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This is actually quite taboo in the royal family, but fortunately Empress Zhangsun was quite capable and gave birth to several sons in succession. Except for the eldest prince who has disappeared, Li Chengqian, Li Tai, and other smart princes were all born to the empress.

Therefore, there was not much movement in the court and the country. After all, the empress was very capable! With so many sons, the future emperor will definitely choose from among their legitimate sons, and he won't be nervous.

If the empress has not given birth to a son for a long time, I'm afraid the ministers will have to submit a memorial to remind Li Shimin.……

"Humph, I can go if I want to, and I can stay if I don't want to! It's boring with them, and they are all trembling with fear. It's more interesting here!"

Li Shimin snorted and said with some dissatisfaction.

If the communication with Empress Zhangsun was equal, then the relationship with the concubines was just like the relationship between superiors and subordinates. Apart from having a prettier face, a slimmer figure, or a more prominent family background, there was really nothing special about them.


Empress Changsun was helpless when she heard this. Of course, she was happy that her husband was willing to stick with her, but in many cases, she was more willing to consider the overall situation and sacrifice herself.


There was a crisp sound from the chimes, and the singing and dancing opera had ended. After Eunuch Zhang gave the reward money, the actors also withdrew, and now it was time for the guests to enter.

"Xiao Wu, Qing Quan, you two must not make any mistakes later, especially Xiao Wu, you are the most likely to cause trouble."

Xu Chen had just arrived after making the sunglasses. Seeing the long line outside the Taiji Palace, he was relieved that he was not late. He immediately instructed,

"This is not an ordinary family dinner, it has to be more formal. We are high-quality talents, don’t you understand?"

"I understand, my husband."

Qingquan nodded obediently, holding the long gift box in her hand, she was a little nervous.

They were the emperor and the queen! How could ordinary people have the opportunity to see them? She was originally of humble origin, and she was afraid that the queen would hate her when she saw her, so she was uneasy at the moment.

Xiaowu behaved much more normally. After all, she was the daughter of the Duke and had seen the world. After listening to Xu Chen's instructions, she just stuck out her tongue, nodded and laughed:

"Don't worry, Brother Chen, I don't know what's going on."

There is nothing in this world that can frighten her.

"Well, let's go, let's not be late."

Xu Chen nodded and walked quickly towards the palace. At this time, Eunuch Zhang had just walked out of the palace and glanced at the guests at the door.

Li Chengqian, Li Tai, Li Lizhi, and other princes and princesses stood at the end, belonging to the first echelon.

Now that Li Shimin has just ascended the throne and has not changed the reign title, these seven-year-old and seven-year-old kids have not yet had their own titles.

After the New Year, they will all be princes or princes and princesses!

The second echelon is the Li family, the princesses and daughters of the old princes, the princesses and county princesses and other royal relatives, who are also the most noble group of people in the entire Tang Dynasty.

Further back, there are a group of dukes' wives, such as Cheng Yaojin's wife, Suguo Lady Sun, Fang Xuanling's wife, Liangguo Lady Lu, and so on. Although they are not royal relatives, they are also the most noble women in the Tang Dynasty.

It can be said that today, all the women in the top circles of the entire Tang Dynasty have come to celebrate Empress Changsun's birthday.

""Have all the princes, princesses, princesses, princesses, ladies of state, etc., arrived?"

Eunuch Zhang asked the young eunuch below.

As the chief eunuch, he was naturally very familiar with these people in front of him, but even so, he still had to count them in his mind again to avoid any mistakes.

But after this scan, his brows slightly frowned, as if... there was still a very important and key person who didn't show up.

""Reporting to the eunuch, except for the Divine Marquis Xu Chen, everyone else has arrived."

The little eunuch responded respectfully, his voice was neither too loud nor too soft, just enough for everyone to hear. For a moment, all the royal relatives frowned.

This Xu Chen was too bold, he dared to be late for the Queen's birthday?

"Your Highness hasn't arrived yet?"

Eunuch Zhang looked surprised, then nodded.

"Well, then let's wait a little longer until His Highness arrives, and then we can go to the palace together to celebrate his birthday."

As Li Shimin's close eunuch, he had a scale in his heart. He knew who was less important and who was more important. Just like it was harmless for some people not to come, but some people had to come, and if they didn't come, they had to wait!

And in his heart, Xu Chen obviously belonged to the latter.

The young princes and princesses naturally didn't care about this, and the dukes and wives naturally had no objections, but the royal relatives, old princesses and princesses were a little unhappy, and whispered in private:

"How dare this Xu Chen act so arrogantly? We are already here, but he is not here yet?"

"That's right, didn't he just bring back soldiers and be adopted as a son by His Majesty? After all, he is still a humble man and doesn't know etiquette."

"Now he relies on the favor of His Majesty the Queen to do whatever he wants, but one day His Majesty will be disgusted with his behavior. Haha, you will see what he looks like then!"


These people have always been arrogant because of their noble status and seniority. Even if the emperor saw them, he might have to call them aunt or something like that. They live on this honor.

In other words, the establishment of the Li Tang Dynasty has nothing to do with them. The prosperity and wealth were mainly obtained by having the surname Li or marrying someone with the surname Li. Such people are most likely to look down on others or be jealous.

In their eyes, Xu Chen is nothing at all. No matter how well he does or how much he contributes, he can't compare to them. Why? Because they think that the most noble blood in the world flows in their bodies, and they are nobler than others no matter what.

Yes, they are so mysteriously arrogant.

However, their discussion made Eunuch Zhang a little unhappy, and he said solemnly:

"No noise is allowed in front of the palace gate!"

Just this one sentence silenced the women. They dared not offend the emperor's majesty.

At this moment, Eunuch Zhang saw the three figures not far away, and his brows relaxed immediately. He smiled and greeted them:

"This old servant has been waiting for Your Highness for a long time."

The author's backend of Feilu crashed this afternoon, so I can't upload it. Please understand..._

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