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"Yes, please have some tea, mother."

Xu Chen took the tea that had been prepared long ago and handed it to Empress Changsun with both hands.

""Okay, okay."

Empress Changsun looked at her adopted son and felt closer to him. She took the tea with a smile and drank a big sip before putting it down and said with a smile,

"Happy birthday? This phrase is concise and unique. Chen Er is thoughtful."

Creating a special word to congratulate her on her birthday is thoughtful!

""Thank you for the compliment, mother. This is a new word I created just for you."

Xu Chen said shamelessly. No matter what happened in later generations, he was the first to use this word in the Tang Dynasty. He was thick-skinned and could naturally say that he"created" it."

"Go, go down! Cheng Qian is waiting!"

Empress Changsun was about to say a few more words to Xu Chen, but Li Shimin waved his hand impatiently and ordered


Xu Chen couldn't help but spit when he heard this, and rolled his eyes at Li Shimin, and then he said to Empress Zhangsun.���He bowed again, took Xiao Wu and Qing Quan back, and sat down safely.

"Your Majesty, you are……"

Empress Changsun was confused about what Li Shimin meant and complained,

"Why do you want Chen Er to leave so quickly? I haven't said a word to him yet."

In her opinion, Li Shimin was deliberately making things difficult for Xu Chen, which naturally made her feel a little unhappy. After all, today was her birthday, but why was Li Shimin still in charge?

The key point was that she really wanted to chat with Xu Chen, especially Xiao Wu and Qing Quan behind him. She also wanted to ask about his family situation and personality, but all of a sudden, everything was messed up by Li Shimin.

"Oh, Cheng Qian is waiting for you, you can't be partial to him."

Li Shimin pretended to be serious and said seriously,

"Besides, you can talk again after the gift is presented. There is no need to rush."Having said that, he was actually observing Xu Chen's expression with his peripheral vision. Seeing that Xu Chen's expression did not change at all, he frowned slightly.

He was thinking, how can I provoke this kid so that he can ask for a reward from me?

At this time, Li Chengqian also came up, saluted and greeted the two of them in a proper manner, and said:

"Cheng Qian pays respects to his father and mother, and wishes her a happy birthday."

Otherwise, how can you say this kid is smart? As soon as Xu Chen finished speaking, he learned it right after!

"You, kid, are very quick at learning to speak like your brother, but why are you so slow at studying?"

When Li Shimin faced Li Chengqian, the majesty of the emperor emerged, and he said seriously,

"You must not forget your studies and riding skills, and you must not practice them too often. Diligence makes you proficient, while laziness makes you lazy. Do you understand?"

He actually had high hopes for Li Chengqian. He thought that if he could not find his son, he would make Li Chengqian the crown prince. Then, he would have to achieve perfection in all aspects.

In fact, his father's scolding at any time and place was the main reason why Li Chengqian's psychology gradually became distorted.

"Got it, Father."

Li Chengqian had a mischievous smile on his face, but now he lowered his head and said obediently, like a child who had done something wrong.

""Aiya, Your Majesty, since today is my birthday, please stop scolding Chengqian. He will also improve slowly."

Empress Changsun looked at the pitiful Li Chengqian and waved her hand quickly,

"Come, come to your mother's place, have some fun today."

As she said this, she handed the cake in her hand to him, with a doting look in her eyes. After all, he was her own flesh and blood, so how could she bear to scold him?

""I invite you to have some tea, mother."

Li Chengqian regained some composure after hearing Empress Changsun's words of comfort. He handed the tea over and said respectfully,

"Hey, hey, Chengqian is good."

Empress Changsun took the tea and took a sip. Although it was not as much as Xu Chen's cup just now, it was definitely not a small amount. This also shows the importance of Li Chengqian in her mind.

""I invite you to have some tea, Father."

Li Chengqian turned to look at Li Shimin. Although there was a hint of fear in his eyes, he still handed the tea over respectfully and said,


Li Shimin nodded calmly, took the tea, took a sip symbolically, and said,

"I know you are a playful person, you don't like reading but you like riding and shooting, but this is not what a royal child should do, understand? I am not blaming you, if you are 14 and have half the talent and wisdom of your royal brother, I will let you go, how about that?"After drinking tea, he couldn't help but want to criticize Li Chengqian, this time he also brought up Xu Chen as a positive example, so that Empress Changsun could not refute.

Because she also felt that if Chengqian could be as good as Xu Chen, then she wouldn't have to worry.

""Thank you for your teachings, father. I will keep them in mind and learn from you, my brother."

Li Chengqian said in a low voice, lowering his head.

In fact, he was already accustomed to the way he got along with Li Shimin. When facing a powerful man like his father, if he couldn't stand up to him, he could only choose to obey.

For example, Xu Chen was able to stand up to Li Shimin without losing. He was actually quite envious of him, but he didn't have the strength and wisdom of Xu Chen. If he was to say that he was envious, it was a little bit too much.

"Well, step down and sit next to your brother. Ask him for advice when you have time. The knowledge he has dug out from his teeth will be enough for you to use for a while."

Li Shimin waved his hand and said casually.

Xu Chen, who was sitting below:"???"

Why does it sound so disgusting? And between my teeth...are the gaps between my teeth that big?


Li Chengqian stepped back and sat down next to Xu Chen. He bowed to him again and said respectfully,

"Cheng Qian is ignorant, please teach me and educate me in the future."

This attitude is obviously the lowest. For a seven or eight-year-old child to achieve this level, you can imagine how much pressure Li Shimin put on him.

"Why are you being so polite? We are brothers! If you want to hang out with me in the future, I will take you to eat delicious food, drink spicy drinks, and have sex with women... Well, anyway, I will help you study and improve, and that's all!"

Xu Chen waved his hand and said it in a very casual manner, almost saying something he shouldn't have said.

His words finally made Li Chengqian's eyes flash with a strange light, and he asked:

"Really, brother? Then I will follow you!"

Li Shimin:"……"

Empress Changsun:"……"

The couple were both very upset when they heard this.

How can you educate your brother like this? You are leading him into a ditch!

PS: The next chapter will be at midnight..._

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