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, Li Tai and others came forward to pay respects and serve tea, but at this moment, Empress Changsun only moistened her lips symbolically and stopped drinking tea. As time went on, she became more casual. For example, when she saw that Wu Wang Li Ke, Princess Xiangcheng and other princes and princesses were not her own, she just nodded and put down the tea.

Later, those royal relatives and relatives did not even have the qualifications to serve tea. They just came up to pay respects, went through the process and left, and stayed for less than three seconds.

At this time, Empress Changsun's aura of being the mother of the country was also revealed. Among all the women in the world, she was the most respected. She could order and reprimand all the noble ladies present at will.

For example, when she saw some princesses and princesses who were not in accordance with etiquette, she would directly educate them. It was extremely natural for a 26-year-old queen to educate those 34-year-old women, without the slightest embarrassment.

Those who were being trained all obeyed obediently and did not dare to disobey.

After one stick of incense, everyone had greeted and congratulated each other, and sat down one after another. The entire hall was now full, and everyone looked at Empress Changsun with a serious face, waiting for her training. Only the first table was empty.……

"Come, eat, eat more. The food in this palace is different. The osmanthus cake is made so delicately, Qingquan, would you like to try it?"

"Well, Xiao Wu, I've given you too much life essence recently. I'm afraid you might be getting a little irritated. Come, eat some mung bean cake to moisten your body."

"Chengqian! You are not allowed to drink your brother's wine secretly. If you want to drink, go ask Eunuch Zhang for it yourself!"

Xu Chen was the most relaxed person in the whole place. He ate and drank casually as if he was at home, and talked in a low voice. Although his voice was not loud, no one in the whole hall spoke. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Obviously, everyone could hear him talking like this.

At this time, Li Shimin's face was full of black lines, especially when he saw Li Chengqian secretly drinking Xu Chen's wine, he couldn't help but want to get angry, but Empress Zhangsun laughed and said softly:

""Chen'er, Gao Ming, do you have enough cakes? If not, mother has more."

As she said that, she really called the maid beside her and handed over the snacks on her table to Xu Chen and Li Chengqian.

Such favor, the princesses and ladies who saw it were envious. This was no longer favor, this was simply spoiling. Even Li Shimin shook his head helplessly, but there was nothing he could do.

After all, the protagonist today was still Empress Zhangsun.

"Thank you, mother."

Xu Chen then remembered to give his mother some face, and smiled embarrassedly. After taking the cake, he stopped talking and sat down obediently. Li Chengqian also stuck out his tongue and left his brother's seat. Before leaving, he secretly grabbed a piece of cake.

"Well, today we invite everyone here for a simple party. You don't have to be too reserved. Just be casual like Chen'er and Cheng Qian. I'll offer you a glass of wine first."

Empress Changsun looked down at everyone, and saw that everyone's faces were a little tense. She couldn't help but smile slightly, raised the wine glass in her hand, and toasted to all directions. Then she took a sip and said,


After she finished speaking, everyone picked up their glasses and took a sip of wine. Even if they were drinking, they didn't dare to drink too much, for fear of causing trouble. If they made a fool of themselves in such an occasion, it would be a black mark for their whole life.

Only Li Shimin and Xu Chen didn't care much, they drank a full glass, and even felt that it was not enough.

"Queen, should we order the music first, or let them present the gifts first?"

Li Shimin looked at Empress Changsun and asked with a smile. Since it was Empress Changsun's birthday, he would naturally ask for her opinion on everything. He did not follow his own temper just because he was the emperor.

"Let's order some songs first. There's no rush for presenting gifts. Let's have fun first."

Changsun shook her head and made a decision. She was not someone who particularly cared about gifts. Instead, she valued the thought and everyone's feelings. It was already quite restrained to come to a banquet. Everyone had to relax. In this era, the only way to have entertainment was to listen to operas and watch plays. Therefore, this was the highlight of the banquet. As soon as she said this, a palace maid came up with a booklet and asked the Queen to order some songs.

"Hmm... let me see."

Empress Changsun took the book and scanned it for several times. For a moment, she didn't know what to choose. Suddenly, she looked at Xu Chen and asked with a smile,

"Chen'er, if you have any plays you want to hear or dances you want to see, tell your mother and she will help you choose."

She didn't choose for herself, but let Xu Chen choose. This was another extremely important signal in the eyes of everyone...

Anyway, as for today's incident, they must go back and tell their family that Xu Chen is protected by Empress Zhangsun, and she is a particularly reliable backer. They must not provoke this kid!

"Me? I don't have anything to suggest. Ask Father to suggest. I don't care."

Xu Chen pointed at himself, a little confused. He didn't understand this stuff at all, so he could only speak casually.

For him, there was only one entertainment activity in ancient times, that is, making children. Apart from making children, the other things were simply boring. In comparison, fighting and hunting were relatively interesting. However, after defeating the Turks, the novelty of fighting was basically over, so he basically had no entertainment activities now. If he had to say that there were any, apart from making children, it would be doing scientific research.

"Is that so? In that case, let Your Majesty order it."

Empress Changsun nodded, and handed the booklet to Li Shimin, saying softly,

"Your Majesty, please order some music."

Since my son doesn't want to order, let my husband order it... Hey, isn't this order a little wrong?

"Hum, now I remember me……"

Li Shimin was quite unhappy. He felt that after Xu Chen came, Empress Changsun didn't pay much attention to him. This kid was threatening his position! However, even though he thought so in his heart, he still took the book, glanced at it, and ordered:

"Since it is the Queen's birthday, let's order"A Hundred Birds Pay Homage to the Phoenix"!"_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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