haha, I'm not afraid, I have enough money, at least I have to come and do it!"

These soldiers said some dirty words, all of them were smiling, but in the eyes of Mrs. Cui, they were a few evil demons!

However, she only dared to tremble at this time, and didn't dare to speak at all, for fear that if she spoke, she would attract their attention. Then, the end of the matter might be worse than Cui Xiao. After all, she is not the legitimate daughter of the Cui family!_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading-collect

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