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As the head of a wealthy family, they need to consider too many things. Whether it is the decree in the court or the signal released by the emperor, they need to interpret and analyze carefully to make a decision that is beneficial to their family. This is why there are so many wealthy families, but only five surnames and seven families have been left for hundreds of years! Can those who have no ability enjoy the noble status for a hundred years?

Therefore, it is difficult for him not to think about the actions of key figures in the court like Xu Chen. Is this the emperor's intention?

Did the emperor want to knock them down, so he arranged for Xu Chen to let Yu Jian go?

"Brother, are you afraid of that guy called Xu Chen too?"

Mrs. Cui looked at the hesitant and frowning expression on Cui Ling's face and couldn't help but stop crying and said angrily,

"If you are all afraid, then I will go to Xu Chen's house and make trouble at his door! In front of all the people in Chang'an, I will embarrass him and make him restless!"

As a woman, she thought this was the best way. Of course, she didn't know that this was also the stupidest way.

"What nonsense are you talking about! Do you still want to save the reputation of my Cui family?

Cui Ling glared at her, but seeing her pitiful look, she could only soften and console her.

"It's not that I'm afraid of him, but his identity is different. He controls the military power of the world and is extremely favored by the emperor. In other words, he may be the emperor's spokesperson! His every move may be instructed by the emperor. Then I ask you, do you also want to go to the gate of the palace to make trouble?"

If Xu Chen heard Cui Ling's words, he would definitely shout loudly that he was wronged. He simply took a fancy to Lao Yu's medical talent and expressed sympathy for his experience. To say that it has risen to the political level, it is really an exaggeration.

But then again, it is precisely because these families are very sensitive and analyze every move of the court and the emperor that they have been able to stand for so many years. As the old saying goes, be careful and you will be safe!

"That... that's of course not possible. If you go to the palace to cause trouble, you will be beheaded.……"

Mrs. Cui stopped crying when she heard this and said awkwardly,"

She is a bully who only bullies the weak and fears the strong. The emperor is bigger than her Cui family, so she is naturally a coward."

"So, sister, we can't rush into this matter. Besides, it's just letting Yu Jian go. He didn't deserve death. If Cui He hadn't been doing bad things all day, how could such a bad result have happened? In the final analysis, it's because you, as a mother, are too doting on her!"

Cui Ling was relieved when she saw that her sister was no longer making trouble, and she turned to scold her,

"In the future, you must strictly discipline your children, otherwise there will always be someone you can't afford to offend! Look, how strict I discipline Cui Xiao? I sent him directly to the military camp for training. I don't feel bad at all. Son, this is how you have to teach him."

As he said this, he was a little proud, as if he was very proud of making such a decision. But when Mrs. Cui heard it, she sneered and curled her lips and said:

"It's because you couldn't control yourself that you asked someone to let him into the army. How dare you blame me?……"

This complaint hit a sore spot for Mrs. Cui. Cui Ling felt a little embarrassed. She smiled awkwardly and was about to change the subject when an anxious voice came from the servant outside the door:

""Master, the young master... the young master is back!"

There was a tremor in his voice, and Cui Xiao's heart sank when he heard it.

"Huh? Why did he suddenly come back today? Did this rebellious son cause trouble outside again?

Cui Ling was a little angry, thinking that Cui Xiao had caused trouble for him outside again, so he stood up and ordered,

"Tell him to come see me quickly!"

"Xiao'er is back?"

Mrs. Cui also stood up from her seat, and said with some joy in her heart.

She hadn't seen her nephew for a long time, and now she was looking forward to it. She wondered what Cui Xiao was like in the military camp. However

, the servant's voice became more and more trembling, and he said tremblingly:

"Home, master... you should come and see it yourself, young master, young master……"

He was halfway through his words when he could no longer speak. Cui Ling's heart suddenly sank when he heard this. He hurried out and saw his son on the stretcher at the door. He immediately noticed the blood on his crotch.

"Xiao'er, Xiao'er, what's wrong with you, Xiao'er!"

Cui Ling saw his son's eyes were tightly closed, and he looked like he was about to die, so he couldn't help but ask anxiously,

"What happened? Who did this?"

My son was fine when he was sent to the military camp, how come he has become like this now?!

"Cui Family Master, this letter was given to you by General Hou Junji.

Hou Junji's guard took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Cui Ling, then left the Cui family without stopping.

At this time, Mrs. Cui also came out of the house. Seeing Cui Xiao's appearance, she was also shocked and said quickly:

""What happened to Xiao'er? Who made her look like this?!"

She was panicking when Cui Ling opened the letter in a hurry. After just a glance, her face turned pale. The more she read, the angrier she became. In the end, she even tore the letter into pieces in anger!

"Brother, what's wrong, brother? What's going on?!"

Seeing her brother's expression as if he wanted to eat someone, Mrs. Cui was extremely anxious and asked repeatedly.

She didn't know���What happened? But her premonition told her that it must be something extremely bad...

At this moment, Cui Ling seemed to have lost her mind. She pulled out a long sword from the house and stabbed it fiercely on the floor, saying hysterically:

"This is too much bullying! This is too much bullying! Xu Chen, I, Cui Ling, will never forgive you!"_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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