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"Qingquan, if it were up to you to deal with her, what do you think should be done to her?"

Xu Chen looked at the woman with disgust and turned to ask.

Before dealing with someone, he would also ask for the person's opinion, which was also a kind of respect for his wife.


Qingquan was slightly stunned when she heard this. She didn't expect Xu Chen to ask for her opinion. For a moment, she didn't know how to answer.

With her personality, she naturally didn't like the kind of fighting and killing, but this vicious woman was really hateful, so she didn't know how to make a decision.

"Qingquan, Qingquan! Auntie was wrong, Auntie was really wrong……"

When the woman saw Qingquan hesitate, she took the opportunity to crawl to her feet, crying and begging for mercy.

"Please, give me a way out! I... I used to feed you and buy you candy.……"

She was already thinking of a way out of this, and she listed all the times she had been kind to Qingquan in her life, but she choked before she could even say two.

Because in the past ten years, she had been kind to Qingquan only a few times, almost none at all! At this moment, all her words seemed extremely pale and powerless.

"Giving me food means you are good to me? As the daughter of the Qing family, do I need you to give me food?"

It would have been better if she didn't say it. When she said it, Qingquan immediately thought of the unfair treatment she had suffered, and said angrily,

"And those candies are all the most rubbish and low-quality goods, not even as good as those given to the servants and maids. Is this considered good to me?"

These two questions made the woman speechless, but she was still crying and begging for mercy. Qingquan jumped aside in disgust and said to Xu Chen:

"My husband, I don't want to see this woman anymore. It's up to you to deal with her."

To be able to say such a thing, it means that Qingquan has hated this woman to the core. She has a very tolerant personality, but not everyone can be tolerant!

"That's right, Sister Qing. You have to be a little cruel to bad guys. If it were me, just chop them up. Out of sight, out of mind."

Xiao Wu took Qingquan's hand and said with a smile, but her words were filled with murderous intent.

If she was in charge, this woman would definitely die! But now she is Xu Chen's wife, and everything is based on Xu Chen. Of course, she will not go against her husband's wishes.

"Well, since Qingquan doesn't want to see you, then you can go to the mountains to feed the dogs."

Xu Chen nodded and said lightly,

"Just throw her into the Qinling Mountains. Whether she lives or dies is up to her fate. You can just come back after throwing her away. Don't worry about it."

""Yes, Lord!"

Two guards lifted the woman up and tied her to the horse. When they heard the word"Qinling", they no longer had the strength to shout, and their eyes showed despair and hatred.

Qinling is a place full of poisonous snakes, insects and mosquitoes. If you are not careful, you will die! Even a genius doctor like Sun Simiao has to be careful when he goes to Qinling to collect herbs, and dare not be distracted at all.

Ordinary people enter Qinling without any preparation, that is death! It is not much better than exile to Lingnan.

Xu Chen's order is actually no different from a death sentence, except that he doesn't like killing people very much.

"I will not let you go even if I become a ghost!"

The woman screamed with all her strength, and then was knocked unconscious by the guards, and sent out of Xiaoshi Village and headed towards Qinling Mountains.

Her words made Qingquan and her daughter both look a little frightened. Isn't this a bit too poisonous?

Xiao Wu sneered when he heard it, and said:

"You can't even beat us as a human, and you want to take revenge as a ghost? You're dreaming!"

When she said this, everyone relaxed immediately. It made so much sense. If you're not afraid of humans, how could you be afraid of a ghost?

"All right, Xiao Wu Qingquan, come home with me."

Xu Chen whistled towards the top of the hill, and the horse galloped down. The surrounding area had been cleaned up by the guards. He immediately jumped on the horse and said with a smile,

"Auntie, you and Qingquan can ride on a horse. When we get to the city, I'll change the sedan chair for you, okay?"

As he said that, he pulled Xiaowu onto the horse. The two of them sat together, close and intimate, and quite interesting, but they didn't consider the feelings of the horse, ahem.……

"I dare not, I dare not, I can ride a horse or walk, I dare not use that sedan chair……"

Yang was helped onto the horse by Qingquan, but she was terrified and shook her head and waved her hands repeatedly.

She hadn't been treated like this for a long time, not to mention riding a sedan chair or even riding a horse. Now that Xu Chen was so polite to her, she, who had always been submissive, felt a little uncomfortable all over.

""Mother, it's okay. We can sit wherever we want. Just listen to me from now on!"

Qingquan advised in a low voice. In her words, she had a bit of the aura of a mistress of the house. Yang almost cried after hearing it. She really gave birth to a good daughter. She is so proud of herself!

"Haha, this is what the second wife of the Divine Marquis's Mansion looks like. Let's go!"

Xu Chen laughed, whipped his horse whip, and headed towards Chang'an City with his guards and women.


Half an hour later, in the east camp, Hou Junji looked at the dozens of cavalrymen in front of him, and Cui Xiao who was still unconscious on the ground. His face turned pale, and he slammed the table and shouted:

"You left the military camp without permission, kidnapped the people, and even kidnapped the women of the Shenhou family. What? You guys, are you planning to rebel?"

When the group of people came back, he saw Cui Xiao's appearance and knew something was wrong. But he didn't expect that Cui Xiao would be the real culprit.���He had made such a big mess, poking Xu Chen, the biggest hornet's nest in the Tang Dynasty, and he was sweating coldly at that time.

If Xu Chen blamed him for his poor military management and punished him, wouldn't it ruin his future?!

For this reason alone, these dozens of cavalrymen would not be too much if they died a hundred times!

""General, we plead guilty, but it was Captain Cui who tricked us out. We had no choice!"

The cavalry captain knelt on one knee on the ground, looking embarrassed.

At this time, all they could do was to pass on the blame, but this blame was indeed Cui Xiao's.……

"Can't help yourself? Cui Xiao is just a lieutenant, can he command so many of you to do things? Are you all his private soldiers or something?"

Hou Junji's face darkened, looking at Cui Xiao lying on the ground, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, but at the same time, he was a little afraid in his heart, so he simply ignored him and looked directly at the cavalry and others, sneering:

"Well, just plead guilty! Come on, drag them out and behead them, to serve as a warning to others and to correct military law!"

This recommendation is not very good, let's update seven times this week, there is Rui recently._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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