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So although these dozens of cavalrymen are not small, they did violate the strict military law. They were directly killed, and no one dared to say a word.

"General, General, spare my life!"

The cavalry captain was immediately anxious when he heard this and begged repeatedly,

"Before we returned to the barracks, the marshal said that he would not investigate us any further, and he asked me to tell you……"

"What did you tell him?"

Hou Junji's expression was stern, and he asked repeatedly, fearing that Xu Chen would say something to blame him.

In the entire Tang Dynasty, he could disobey anyone, but he could not disobey Xu Chen! The war against the Turks was still vivid in his mind. When Xu Chen single-handedly killed 200,000 Turks and took the head of Tuli Khan, he had already made up his mind that he would never be an enemy of Xu Chen!

"The marshal said... he wishes you well."

The cavalry captain rolled his eyes and immediately added fuel to the fire.

"He also told you to manage the barracks well, not to be too harsh on the soldiers, and to be compassionate to the soldiers like Duke Lu and his men. Now that there is no war, we should wait for the opportunity to tire out.……"

Xu Chen did not say these words, but he boldly added them. He was a smart guy, and he played the tiger skin. Hou Junji's expression changed continuously, and his face was uncertain.

It's true that Xu Chen really wanted to warn Hou Junji, but his idea was simple and crude. He just wanted to take away his military power. Now that the Tang Dynasty is full of talents, are you afraid that you can't find a general who can fight?

Let alone Xue Rengui, the apprentice he trained, can easily beat Hou Junji by several streets.

The words of the cavalry captain were actually a disguised way of saving Hou Junji's career!

"Did the Marshal really say that?"

Hou Junji pondered for a long time and finally asked.

At this moment, he was thinking, should he change his way of managing the army and show a more amiable face?

"Indeed... Indeed, he also said that Cui Xiao was too bold and had been punished."

The cavalry captain felt a little guilty, but he still answered with a stiff upper lip. He was confident because his words were half true and half false. He just needed to focus on the truth.

If Xu Chen knew that he did this, he would probably just laugh it off. Clever people can always avoid disasters. His witty remarks could at least save him from a beating.

"This... OK, OK."

Hou Junji nodded, believing it. He waved his hand and said,

"Go, since it is the Marshal's will, I will obey. This time I was deceived by Cui Xiao, and the blame is not on you. Go, return to the camp."

Although Xu Chen's title is only Marquis, sometimes, the Duke has to listen to the Marquis' words. This is a very vivid example.

""Thank you, General, for not punishing me!"

All the cavalrymen were delighted, bowed to Hou Junji again, and turned to leave. Fortunately, Xu Chen showed mercy and the captain was very careful, so they were able to escape. It was like they had just walked around the gates of hell.

At this time, Cui Xiao was the only one left in the military tent. He was lying on the ground, sweating, and he didn't wake up. When Hou Junji saw him like this, he felt a headache.

Although Cui Xiao was just a small lieutenant, the Cui family sent him to the military camp to train! Now that the legitimate son was castrated by Xu Chen, how could he, the chief officer, explain to Cui Ling? He couldn't say that his son violated the military law in the army and was castrated, right? If he really said that, he couldn't stand the anger of the Cui family!

"The Qinghe Cui family is one of the five surnames and seven families. How can I, Hou Junji, afford to offend such a family? Shen Hou, Shen Hou, I dare not take the blame for you.……"

Hou Junji shook his head and sighed, then sat down under the military tent and began to write a letter to explain the situation to the Cui family.

If it were Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Gong and others, they would definitely take part of the responsibility and explain that Cui Xiao had violated the military law punishable by death, so this punishment was not excessive, and they would agree with Xu Chen's approach.

But as a sophisticated egoist, Hou Junji did not want to stand on the opposite side of the aristocratic family, so although he also explained the facts and the situation in detail, he completely distanced himself from the relationship, indicating that he was not involved at all, and everything was decided by Xu Chen. At the same time, he also expressed sympathy for Cui Xiao's experience.

After writing such a letter, even if the Cui family was angry, they would only target Xu Chen, not Hou Junji!

"Come, send Captain Cui to Cui's house!"

Hou Junji waved his hand and summoned two guards. He handed over the letter in his hand and instructed them,

"Don't be too bumpy on the road. Please give this letter to Cui Ling, the head of the Cui family. It explains everything."


Two guards took the letter respectfully, carried Cui Xiao out steadily on a stretcher, and headed towards Chang'an City.

Hou Junji walked out of the military tent slowly. A gust of cold wind blew, and he suddenly felt something in his heart, and murmured:

"Chang'an, it's going to rain……"


In the main hall of the Cui family in Qinghe, a woman was crying and telling a story, and the man at the head of the table was furious.

"What?! The murderer who killed Cui He was actually let go? How dare he? Could it be that he didn't know that he was the one that the Cui family had ordered to be killed!"

Looking at his sister's heartbroken look, Cui Ling, the head of the Qinghe Cui family, was furious and asked,

"Who is it? Who is so ignorant of life and death?"

In this world, there are actually people who are so blind and dare to bring trouble to the Cui family!

"Woo woo woo... I heard that it was a man named Xu Chen, and he seemed to be a marquis, but what's wrong with being a marquis? Is it important for a marquis to have my son? Cui Yuan, the coward, was so scared when he heard the name that he peed and shit himself. That's why I came to find my brother.……"

Mrs. Cui cried so hard, sobbing bitterly,

"That useless thing, the Cui family of Boling was defeated by him long ago! Brother, you will never be like him and bow to a mere marquis, right? When has our Cui family ever been afraid of anyone!"

In her opinion, if her husband is not good enough, then she can find her brother. There will always be someone who will stand up for her. She has mysterious confidence in the strength of the Cui family.

But when the angry Cui Ling heard the word"Xu Chen", he was stunned for a moment, and said with a fearful look:

"Xu Chen? Why would he come to meddle in the affairs of my Cui family?! Could it be……"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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