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Zhang is really good at changing his face. He originally had a stern face, but when he saw Xu Chen appear, he immediately smiled, which stunned everyone.

""Eunuch Zhang, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Am I not late?"

Xu Chen greeted Eunuch Zhang and said politely.

So many people were waiting outside, so it seemed that he was indeed a little late.

"Haha, don’t you know whether you are late or not?"

"That's right, you dare to be late today, you are so bold!"

A few sharp female voices came from the second echelon, and Eunuch Zhang's face changed when he heard it, and then he turned to Xu Chen and said repeatedly:

""Not too late, not too late. His Majesty has already ordered that Your Highness should be the first to go in to celebrate the birthday, and the two ladies can sit in the lower right position."

His words made everyone's faces change at the same time. There was envy, jealousy, and awe in their eyes when they looked at Xu Chen. Anyway, the way they looked at Xu Chen was different in an instant.

The ancients paid great attention to status and position. You should sit in the position according to your status, and you cannot exceed it in the slightest! The first seat at the lower right is the highest position after the host, which means that the host family regards him as the most distinguished guest.

And in the palace, this feeling is even more obvious! The emperor and the empress presided over the evening banquet, and the first seat at the lower right was the position where the prince should be! Even now that Li Shimin has not yet appointed a prince, according to etiquette, Li Chengqian should sit there.

But now, he actually arranged for Xu Chen to take the seat. Even a fool can see that this honor is almost beyond the sky!

Could it be that he wanted to train him as a prince just because he adopted an adopted son?

Xu Chengqian was so proud of his son. Many people had such absurd thoughts in their minds, but as soon as the thoughts arose, they were directly wiped out, because this was absolutely impossible! How could the throne of Li Tang be handed over to an adopted son to inherit?

However, the treatment and status that Li Shimin gave to Xu Chen were enough for them to go back and discuss with their husbands at home. In the future, they would have to be more respectful to this divine marquis.

Especially those royal relatives just now, they were already silent at this time, and dared not criticize Xu Chen again. Originally, they could gossip unscrupulously, that was completely because they felt that Xu Chen's status was not as good as theirs, but now?

I'm afraid he is more than two levels higher than them!

With just one sentence from Eunuch Zhang, Xu Chen's status at this time, in the minds of everyone, was like riding a rocket, and it went up quickly. Even the child Li Chengqian looked at Xu Chen with surprise and said with a smile:

"Brother, please give me more advice in the future. Father said that you have great talent and will definitely become a great man in the future."

This little brat started to flatter him right away, and Xu Chen laughed when he heard it, saying:

"Okay, I will give you more advice when I have time, so that you can become a wise ruler."

Xu Chen still sympathized with Li Chengqian's experience. This kid had been controlled too strictly since he was a child, and he didn't have the heart and ability to withstand pressure like Li Shimin, so it was easy for him to turn evil.

Anyway, he didn't have the chance to be an emperor.

"Thank you, my brother."

Although Li Chengqian was young, he was very smart. Naturally, he understood the meaning of Xu Chen's words. His eyes lit up immediately and he thanked him with a smile.

The two of them exchanged words, and everyone behind them was shocked. Li Chengqian was the eldest son of the Tang Dynasty and was very likely to become the crown prince in the future. He was definitely the highest in terms of status, but in front of Xu Chen, he could only act like a good child and listen to his teachings.

The key point was that Xu Chen really spoke to Li Chengqian in the tone of an older brother! This adopted son seemed to be a real older brother...

At this time, the other princes and princesses also greeted Xu Chen enthusiastically, politely and respectfully, and Xu Chen smiled one by one. Greetings, friendly exchanges, and getting to know each other.

These brothers and sisters are quite interesting, the smart Li Chengqian, the fat Li Tai, the calm Li Ke, the lovely Li Lizhi, etc., all of them are very distinctive and unique, they are truly the best among men.

Of course, in front of Xu Chen, no matter whether you are a dragon or a phoenix, you have to obey him, otherwise he will not care whether you are a legitimate son or a concubine's son, and will teach you a lesson.

In just a short while, Xu Chen actually took the dominant position among this group of brothers and sisters, and firmly suppressed this group of future princes and princesses. This ability alone is enough to astonish others.

If these people are the so-called dragon sons and daughters, then Xu Chen is now the master of dragon taming.……

"Your Highness, it's time to go in and celebrate the birthday."

Eunuch Zhang interrupted Xu Chen's conversation with the princes and princesses at the right time and said respectfully,

"Your Majesty and the Queen are waiting here."

If Li Shimin knew that Xu Chen was chatting and telling jokes with these little brats outside, he would be furious.

"Oh, yes, I was so engrossed in the conversation that I forgot about it. Let's go in."

Xu Chen patted his head and nodded, then led Xiao Wu and Qing Quan into the Taiji Palace with ease.


You actually forgot about such a big thing? You really have a big heart!

"Ahem...Your Highness, you're the second one."

Eunuch Zhang coughed awkwardly and turned to Li Chengqian and said

""Okay, eunuch."

Li Chengqian was much more well-behaved, smiled politely at eunuch Zhang, and then followed behind Xu Chen.

Then, Li Tai, Li Lizhi, Li Ke and other children followed, and the three echelons entered the Taiji Palace in an orderly manner according to their respective status. As soon as he entered the palace, Xu Chen saw Li Shimin and Zhangsun Huangxi sitting high in the center of the hall. He was not in a hurry, and slowly stepped onto the steps, walked in front of the two, and saluted with a smile:

"Chen Er pays respects to his father, the emperor and his mother, and wishes his mother a happy birthday."

Xiao Wu and Qing Quan behind him also quickly knelt down and said in unison:

"The daughter-in-law pays respects to the father and mother, and wishes the mother a happy birthday."

In such a formal occasion, Xu Chen still has to call"father and mother", otherwise it would lose the dignity of the royal family."Old Li" and"mother" are fine to call in private, but it is not appropriate to bring it to the table.

"Haha, happy birthday? What new word did you create?"

Li Shimin laughed and stroked his beard.

"You are a kid who always likes to do new things, even your words are different from others."

"What are you standing there for? Hurry up and serve tea to your mother!"

Yes, the backstage crashed again just now..._

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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