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In other words, even ordinary people can have a midnight snack in the evening!

Today's dinner is slowly unfolding. Empress Changsun and Li Shimin have already sat on the high platform, tasting fruits and snacks, watching singing and dancing and drama, with faint smiles on their faces.

""Guanyinbi, tell me, what gift will they give you today? I heard that the princes have carefully prepared gifts, and some of them were specially shipped from thousands of miles away. This filial piety makes even me a little envious." Li Shimin looked at Empress Changsun beside him and said with a smile.

In this world, the only person he can joke with without restraint is Empress Changsun, oh no, and that weird Xu Chen.

"What are you talking about, Your Majesty? When have the princes ever neglected their filial piety to Your Majesty? You just know how to make fun of me."

Empress Changsun rolled her eyes at Li Shimin and said softly.

When Li Shimin celebrated his birthday, the ceremony was much bigger than hers!

"Hahaha, I am not happy today! Now there are many things to be rebuilt. Seeing how vigorous our Tang Dynasty is, and you and I are still so young, I feel that I can do anything well!"

Li Shimin laughed heartily and said with great pride.

Now he is only 29 years old, and Empress Changsun is only 26 years old. If it were in the 21st century, life would just set sail, and it would be the time to strive for progress. But the two of them, an emperor and an empress, are already at the top of the world!

However, they would not have thought at this time that if they followed the normal historical trajectory, they would both die young due to illness. Empress Changsun died before she was 35 years old, and she only had nine years left to live.

Of course, they are very happy now, and naturally they will not think about those things of life and death. They only heard Empress Changsun smile and say:

"I wish your majesty great success and peace for future generations."

""Okay, okay, you are the protagonist today, so don't flatter me. Come on, tell me, whose gift are you most looking forward to?"

Li Shimin waved his hand and asked with a smile.

Every birthday, people like them always receive many precious gifts. In fact, they have long stopped caring about rare treasures. Instead, those who are ingenious can be favored.

Therefore, this treasure offering is actually a competition. Whoever is the most thoughtful will be the champion of the competition. Many unpopular princes and princesses will take great pains to prepare gifts at this time to seek the attention of the emperor and empress.

Maybe, this attention can get extra honor and favor, and they will be the same from now on! After all, they are both princesses and princes, but their status is completely different if they are favored to different degrees!

"Looking forward to it? Cheng Qian and Chang Le are still young, and even if they are willing, they are not capable enough. And those ladies, although the gifts they gave are all treasures, I am tired of those things."

Empress Chang Sun rubbed her temples and smiled faintly,

"So, if I were to ask who I was looking forward to the most, I would still look forward to Chen'er's gift.

He is not young, and he is so talented and capable, and he is very filial to me.

I think his gift should be the most unique.

"It's not even the first year of Zhenguan yet.

Even the eldest sons, Li Chengqian and Li Ke, are only seven or eight years old now.

Although children in ancient times were sensible and the children of the royal family achieved success early, they can only gradually mature after the age of ten.

At his age, it is good enough that he can stop being naughty!

Therefore, what Empress Changsun said is still very reasonable. Of course, she also likes Xu Chen the most.

"Humph, that guy boasted that he would overpower the other heroes. I want to see how he overpowers them!"

When Li Shimin heard this, he couldn't help but snorted, as if he was competing with Xu Chen, and said,

"If his gift doesn't pass my test, he won't get any reward today!"

As the emperor and empress, if someone gives them a gift, they naturally have to return the gift, and they have to return something more precious! That's why those ladies are willing to give expensive gifts, because it's a sure win!

However, if the emperor is not happy with a person, he can refuse to reward them. Generally speaking, if this happens, it means that the person has completely fallen out of favor. If you are treated like this, you can be more conscious and leave as soon as possible.

"Your Majesty, why do you always pick on Chen Er? Others have been preparing for a long time, but he just learned the news not long ago. It is understandable that some mistakes were made in a hurry. The gift is not important. The most important thing is his filial piety!"

Empress Changsun looked at Li Shimin and was quite helpless. She tried to comfort him.

She was really afraid that Li Shimin would not give Xu Chen a reward. In that case, the friendship between father and son might be broken. She didn't want it to develop like this. How nice it would be to live in harmony?

"Haha, Guanyin, you don't understand how he and I get along. Even if I really don't give him the reward, believe it or not, he dares to ask me for it in front of everyone!"

Li Shimin stroked his beard and smiled, and replied happily.

"How could I ask you directly for it? This is too rude. Chen'er knows the big picture, but I don't believe he would do such a thing."

Empress Changsun retorted with an expression of disbelief. She felt that after spending the past few days together, she still understood Xu Chen better.

"How about we make a bet? But if you were the one giving the reward, he would definitely not ask for it."

Li Shimin was in a playful mood at this time, and said with certainty,

"If I were to distribute it, he would definitely ask for it! What about the bet? If I lose, what do you want? How about staying in your palace for the next month?"

Stay for a month! For ordinary concubines, this is simply a blessing from heaven, but Empress Changsun shook her head and said unhappily:

"You've found an excuse to come to my palace again. Those concubines will be dissatisfied. How can I rule the harem? In my opinion, if you win, you should stay in my palace for a while. If you lose, you should listen to me and go to other palaces to sit and calm their anger."

PS: It's a little late. I'm sorry!_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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